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1. What are your lived experiences as school head in conflict management in the new normal?

1.1 What are the usual reasons that caused conflict between teachers in the new normal?


Just a minor, most of the time when we say
conflict , ahm I cannot call it conflict but we
consider it as a conflict , especially when the
arrangement of work from home scheme that
would be in the new normal , and then ah… the
printing of modules most probably but then we
can always resolve that through normal
conversation , as what I had said we are very
small in the school so we cannot even proceed to
a grievance committee because I believe that the
conflict is still manageable in our end so that’s it

So far we haven’t yet encounter problem it is
because we and I don’t like to decide without
consultation of the teacher that is why I avoided
some conflict that is possible to happen so there
is a consultation to the organization to prevent a
certain uncertainty to happen.

So first as what I have said the interpretation of
the teachers varies. Some interpreted how we
interpreted the work from home and onsite
schedule then giving the schedule which is
teachers want a preferable schedule for them in
fact we the administrators has the right to create
or have a scheduling of the teachers and then
teachers make a schedule for them because they
know that… example when covid-19 came in
which there are some teachers who do not live
in Mabini so they are asking favor that they will
work on that schedule because they have some
rides that are available for them. And then there
are some teachers also that want that schedule
for example like Monday most of them are like
to be schedule on Monday and then those
teachers are far away from home or from the
school want also Monday that creates some
conflict. Then another concern is the material
that we used which is not, or we are not ready
for that activity and then it creates conflict also
with the teachers which is the school has no
available materials to be used for that activity
and then teachers also doesn’t have so it create
them or some of them are making the
disagreement to the memorandum that we will
use or we will be print some modules or we will
use by our local funds. And then in this new
scheduling which is the memorandum of the
vaccinated and the unvaccinated for the onsite
face to face classes which we interpreted and
until now there are some administrators and
teachers are in the conflict because there are
some teachers wanted to have a learners to be in
the class which is unvaccinated and there are
administrator also like us that giving a chance to
the learners who is unvaccinated to be in the
school but there are memorandum which is
coming from different agency like a from the
IATF which is they have a memos that all the
vaccinated only can participate that also cause
some conflicts. Then another one is shortage of
some school material, the availability of some
modules to be used. So there are some teachers
doesn’t want to prepare activity sheets or
materials to be used so that’s one of the cause of
conflict in school.
Printing of modules and work from home
scheme were the usual cause of conflict between
teachers in the new normal scenario in our
school. Since the teachers are task to print the
modules of their learners, misunderstanding on
printing schedules occur especially when
teacher do not follow or go against the time
schedule. This can lead to disagreement
between teachers. Similarly, the WFH
scheme can sometimes lead to a conflict
amongst teachers, particularly when a teacher
asks a colleague to switch their scheduled WFH
for an urgent matter but is rejected by the
colleague. This would in some way result in
resentment toward his or her colleague for
turning down an urgent request for swapping.

the reason always is a matter of
miscommunication, miscommunication really
affects to the teachers specially if they refuse to
listen, so if there are marites of the outside
world, in the teaching world there are lot of
marites also, but marites usually ahhh reported
words that will ignite the temper each teacher
but at present as I have said to the teachers
because I’ve learned that in my new station
there’s a lot of commotion of ideas and
principles , so far from November up to present
there’s no commotion happen in this school,
because I always tell them when you do not
agree with each other , leave .respect each
other’s decision because I always them the
simple and complicated one do not complicate it
anymore , being mature I inculcate to them that
being mature is good enough .so sometimes they
will lead to collision of ideas , but I do
entertained them when they reported me . then
I caution other co-teachers not to add salt to
injury anymore. so so far, no one goes to police
station and barangay hall as well, the safest
neutral place that they go is the office, and they
listen to me also. Because all they want is a
mother, if you want me to be your mother you
will regret later. So far there’s no regret yet and
feedback, so they consider me as their mother so
one at a time. They came to the office and told
me everything then as their mother I specified
them so far so good no commotion that happen.

