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DAILY School

Southern Luzon State

Grade Level
Year Collage
LESSON University
PLAN Teacher Ma. Nodie S. Ponpon Learning Area
Teaching Dates 2nd Semester
and Time

Session 1

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Understand what is Pandas' data structures and functions for data manipulation and
A. Cognitive
B. Psychomotor Discuss the introduction of pandas.

C. Affective Share what you have learned about pandas.



A. References
Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal

 Smart TV
B. Other Learning Resources  Laptop
 Power Point Presentation

Start with prayer lead by the selected student.

Motivation: "Padayon sa pag-ampo, pagtoo, ug pagdeterminar. Walay imposible

sa usa ka determinadong kasingkasing."

Classroom Rules:

1. Respect each other - Treat your classmate with respect and kindness.
A. Prayer and Motivation
2. Listen Actively - Pay attention when someone is speaking, including the teacher
and fellow students.

3. Be prepared - Come to class on time with knowledge.

4. Participate - Participate actively in class discussions, Ask questions when you

need clarification.

For the review the previous lessons. I will call students to share what they have learned
B. Review of Previous Lessons
from the previous lesson.

Let us determine how much you already know about the pandas.
C. Presenting examples/
Let’s have a oral recitation.
instances of the new lesson
Can any of you give an insight about pandas.

D. Activities Activity :
Explore and understand what is pandas make a some research about this.

Divide the class into two groups, each group will present what they gather.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
(Very Good) (Good) (Fair) (Poor)
Accuracy All the Most of the There are 50%of the
details of details of the some details of the
the presentation details of presentation
presentatio are accurate the are inaccurate
n are to presentatio to
accurate to the given n are the given
the given object. inaccurate object.
object. to
the given
The student The student The student The student
Timeliness was able to was able to was able to was able to do
do the do the do the the activity 4
activity activity on activity 2 minutes late to
before the time. minutes late the given time.
given time. to the given
Presentation The student The student The student The student
was able to was able to was able to wasn’t able to
present the present the present the present the
activity activity activity, activity
smoothly, smoothly, with smoothly and
without any without interruptio many
interruptio minimal n. interruption.
n. interruption.
After the activity, one questions will be asked to each student:
E. Developing mastery
1. What is pandas?
F. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson
G. Finding practical
We’re touching the affective objective on this part. You may ask them to reflect on things
applications of concepts and
they’ve learned. You can assess them here as well for the affective domain. You can ask
skills in daily living
them what they’ve learned.
H. Evaluating learning On this part, we do quizzes. We are going to assess the cognitive part of the lesson.

1. What is the primary data structure in pandas for storing structured data?
a) Array
b) Series
c) DataFrame
d) List

2. Which of the following file formats can pandas read data from?
a) CSV
b) XML
d) All of the above

3. Which pandas function is used to drop rows with missing values from a DataFrame?
a) dropna()
b) fillna()
c) isna()
d) droprows()

4. Which pandas method is used to group data in a DataFrame based on specified criteria?
a) groupby()
b) sort()
c) aggregate()
d) filter()

5. Which of the following methods is used to perform element-wise operations on a

a) apply()
b) map()
c) transform()
d) all of the above


1. c) DataFrame
2. d) All of the above
3. a) dropna()
4. a) groupby()
5. d) all of the above
I. Additional activities for
Assignment: Do advance reading for the next topic
application of remediation

Prepared by:


Pre-service Teacher

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