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Proposed Title of Research Interest:


Background of the Study (What have you read that has had an impact on your
thinking about the topic?)
Sleep is a fundamental physiological process that plays a crucial role in cognitive
functioning, including memory consolidation, learning, attention, and overall academic
performance. With the increasing academic demands and lifestyle changes in the
modern world, sleep quality among students, especially those in higher education, has
become a topic of considerable concern.
This study aims to explore the relationship between sleep quality and academic
performance among third-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) students at
the University of Southern Mindanao (USM). The focus on this specific group is driven
by the unique academic and lifestyle factors associated with students in this field and at
this stage of study.
Previous research has indicated a potential correlation between sleep quality and
academic performance, suggesting that inadequate or poor-quality sleep could
negatively impact students' grades. However, these studies have largely been
generalized across different fields of study and varying academic levels.
The field of Elementary Education, in particular, is characterized by intensive
practical training, classroom management skills, and a comprehensive understanding of
child psychology, making it a demanding course that could potentially affect the sleep
patterns of students. Moreover, as third-year students, these individuals are at a critical
juncture in their academic journey, where the intensity of coursework increases and the
pressure of future career prospects begins to mount.
Therefore, this study seeks to provide a more nuanced understanding of the
sleep-academic performance relationship within this specific context. The findings of
this study could provide valuable insights for students, educators, and policymakers in
creating strategies to improve academic performance and overall student well-being.
Statement of the Problem (as far as you aware of, what is the gap of knowledge in
your research interest based on readings/existing literatures? Why does this
research need to be conducted?)
Despite the growing body of research emphasizing the importance of sleep for
cognitive functions and academic performance, there seems to be a lack of
comprehensive studies focusing on the sleep quality of third-year Bachelor of
Elementary Education (BEED) students at the University of Southern Mindanao (USM).
The unique academic and lifestyle demands placed on these students may lead to
alterations in their sleep patterns, potentially impacting their academic performance.
The problem that this research seeks to address is two-fold:
1. What is the quality of sleep among third-year BEED students at USM? This includes
aspects such as duration, consistency of sleep schedule, and perceived sleep quality.
2. Is there a significant relationship between the sleep quality of these students and
their academic performance? This will be measured through their Grade Point Average
The lack of specific data on this subject creates a gap in our understanding,
which this study aims to fill. By examining the potential correlation between sleep quality
and academic performance within this specific group, we hope to provide insights that
could inform strategies for improving both sleep and academic outcomes for BEED
students at USM.
The results of this study could have significant implications for the students'
academic success and overall well-being, as well as for the broader educational
strategies and policies at USM and similar institutions.
Objectives of the Study (What does the study hope to achieve? Give at least
The objectives of this research on the relationship between sleep quality and academic
performance among third-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) students at
the University of Southern Mindanao (USM) are as follows:
1. To understand the factors that may influence the sleep quality of these students. This
could include lifestyle factors, academic stress, part-time work, use of electronic
devices, and others.
2. To evaluate the academic performance of these students. This will be measured
primarily through their Grade Point Average (GPA), but may also take into account other
factors such as participation in class, completion of assignments, and performance in
tests and examinations.
3. To determine if there is a significant correlation between sleep quality and academic
performance among these students. This will involve statistical analysis of the data
collected to identify any patterns or relationships.
Research Locale and Respondents (Where will the study be conducted? Who will
be the target respondents?
The research locale for this study is the University of Southern Mindanao (USM).
Specifically, the study will focus on third-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)
students at USM as the respondents.
By conducting the research within the USM campus, it allows for a targeted
investigation into the sleep quality and academic performance of BEED students within
their specific academic environment. This locale provides a suitable setting to
understand the unique challenges and factors that may influence the relationship
between sleep quality and academic performance among these students.
The respondents of this study will be third-year BEED students at USM. These
students are at a critical stage in their academic journey, where they are exposed to
rigorous coursework, practical training, and increasing demands in their field of study.
By focusing on this specific group, the research can provide valuable insights into the
sleep patterns and academic performance of BEED students, which can inform
interventions and support systems tailored to their needs.
Literature Review (What literature do you intend to review and why? Five for
MA/MS students)

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