One evident reason, is that the resistance of the
teachers to adopt the idea coming from our high
offices. There is that resistance normally
because at this situation teachers are still in
trouble, so many ideas which is one is correct
and one is wrong and so the role of the school
head should be consistent and we as
government employees we need to support, we
need to advocate, we need to adhere what are
those mandates coming from our high office,
that’s the best thing to do. So resistance of the
teachers is to adopt. That is one reason I find it.


1.1 What are the sources of conflicts that you handled and settled between teachers in the new normal?

So basically, it’s on the work from home scheme,
since teachers are actually selected dates for
their preference because I believe that they had
already at their schedule for their related works
and then here comes another duplication of our
personnel since we know for sure that we a lot
percentage, percentage of this we wanted to
have their duties and their work from home, so
as far as I could remember at least 80 % of the
personnel should have their duties in a week/in
a day, so maybe in the conflict of work from
home, and of course the. What else the printing
I believe because during that time we have no
sufficient printer in school so basically they
would go with...ahm .what do you call this,
waiting for their turn to use the printer for
printing the modules. So those are the things I
had encountered.

Since no conflict yet for now, since we have a
changes of station of school heads of course
there is a change and adjustment, particularly,
how to handle small schools compare to
medium size noohhh…of course there are
natural adjustments but then it can be solvable
by listening their point of view noo..Then the
conflict and slowly if I adjust first I must
observe their behavior so that I can adjust and
handle them properly noohh not just on today’s
conduct but grace of God there is no bigger

Some conflicts or the sources of conflicts that we
handle between teachers in the new normal,
aside from those things that I had discussed,
another is time in and time out, logbooks and
the using of clockify so it cause a big effect of
conflict to us like what happened when we’re
receiving an incentives which is the hardship.
Mabini teachers cannot because we are using
clockify instead of using logbook, that is or that
are the some sources of conflict not only to the
teacher but also to the administrators. For this
very big conflict we have , is the using of time in
and time out and the onsite and the work from
home, so there are teachers want to have their
own schedules like what happened (its good for
those who live in shoreline because we can
adjust it easily but those who live on the
mountainside or far flung areas it creates a
problem to the teachers especially on financial
matters. In scheduling teachers the work from
home and onsite so if the administrators cannot
cope this problem it cause a lot of conflicts. The
far flung areas we all know that the fare is so
expensive so that’s the one of the source of
conflict that we must settle to the teachers.
There are some conflicts also, it is just light, like
the supports that the teachers want from the
administrators but there are sometimes that we
cannot see what are those things that teachers
want yet there are times that they discussed
themselves what they want, they cannot directly
address to the administrators.

Conflicts between teachers at our school usually
emerge from the printing of modules as well as
the work-from-home scheme. To resolve the
conflict, faculty meeting was set. In an effort to
find a solution that would be accepted by all the
teachers, I asked everyone for a
recommendation or a likely course of action. It
was then agreed by the teachers that printing of
modules as well as the work-from-home scheme
shall be utilize in a rotational manner. Teachers
under WFH must also arrange and prepare the
unclaimed modules so that parents can still pick
them up even if they are not there. Such as
labelling bundle of learner’s unclaimed modules
with the learner's name. In the event that a
teacher is not present due to a WFH schedule,
this labelling will just direct the parents as to
which modules to collect because the learner's
name is already indicated in the bundle of

maybe if there will conflicts unsettled and
nohhh, because there are some teachers who
closed their mind for maybe if they did not open
their for sharing they didn’t open their heart to
listen to each other, that’s it . so, if there are
teachers who really did not know God, did not
know how to forgive to their colleagues, maybe
that’s will be happened, it will remained
unsettled. but I do believe in the administration
intervene with their conflict, maybe there is
always a way to settle the dispute among them,
so if there are unsettled, maybe they are looked
calls in the administration and maybe the
administration may be in one side or another,
because if the administrator is in the middle on
in the neutral way there’s no way for the
unsettled and handled. so far in my 27 years in
service I have no unsettled conflict even though
in the higher position.

