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Ella Argentati

60695 Trebor Drive

South Lyon, MI 48178
(248) 500-8999

April 4th, 2024

Social Media - Graphic Design Manager

Sterling Heights MI, 48178

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to you today to address my excitement towards your open position as a Social
Media-Graphic Design Manager, which I saw on a posting on The strong sense of
excitement towards social media and designing that is broadcasted by your company makes me
believe I truly am the right fit. I know I will be a valuable asset to the team and can contribute my
creativity into the work produced.

I recently started taking computer classes to improve my knowledge with online software along with
expanding my previous knowledge in photoshop and editing photographs. Qualifications mentioned
were making visually appealing visual marketing pieces and packaging. I have full confidence I can
complete those tasks. I have previous records of many original pieces of artwork made with multiple
different media, making me extremely qualified for this position because of my ability to be original in
my work.

While building my physical art portfolio in previous years, I have also been working on my digital
portfolio. I have included the link to my art portfolio
( for you to look at my skills and
abilities for this position. I have multiple pieces of videos, photos, posters, and much more that fit the
requirements of this position. During my time building these portfolios I have learned a large amount
of problem solving and critical thinking. I have been able to quickly learn new things and adapt to

I truly believe that I have the dedication and skills to take on this position as a Social Media–Graphic
Design Manager. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss this position,
and I am more than willing to make myself available at your convenience. Thank you for your time and
consideration of my application.


Ella Argentati


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