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Name: Marteja, Angelo Louis B.

Date: Apr 11, 2024

Course & Year: BSAc 1st yr Class code & Schedule: GELECT 2 TTH 12:30-2PM
Gender & Society 2 (GELECT 2)
3rd Grading Period-FINALS
Lesson 12: Activity 9

Answer the following questions in 5-8 sentences ONLY. FIle format to be submitted
should be in PDF copy

1. How does gender-based violence affect the physical, emotional, and

psychological well-being of survivors? (10 pts.)
Gender-based violence has profound effects on survivors' physical, emotional, and
psychological well-being. Physically, survivors may experience injuries ranging from
bruises to fractures or even chronic health issues. Emotionally, they often struggle with
feelings of fear, shame, guilt, and low self-worth, which can lead to anxiety, depression,
and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Psychologically, survivors may have difficulty
trusting others, forming healthy relationships, and coping with everyday stressors. These
impacts can be long-lasting, affecting not just the survivor but also their families and

2. What laws and policies are in place to address gender-based violence in your
country or region? How effective are these measures in providing protection and justice
for survivors? (10 pts.)
In many countries, including the United States, there are laws and policies in place to
address gender-based violence. These include criminal laws against domestic violence,
sexual assault, stalking, and harassment, as well as civil protections such as restraining
orders and victim compensation programs. Additionally, there are specific laws like the
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in the U.S. that provide funding for victim services
and support.

However, the effectiveness of these measures varies. While they have improved access
to justice and support for survivors, challenges remain. These include underreporting
due to fear or stigma, inadequate resources for prevention and intervention programs,
and systemic barriers that can hinder survivors' access to justice, especially for
marginalized communities. Ongoing efforts are needed to strengthen these laws and
policies, increase awareness and prevention efforts, and ensure comprehensive support
for survivors.
3. What actions can individuals take to challenge gender-based violence in their
personal lives, communities, and spheres of influence? (10 pts.)
Individuals can challenge gender-based violence by educating themselves on its
dynamics, speaking out against harmful attitudes, supporting survivors with empathy
and resources, promoting a culture of consent and respect, getting involved in relevant
organizations, and modeling healthy behaviors. These actions can have a ripple effect,
influencing personal relationships, community norms, and broader societal attitudes
toward gender equality and violence prevention.

Rubric for checking:

2 points 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points

Answer is clearly Answer is partial Answer is not Answer is Answer is
thought out and or incomplete. comprehensive accurate comprehensive,
articulated. Key points are or and complete. accurate and
Spelling, not clear. completely Key complete. Key
punctuation, Question not stated. point is stated idea is
grammar, and adequately Key point is and clearly stated,
complete answered. addressed, but supported. explained, and
sentences are Spelling, not Spelling, well
NOT observed. punctuation, well supported. punctuation, supported.
grammar, and Spelling, grammar, and Well organized,
complete punctuation, complete coherently
sentences are grammar, and sentence developed,
adequately complete is adequately and easy to
observed. sentence is observed. follow.


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