sources of conflict, so origin. the onsite or work
from home, the alternative working
arrangement plan and there was a conflict in
which I settle later on. Same thing again, the
vaccination it is a long process for me to
convince them because I know we are also
concern with our health and they are also
concern with their health and we have a great
respect of the personal decision of every
individual, we must pay great respect to the
decision of every individual since we are in a
democratic country but it is very difficult for
them to persuade since there is pressures
coming from our higher authority that all
teachers must be vaccinated. And then I was
happy on the little part of the history of the
situation that 100% of my teachers was already

1.3 What are the difficulties, challenges, and barriers that you experienced in managing conflict between teachers in the new normal?
In terms of difficulties, cannot see any
difficulties so far. Because in your topic we are
tackling on the new normal, maybe if not a new
normal, I can share my experience a little on
that. Basically, this thing will always be
answered to those school heads that have
several or many teachers under their care
because actually they have a lot of conflicts. So
for me because we are seven then most of my
teachers are very young they always understand.

a challenges of the challenges is during
the a….if you can remember during the
quarantine periods teachers are not allowed to
use their biometrics for their daily time in and
log out so one of the challenges I encountered is
that there are some nooo .. not all that come late
to school. But when we decided to use the
biometrics we solve it noh.. so far, that is one of
the challenges that are not easy to handle
because we use to it.(biometrics) then suddenly
stop and use a biometric again then our routine
momentum is gone. So when it goes to normal
routine it changes, then the other one wrong
time in and out. As a school head, I constantly
remind them during time in and out especially
the old one to avoid wrong entry for form 48.
That is one noh.. That will affect the order of our
job. Once it affect our daily time record if
anybody can be late at 30 minutes and directly
deducted to our salary so that’s one of it. So its
not easy!.

Some conflicts or the sources of conflicts that we
handle between teachers in the new normal,
aside from those things that I had discussed,
another is time in and time out, logbooks and
the using of clockify so it cause a big effect of
conflict to us like what happened when we’re
receiving an incentives which is the hardship.
Mabini teachers cannot because we are using
clockify instead of using logbook, that is or that
are the some sources of conflict not only to the
teacher but also to the administrators. For this
very big conflict we have, is the using of time in
and time out and the onsite and the work from
home, so there are teachers want to have their
own schedules like what happened (its good for
those who live in shoreline because we can
adjust it easily but those who live on the
mountainside or far flung areas it creates a
problem to the teachers especially on financial
matters. In scheduling teachers the work from
home and onsite so if the administrators cannot
cope this problem it cause a lot of conflicts. The
far flung areas we all know that the fare is so
expensive so that’s the one of the source of
conflict that we must settle to the teachers.
There are some conflicts also, it is just light, like
the supports that the teachers want from the
administrators but there are sometimes that we
cannot see what are those things that teachers
want yet there are times that they discussed
themselves what they want, they cannot directly

address to the administrators.

Some of the difficulties I have experience in
managing conflict between teachers in the new
normal is when a consensus has previously been
reached but was challenge again due to
unwelcome but expected issues such as faulty
printer and exposure to virus and other

-okay okay , difficulties sometimes yeah I
experience that one because I’m on a quarantine
and some of the teachers exchange with ideas ,
its difficult because I cannot confront them
personally but still I can manage the conflict
because they tend to listen to me , that’s it .
sometimes communication matters, so specially
if you are online you cannot see each other,
when the administrator is on the four corners of
the room doing the quarantine and the
operation and the school goes on, so difficulties
maybe a little not too much, because I am lucky
enough to have teachers who tend to listen, who
tend to follow and understand my discourse
style of solving the conflict, so that’s it. So if
even we are far from each other and it felt so
hard but its different thing if we have a contact
with them, but the distance doesn’t hinder us to
settle the conflict. Ok.

