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DMA Kingdom – Pauly counterevidence

1. Launch of BossCFW, on December 24, 2023 Pauly created his own Firmware
business called "Bosscfw”. Pauly dmed to make our owner (Diversity) to leave
a positive review for Bosscfw. As Bosscfw is a different provider of firmware
than us so called "competition”. Diversity did not want to discredit his own
business to vouch for Bosscfw. Bosscfw's consultant at that time was the
Firmware developer named “Ithalove”

Pauly left DMA Kingdom for Bosscfw.

As mentioned above Pauly wanted to get a vouch from DMA Kingdom for his
own business, he started pressuring for it.
Diversity was told that Pauly was not trying to backstab him

Pauly knew who our developer was and he used that as "leverage” to have
DMA Kingdom rep for him, from this point we knew he was not good business.

At this time Diversity did not want to let people know who his developer is.
As Bosscfw did not start out well, Pauly demanded that he rejoins DMA
Kingdom to sell his 75t chipset DMA Board Firmware or he would ”expose”
who our developer is.
DMA Kingdom accepted this as we were not planning on letting people know
who our developer is nor did we want drama aka we were getting blackmailed
on if we did not let him back in.
Pauly said he will disband Bosscfw for us.
However this did not last long.
BossCFW was up again after merely 10 days.
We were aware of this but as we did not want drama / being known who our
Firmware developer was we did not say anything of it.

In this time we have hired a other developer which means Pauly's "leverage”
has gotten invalid. We could break ties at anytime but we didn't as it was a
friend of Diversity and we never have any intend of harm.
Still after this Paulyd kept claiming we sell IthaLove Firmware and BDE
Firmware and Toaboa Firmware. He does not know who our developer is and
he will not know so and it is not any of the above.
2. Dystopia

At the start of DMA Kingdom someone named "Dystopia” reached out to our
owner Diversity for a deal. The deal was that Dystopia would make a Escape
From Tarkov DMA cheat for DMA Kingdom and this was a awesome idea as we
also wanted to sell DMA Software.

January 4, 2024
On this day a customer of us named "Joshua” bought EAC/BE/VGK Firmware
and he told us that he already wasted $150 on valorant firmware that did not
work. We asked him who he bought from and he said it was our EFT DMA
Cheat developer "Dystopia”. We asked him how the transaction went and he
showed his DMs with Dystopia. Dystopia used the reputation and vouches of
DMA Kingdom to sell his own made Firmware which did NOT work. Joshua was
getting 30 mb/s speeds when VGK was running. Dystopia did not do any kind
of troubleshooting with Joshua incase the issue lies somewhere else than the
We gave Dystopia a deadline to either give Joshua a refund or working
firmware within 3 days since this deal was made with the reputation of DMA
Dystopia ignored the DMs and this led to his ban on January 6, 2024.

Joshua received working Firmware from DMA Kingdom and never got any kind
of compensation from Dystopia till this day.

How does this relate to Paulyd? Paulyd will use Dystopia to make DMA
Kingdom bad so we have provided how the situation really went.

3. Pauly Continuation

31 January, 2024
Bosscfw is still going and Paulyd is still selling Firmware in DMA Kingdom but
his EAC/BE/VGK Firmware does not work anymore and it still is not up.

David Lee is a reputable DMA Firmware provider, Paulyd was support in David
Lee's server.
Paulyd was set as scammer in David Lee's server because he was messaging
potentential customers of David Lee in private to buy his firmware (Bosscfw).
Essentially stealing clients from David Lee.
We are now starting to see a pattern regarding claimed "scammers” by
bosscfw / Paulyd.
Bosscfw / Paulyd brung this David Lee drama to DMA Kingdom which we again
did not want, we warned him. Paulyd was a moderater at DMA Kingdom at this
time. He continued with it and our patience was being tested heavily as he so
far did the following:
- Tried to use DMA Kingdom's reputation for his own business.
- Blackmailed DMA Kingdom.
- Scam a Firmware provider by stealing clients.
- Not keeping up to his promises as relaunching Bosscfw.
- Starting drama as moderater of DMA Kingdom.

This is not all.

Paulyd did not get the treatment he wanted expected though he did not see
the things he did.
When DMA Kingdom had a sale, Bosscfw / Paulyd had a sale but always
undercutting us, we did not mind as we understand Bosscfw / Paulyd wants to
make some money.
Paulyd hires people from and fiverr, people that were not able
to make non-emulated VGK Firmware unlike our developer which we assume
hurt his ego.

U can also see all the applicants that were his potential developers.

The following screenshots Paulyd made are him claiming that DMA Kingdom
sells pooled firmware:
None of this was about DMA Kingdom. This was Paulyd convincing himself to
sell pooled firmware in his business (Bosscfw) and asked how much users
should be on pooled.

We recently partered with the reputable business called ”asdfWARE”.

We would advertise their Spoofer and CS2 league boosting which and
asdfWARE would resell our Custom Firmware. Once again Paulyd draws the
partnership out of context, iThaLove is support in that business and Paulyd
claims that is why the partnership exists. The partnership is related to making
connections and business it's not established to cooperate with a different
developer ”iThaLove”. This led to Paulyd calling asdfWARE scammers and
refering to them as ”opps” aka enemies.
In the following screenshot you can see how Boss is using Dystopia to make
DMA Kingdom look bad hence why we explained what Dystopia did above and
why he is no longer in cooperation with DMA Kingdom.

January 5, 2024

Pauly is removed from DMA Kingdom and is acting out everywhere

and to anyone. Posting screenshots in OnlyUD to make it look like
Diversity is selling pooled Firmware while this was drawn out of
context as you can see above and claiming we are now selling New
Project Firmware.
We currently do NOT sell new project Firmware and we absolutely
do NOT sell pooled Firmware and NEVER did.


Paulyd brought Diversity's kid in the heat of his ego.

This is the must disgusting thing someone can do and
we will never think so otherwise and we will never
forgive him for this.
We will now once again rank up what Paulyd did:
- Tried to use DMA Kingdom's reputation for his own business.
- Blackmailed DMA Kingdom.
- Scam a Firmware provider by stealing clients.
- Not keeping up to his promises as relaunching Bosscfw.
- Starting drama as moderater of DMA Kingdom.
- Calling the business asdfWARE scammers.
- Calling DMA Kingdom scammers.
- Attacking Diversity personally by bringing the kid of Diversity in.

We are unsure why Paulyd did any of this, we believe it is to promote his own
business or satisfy his ego. We hope to have cleared up the situation with this
document and if there any questions please refer to diversity999 or bigfish1.

Thank you for trusting DMA Kingdom.

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