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Marteja, Angelo Louis B.


1. What lesson or activity did I enjoy most? Why?

The activity I enjoyed the most is the family survival plan because it unlocks my creativity. I had fun also
because I can design our house the way I like it to be. With that activity, I can share the escape route to
my family incase some emergency happens. This will be very helpful not only for me but also to them.
They will have the knowledge on what to do incase of an emergency.

2. What is the most important lesson which I can apply in my daily life?
I think the most important lesson to which I can apply is the awareness on disaster and on how to lessen
risk by having the right knowledge and awareness on disasters. It is a very big help especially to people
like me because I’m a newbie here in Baguio. I get to know some do’s and don’t before, during and after
a disaster.

3. What are the new insights/discoveries that I learned?

I have a few discoveries that I learned. One of which is the things to prepare before an event of disaster
happens. One example is medical kit, it can be very useful when a disaster happens. I also learned the
contents of a medical kit like bandages, medicines, extra batteries, flashlight and more.

4. What topic/s do I find least important?

Honestly, all the topics that were discussed is important at all. All of the information that was given to us
will be very useful in the future. I get to know what the laws are and what city ordinances Baguio have.
All of the information we absorbed is very timely and relevant especially in today’s era where the earth is
suffocating in pollution and population. I can confidently say that all the topic is important.

5. What possible topics should have been included?

I think topics that should be included would be:
1. Tips on everyday safety
2. Awareness to the city’s rules and regulation and;
3. How to make a survival floor plan.
I think these three should be included especially the third because I personally didn’t know how to make
a survival floor plan. I had to research and watch some YouTube videos just to know how to make one.

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