- so you will be get with the same answer. Since
we are living in a workplace with professionals
they deserve the opinions because they are
teachers, they are professionals they have very
sound thinking, there is sound reasoning but
then if you as a leader, you must have skills you
must have strategies how these people will come
to agreed to those thing that we agreed to tell
them to follow. So, their resistance as teachers
to adopt or to agree is somehow very hard for us
as school head to do. Unless we have skilled
enough, we have convincing words with facts,
with evidences for them to be convinced. I can
see that you should be the first one to try to do
to show to the teachers gradually will be
2. How do you cope up with your experiences of conflict management in the new normal?

2.1 How did you handle the difficulties, challenges, and barriers that you experienced in managing conflict in the new normal?
I would go with, as I said a clear conversation
because that’s the only way for me to handle
these difficulties in resolving conflicts, a manner
of clear conversation with always go with a clear

there is similarity to my first answer, just
constant open line communication to our
colleagues noh.. and then sometimes we listen
to some talks and chikas but never to decide it
right away. We need to conduct some sort of
observation before we decide okay…to prevent
another problem to come up so that’s it.

so first is follow the guidelines and the
memorandum of the department then lead the
teachers to interpret the memoranda and some
memos then include teachers in planning so
that’s one so if we have that one its easy to

To cope with the challenges I encountered in
managing conflict in the new normal, I seek the
support of our stakeholders especially in the
matter of printing the modules of learners.
Aside from equipment maintenance, I also ask
for additional printer and photocopier to supply
the needs of the teachers. With additional
printing equipment, teachers can adhere to
printing timetables and prevent conflicts that
could arise from printing modules.

okay, actually I attacked it as if you are in my or
in front of me. So as what I have said mi
embrace the new normal situation then that’s
secret maybe I do not find in dealing difficulties
in conflict, between and among the teachers.

- I handle them with ahmm, I was able to
surmount or I was able to survive or to solve
those challenges with a simple smile with
prayers of course, everything that will
happening not just in the school, there must be
a prayer for us to be enlighten for us to be
guided. And the just be professional in dealing
with the teachers. Later on they will understand,
they are professional also like the school head.
Although it is normal that in a certain
institution will undergo conflict because in a
positive perspective, conflicts help the school to
grow stronger so we need to experience conflict
provided that the school head on its very crucial
role play can be effective in managing the
conflict because if the school head cannot
manage it properly it will worsen the situation
in the work place but if everyone giving the
appreciation of the occurrence of this problem,
the emergence of this conflicts within the school
they could be able to appreciate it as a part of

2.2. What support did you receive as a school head that helped you effectively manage conflict in the new normal?
Maybe it’s on the trainings and seminars prior
to go to new normal that’s why I gain a little
knowledge as to resolving conflict with teachers,
basically on the trainings, grievance committee
of the department of education.

okay! So there are so many noh.. coming from
higher offices. The support is the policies we
have become loaded on the school level noh..
once you are a school head you must read the
DepEd orders and memorandum because that
will help you to decide and we cannot decide
directly without following the legal basis so
that’s the support. Because the policies and the
guidelines..Say for the example.. The basic
education learning continuity plan what we
should do the school should be in the plan
already for us is to read it so that it will be
applied in the context of the school because we
have a different situation in our school noh.. we
must contextualize on the things that is in the
policies downloaded from the central office for
the legal issuance that’s the one that can help.
We must not make a move which is not align to
our purpose even we are at new normal, we can
produce learners nohh.. to be globally
competitive level that is in our mission and
vision noh!.So that’s it. The support and
issuance these were are guide in our decision
making.. Okay…

