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Survey Questioner



Directions: Below are the statement of effectiveness of professional development

towards student achievement. Please put check [✓] if the effectiveness have been

applied in Gingoog Christian College.

Rating Verbal Description

4 Strong Agree

3 Agree

2 Disagree

1 Strong Disagree

Part 1 . Comprised of the item about level of students achievement during the first

grading period.

Rating Statement 4 3 2 1

1.It's evident that many students have achieved impressive

academic milestones, demonstrating their dedication and hard


2.The education system often places too much pressure on

students to perform well academically, which can have negative

consequences on their mental health and well-being.

3. Some schools and educators have implemented effective

teaching methods and support systems that contribute to higher

student achievement.

4. Standardized tests and assessments can provide a reasonable

measure of student achievement in certain subjects.

5.Focusing solely on test scores can be misleading, as it doesn't

consider other important aspects of education, such as creativity,

critical thinking, and practical skills.

6. Student achievement varies widely due to numerous factors

such as socioeconomic background, access to resources, and

individual learning styles, making it challenging to make blanket

statements about overall achievement.

7. Many believe that students' achievement levels have increased

due to better access to educational resources, such as online

learning materials, tutoring services, and advanced technology.

8. Supporters argue that standardized testing helps measure

students' achievement objectively and allows for comparisons

between different schools and regions.

9.Some believe that an overemphasis on standardized testing

can lead to a narrow focus on test preparation rather than holistic

learning, limiting students' true potential.

10. Critics argue that there is a significant achievement gap

between students from different socioeconomic backgrounds,

suggesting that not all students have equal opportunities for


Part 2. Comprised of the item about the effectiveness of professional development

towards student achievement.

Rating Statement 4 3 2 1

1. Professional development in education refers to ongoing

training and learning opportunities provided to teachers and

educators to enhance their skills, knowledge, and teaching


2. Common forms of professional development for teachers

include workshops, conferences, seminars, online courses,

mentoring programs, and collaborative planning with colleagues.

3.Professional development can positively impact student

achievement by equipping teachers with new strategies, tools,

and knowledge to deliver more effective instruction, adapt to

diverse student needs, and stay updated on best practices.

4.Numerous studies have shown a positive correlation between

effective professional development and increased student

achievement. Research highlights the importance of sustained

and job-embedded development for lasting impact.

5.Schools can ensure effectiveness by aligning professional

development with school goals, providing ongoing support, using

data to inform training, encouraging teacher collaboration, and

evaluating the impact on student outcomes.

6.Teacher motivation is crucial. When educators are motivated to

engage in professional development, they are more likely to apply

what they've learned in the classroom, leading to improved

student achievement.

7. Schools can measure impact through various methods, such

as analyzing student test scores, conducting classroom

observations, collecting feedback from teachers and students,

and tracking changes in teaching practices.

8. Common challenges include limited time and resources, one-

size-fits-all approaches, resistance to change, and the need for

sustained support and follow-up after training.

9. Effective leadership is essential for creating a culture of

continuous learning and providing the necessary resources and

support for professional development to thrive.

10. Best practices include personalized learning plans, active

engagement, a focus on practical skills, collaboration, ongoing

support, and alignment with school and district goals.

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