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Research Questionnaires questions based on the specific objects of the

research in the studies area. Both structured open ended and closed ended.

Open ended Questionnaires

Objective 1

1. To explore the level of food safety knowledge among food handlers in Dodola, from
July 2023 – May, 2024

Closed-ended questions:

1- Are you aware of the common symptoms of foodborne illnesses?( Strongly agree, Agree,
Disagree )

`2- Can you identify the proper way to handle and store raw meat to prevent cross-
contamination? (Yes, No, no understand )

`3- Are you familiar with the potential hazards associated with improper food handling?(Yes/No)

4- Which of the following is an example of a high-risk food? (Options: Raw eggs, Fresh fruits,
Bottled water, Bread)

5- True or False: Washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds is sufficient to remove
harmful bacteria.

6- True or False: Raw meats should be stored above ready-to-eat foods in the refrigerator.

7- Which of the following is an example of a food safety hazard? (Options:

A) Clean kitchen utensils, B) Raw chicken, C) Cooked vegetables, D) Pre-packaged snacks)

8- How often should food handlers wash their hands during food preparation?

(Options: A) Every hour, B) Before and after handling food, C) Once a day, D) Only after using
the restroom)

Open-ended questions:
1. How familiar are you with the basic principles of food safety and hygiene?

2. Are you aware of the potential health risks associated with improper food handling practices?

3. Do you have knowledge of the specific food safety regulations and guidelines set forth by
local authorities in Dodola?______________________________________

4. Have you received any formal training or education on food safety practices?

5. How well do you understand the importance of proper temperature control in food handling?

Objective 2

2. To determine the attitudes of food handlers towards food safety in Dodola, from July
2023 – May, 2024

Open-ended questions:

1. Do you believe that food safety is important in your role as a food handler?

2. Do you prioritize food safety over other aspects of your job?


3. Do you believe that adhering to food safety standards is a shared responsibility among all food

5. Are you receptive to feedback or suggestions for improvement regarding your food handling
techniques?______________________________________________________________6. Do
you believe that continuous education and training on food safety are essential for all food
Closed-ended questions:

1- On a scale of 1 to 5, how important is food safety in your workplace? (Options: 1 - Not at all
important, 5 - Very important)

2- Have you ever received training on food safety? (Options: Yes, No, Not sure)

3- How likely are you to report a food safety violation in your workplace? (Options: Very likely,
Somewhat likely, Not likely)

4- How important do you believe food safety practices are in your role as a food handler? (Scale:
Very important, somewhat important, not important)

5- Do you prioritize food safety over other aspects of your job? (Scale: Yes, No)

6- Do you believe that continuous education and training on food safety are essential for all food
handlers? (Scale: Strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree)

Objective 3

3. To evaluate the hygienic practices followed by food handlers in Dodola, from July 2023 –
May, 2024

Closed-ended questions:

1- Do you wear gloves when handling ready-to-eat foods? (Options: Always, Sometimes, Never)

2- How often do you sanitize cutting boards and other food contact surfaces? (Options: Every
hour, Every 4 hours, Every 8 hours, Once a day)

3- True or False: It is safe to eat leftover food if it has been refrigerated for more than three days.

4- On a scale of 1 to 5, how important do you believe it is to have regular food safety training
sessions? (Options: 1 - Not important, 5 - Very important)

5- Do you feel that your managers/employers provide sufficient resources and training for
maintaining food safety standards? (Options: Yes, No, Not sure)
6- Would you be willing to report a coworker who consistently violates food safety protocols?
(Options: Yes, No, Maybe)

7- How often do you use a food thermometer to check the internal temperatures of cooked foods?
(Scale: Always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, never)

Open-ended questions:

1.Do you follow proper procedures for cleaning and sanitizing surfaces and utensils?

2. Are you careful to separate raw and cooked foods to prevent cross-contamination?

3. Do you use personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and hairnets while handling

4. Are you knowledgeable about the proper storage conditions for different types of food?

Objective 4

4. To identify the associated factors influencing food safety knowledge, attitudes, and
hygienic practices among food handlers in Dodola, from July 2023 – May, 2024

Closed-ended questions:

1- Have you received any food safety training in the past year? (Options: Yes, No, Not sure)

2- Do you feel that your supervisor provides enough support for food safety practices in your
workplace? (Options: Yes, No, Not sure)

3- What is your gender? (Options: Male, Female, Non-binary)

4- What is your highest level of education completed? (Options: Primary school, Secondary
school, Technical or vocational training, University degree)
5- What is your monthly household income range? (Options: Below average, Average, Above

6- How long have you been working in the Restaurants for food handling? (Options: Less than 1
year, 1-5 years, 6-10 years, More than 10 years)

7 - What is your age range? (Options: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55 and above)

8- How often do you clean and sanitize kitchen utensils during food preparation? (Options:
Every hour, Every 4 hours, Every 8 hours, Once a day)

Open-ended questions:

1. What is your age and gender?______________________________________

2. How many years of experience do you have working as a food handler?


3. What is your educational background, and have you received any formal education or training
on food handling or safety?__________________________________________

4. Do you believe that socioeconomic factors such as income and job stability have any bearing
on food safety knowledge and practices?_____________________________________________

5. Are there any language barriers that might hinder effective communication and understanding
of food safety guidelines?

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