for us, first is from the shoreline areas when I
was assigned at (previous school) the
stakeholders were always gave the support
which the water part from plantation company
their unending support the financial and it
really help the school. Then for the present
school one is from the apex which is they gave
us some materials covid 19 materials and
financial support which is converted from the
boy scout or red cross so they converted into
cash and then we are the one to buy some
materials like covid 19 facilities and then
washing facilities and one of that are they gave
us also ah provided us the printers. Then
another one is the moral support of parents that
the parents are really willing to help the school
so time to time we know that the school is
limited in terms of financial matters since the
MOOE cannot afford in all things that are
needed in school but parents are very
supportive in school then a some of these what…
there are some materials. Then the national
government had already given us some medical
and some covid materials to the children or the
learners. And also to the local government the
municipality of Mabini so a lot of aid noh a lot
of aid was given to us that help a lot ahh help
the school to give solution.
Printing and communication equipment was
provided by LGUs and other private
stakeholders. Seminars and memorandum on
WFH scheme as well as handling virus exposure
was cascaded to support the school heads in
handling cases related to pandemic. These
supports help me to effectively manage the
conflict in the new normal scenario since it will
serve as the basis for my future actions related
to new normal barriers.

-maybe, the teachers who listen to me, the
teachers who gave positive ahhh shall I say
positive inspiration and when you see teachers
who are happy with you that’s the reason why
we need to have that conflict ahhh far beyond
us, the inspiration that the other teachers the
dedicated teachers showed to you is enough to
be inspired to eradicate conflict , so we cannot
avoid conflict but we need to control it.

the source or the thing that I consider as a big
support to me is that particularly in my school is
that teachers are very submissive. I mean they
are a helping me in or they are supporting
through acceptance. Their respect are still there
despite of some arguments, despite of some
deliberation every now and then during the
meeting, teachers conferences it is not an excuse
there are still showing their resistance but then
glad to know that the later part they come to
agree with you so that, that manifestation of
acceptance, that manifestation of respect but
still they’re my teachers to support for me to
continue to manage and operate the school
effectively and efficiently.
2.3 How did stakeholders help you manage conflict in the new normal?
As in the new normal, I had not asked their
support because as I have said I can still manage
it in my own capacity, so preferably there were
no supports since I have not ask them for

okay so, talking about the stakeholders, they
have done their part if they will initiate but if
they will not do things noh not just on words we
will be the one to initiate on how of course, I
mentioned earlier that we have open line of
communication so if we communicate the
stakeholders of what is our vision we have
clearly explain them about our mission and
vision. I believe there is no doubt to our
stakeholders to help noh... then as what I have
experience when I was in Kapoc ES, I never
thought that there are stakeholders coming
from foreign country from new Zealand so I
know someone from municipal so they find the
school that is beneficiary as what they can help
them at first. Since I myself is not easy to give a
permission to them to use the name of the
school if it is not on the legal purpose so I
investigate then I found out that they have a
good plan and intention then I don’t need to
mention it then after three months noh.. in new
Zealand they conduct fund raising to support a
reading program since during the time of
pandemic and we know already that many of
our learners find difficulty in reading even today
almost two years there’s a gap so one of the
problem is the reading difficulty of our children
so they provide us the reading materials like for
example the reading kits folder, we are the one
who printed the learning materials but the
materials are coming from them so they
purchase printer bond papers worth almost 43
000, so if you have an open line communication
we cannot under estimate our stakeholders even
it is a motor cycle driver because we don’t know
what we can do, so if we are going to see it we
need establish strong school government
councils for it compose different sector of our
community for example the farmer’s association
, they play important role in our gulayan sa
paaralan nohh.. we don’t need money so much
for we know in our particular aspect we can use
them to utilize our school and that’s it just open
line communication and so far it is successful.

so same with my answer to 2.2 the stakeholders
help us general aspects of activities so like the …
like the apex mining which is one of our biggest
stakeholders who give us a different support so
not only for the covid 19 material but a they
gave also some infrastructure materials like the
canal lining so they help us for the protection of
the school. And then as of this time, we had
given an allotment from them a worth of 25 000
for the construction of a feeding center. But for
the last part ah last two weeks ago or last week,
some of our stakeholders elected Mayor father
Emem promise also that they will put up the
feeding center for the school. And it’s a big help
so it creates us that it makes positive in the
school. And also with the parents, so for the
stakeholders who give support to us it creates us
that there will be new hope in the school so what
an improvement will be given to the school. So
that’s one.

The stakeholders supported our school by
donating printing and communication tools. By
attending to our urgent needs during a
pandemic, they assist school administrators like
me in handling conflict that arises from printing

-of course stakeholders serves as a shoulder to
lean on ,because I am lucky enough because
stakeholders can communicate in a two way ,so
we have exchange of ideas ,we have lot of
sharing so that’s why we come up into a
situation that all things all problems or conflicts
would be manageable .

the stakeholders, ahmm we consider the pupils,
they were also part of our stakeholders, our
parents the people within the community where
the school belong, the support ahhh. The pupils
or the parents who are part in the process of
delivering learning in a modular modality
although in the early onset there are issues, the
emergence of issues like teachers are so very
relaxing and then parents are the one in great
burden in answering the modules or several
reasons so that was an issue., gradually with our
help to explain then every time they are getting
modules in the school, they understand that in
this situation ahh parent and teachers must help
each other for the learning of our children. Then
pupils are also trying to follow schedule when to
or modules retrieval and distribution, although
there are also problems but it is only minimal
for as long as we were able to target the volume
of modules to be answered. We were able to or
the timeline also that is the distribution and the
retrieval as a schedule were also properly
manage and met.

3. What are your learning and insights from your experiences of conflict management in the new normal?
3.1 As a school head, what are your realizations in the management of conflict in your respective school?
My realization would probably the to have a
clear conversation, communication to address
their conflict because if we cannot address that
it will be bigger and you will end up to the point
you cannot solve of it directly since it has gone
with too many conflicts because of that
timelines because they neglect and it will cause
bigger and bigger.

ahhh so my realization as a school head is we
will do our job wholeheartedly because all jobs
that is not come from your heart shows no
importance, it will be a great reward to us
employees not just on the DepEd but
everywhere you will be employed just do what is
right with commitment for it will guide us to our

okey so this time new normal a big change in

our education system and my experiences there
is a big help on how we cope on this kind of
situation, and how we handle especially this
situation, how we handle conflict ,see for
example the issue of the vaccinated and
unvaccinated learners it is a challenge for us for
it is not easy because we are the one who will
decide if we want them to enter or are they all
vaccinated and one thing we do is we will follow
what is mandated relay to us as a school head so
that’s it, we follow only the way of our municipal
interagency task force, allowing us to conduct
the progressive expansion of our limited face to
face classes , that’s it we just follow it, so there is
no law that we are not abiding or do not follow,
then one thing we will try to make it a habit to
read and, that’s it, now I realize that we should
read and read, for specially in our
issuances ,there’s a lot of issuances coming from
our department, and coming from other
department the local government that can help
us so, that’s it.

as part of this management of this school, so it
could be. Or we must be motivated in all times
even though it is a negative things to be happen
in the school but we make it as positive one that
creates us a good planning. So that’s one of our
steps to be use for the next future or next plan.

Aside from the importance of stakeholder’s
support and engagement to ensure successful
implementation of the different learning
modalities in this time of pandemic, I also
realize the importance of open communication
among teachers and school head. It is almost
necessary to address the issues immediately and
openly in order to arrive a consensual solutions
and resolution of conflicts.

-actually, my realization in for myself first , so it
is not bad to tell you what you think, then if you
suffered it then the consequences that you had
done then be it, at least you touch their lives. for
the teachers, ahh realization, teachers somehow
are like my children you need to compromised
sometimes , because they are human and they
need also attention , they need someone to
listen and as a school head ahh you are willing
enough to give space in your heart not in your
mind in order to resolve conflict. So that’s it.
I’ve been a school head, I’ve been a principal at
the age of 35 and I encountered retireable
teachers and for the new normal I encountered
conflict with millennial teachers,so maybe that’s
it , millennial and the old ones are different all
they need is to listen to them , someone who
listen to them , someone who care for them,
that’s it. Teachers are good so if you manage
small conflict in the teachers between and
among them they will return love you without
any condition. hahahhah that’s unconditional,
okay .

my realization in conflict management in the
school, first you must be , you must have
enough knowledge how to settle conflicts
between and among teachers even in the
involvement of our stakeholders we should
always apply effectively all your trainings
regarding conflict management, because as
leaders we were train how to settle issues in the
school. Second is, appreciation of consultative
approach, do not impose authoritarian in the
school, you must also consider appreciate ideas
from your colleagues because it is not only you
who is working in the school, you are working
with the teachers who are working in the school,
you are working with the people with the
teacher, so must have a consultative approach to
settle issues and concern in the school. We
cannot do along without the teachers and its
vice versa teachers cannot also make their
actions effectively as their stands or support to
the students so we must have mutual
participation to resolve problems, third is very
considerate, because in this time our teachers in
the school has different problems, they have
also face different problems on their respective
families, because we are affected of this
pandemic so you also consider the situation so
that’s it. Be considerate, be equip with
knowledge to resolve conflict in the school, next
is apply consultative approach in dealing with
the issues and concern in the school and third is
be considerate with your teachers at all times
because we are all affected with this crisis.

3.2 What are the programs and policies that will help you carve out specific intervention that can benefit the school in terms of conflict
For me it’s the so called mental health
awareness and the human behavior of the
orientation that we have conducted, because it is
a one way of rebuilding connection at the same
time revisiting every individual personality so
that they can adjust with each other’s choices
and decision because I believe that the right
answer or right of o others begin basically if you
think you are right that would mean to say that
you are right all the time, there are certain
things that you need to adjust, people are
always need to adjust to the environment and
the community where they belong. Adoptability
is the key.
okay so the most important thing is specially us
in DepEd for we are handling learners , I think
the policy that I want is even though it is already
,the problem is how we create our own in the
school noh, making of the students hand book
with all of the policies invaded in it specially this
new normal we should have a guide, although it
already stipulated in the executive order
number 40 series of 2012 (child protection
policy) so the school level specially now it is not
given more importance, how we will solve
problems specifically in our learners without a
guide in school, although there are existing
policies but it is still applicable to this learners
of new normal. Ok is it possible to add? For us
to discriminate and craft this policy specially
this new normal that all are fair, example
bullied unvaccinated, if we have school policy
invaded in hand book presented in PTA general

so as part of that, we have specific plan, an
action plan and the we have an M & E the
monitoring and evaluation so that we will know
what will happen or what happen to the
program we have, so if it is good anyway or
where the program is implemented. So the
monitoring and evaluation and action plan that
give us a guide to what we are going to do in the

To resolve potential school disputes, a grievance
committee must be established. This committee
will serve as the primary mediator in disputes
while also gathering relevant information from
the involved parties.

-okay. Actually, what we have done is the what
we call spiritual enrichment, it really helps a
lot , the team building that we have so it really
helps. Although we take it as laag as happy
happy but that is embedded in us that there is
something in us because of that experience. You
will respect me, and I will respect them because
I know them all. Knowing each other, if there
are policies regarding this one I cannot exactly
have that kind of policy but the intervention
those activities that we have from small things
loving their children that’s an
intervention ,loving children is the most
sensitive one that leads them to understand you
and understand people. So that’s why, stepping
down to the ground. Do emersion in their
culture and everything .so that’s kind of
intervention that I did. So when they know you
and you know them conflict is far beyond.

- I cannot name one or few but I am pretty well
sure that I am following those guidelines
coming from our IATF and even our
memoranda from department of education so
that’s it. For us to effectively manage the school,
we must follow, the mandates the guidelines the
orders coming from our high offices in our
department of education.

3.3 What are your future plans in order to improve your conflict management between teachers in the new normal?

Probably, I would build connections to my
people, to the teachers because if you have your
connection then you have normal conversation,
you talk to them, and you listen to them.
Probably there were no hard conflicts that can
be resolve because connection and relationships
are actually the key for you to resolve anything
in the school because if you don’t build
connection in the community or to your
teachers probably conflict will always there

so ahhh okay, we have a school grievance
committee compose of school head, the
guidance councilor and for example teacher , so
we will let the grievance machinery to do the
investigation because we cannot conclude on go
to conclusion , we need initial result base on the
investigation conducted, but we have our
highest official needed. But in our level we help
our grievance machinery to manage conflict in
school if possible , but supposedly that’s part of
our grievance, as part of school and even outside
, we cannot decide it without due process, so
that’s it how to manage conflict specially this
new normal that we cannot go easily face to
face, we need to apply it and it is existing , we
just don’t see it the important thing if we use it ,
we cannot easily decide it if we don’t know that
issuances, policies and we need to read it.

so first is a we will conduct a forum for the
stakeholders and the we will have a plan or
action plan of the school so one of that is our
SIP that we will show to them that the school
has this one so that there’s no overlapping,
maybe there’s a plan from our stakeholders.
Then the parents also must be involve on this
activity if it is what we call this stakeholders
achievement for a planning for the… a planning
of the stakeholders.
For the teachers, we have in school the created
conflict management. So the conflict
management team will be the one to solve to
evaluate what will happen because not all the
principal will do anything. So by our
district even in the national as one of our target
that we must to comply that we have a conflict
management so time to time or quarterly they
have a meeting or conference especially if
there’s a problem in school, so the conflict
management team will be the one to solve just
like in the barangay that we have so called
“lupon” they are the one who solve the problem
so not us as a principal but a… even though we
are the chairman but the group will be the one
to solve this conflict. But in the Golden Valley or
Panamin es I know that teachers are very
supportive, we are living in one room or
building the HE, we are like sisters, we have day
to day or every time we have lunch for a meal
they are sharing what happen to the class and
even to them so were like siblings, Maam
__h__and maam j are like their mother. That
is the one that help a lot to the school. All the
teachers are like siblings, so if there’s a problem
maybe, I do not know but as of now they are
very transparent of themselves because they are
sharing even to their family life.

To improve my management skills relating to
conflict between teachers in the new normal, an
open communication to all my teachers must
always be considered. An environment that
encourages open communication will enable
teachers to share their thoughts and work
together to solve issues. Additionally, as school
head it is part of my responsibilities to equip
myself with managerial skills particularly in
conflict management. With that, it is always in
my interest to sign up for training or workshops
related to conflict management to fully equip
myself with the positive attitude in handling

-actually. Future plan, I will continue as I do,
remain as I am ,okay . so whatever I started I
will remain as it is, then if there is a suggestion
take it. okay.

my future plans is to be more effective and
efficient in my function playing my role as a
school head especially in a financial
management wherein in that way provide them
with all the supplies that are needed for the
safety of our teachers and students in the school
especially in this time of pandemic in which we
are slowly getting on face to face class
instruction so I need to double time my effort
especially in the liquidation so that I could
provide them health materials like facemask,
alcohol, everything that can protect them from
being infected with that virus. I am also
planning to invite our district nurse to continue
giving the orientations on the healthy protocols
so that again for the several reason for the safety
and good health in the school.

- I am not giving an excuse on that incidents

because it is really very normal even in our own
family of the same blood we get into conflicts, so
all the more in the workplace were coming from
different families but on the other side, conflict
relationship between and among the teachers
for as long as it is not too personal I mean it
only work related, I can manage it properly, I
can handle it effectively for as long as work
related. Giving those fair chances, equal
opportunities, the not playing favoritism. I think
those are some effective ways which is I could
always consistently implement to avoid conflict
between and among the teachers. Giving them
equal chances, opportunities then that’s it. No
favoritism, appreciate the ideas and opinions. I
should always in the middle because they are
my children.

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