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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

Comprehension 5-2-2023 (SUN)

Noun (N) or Verb (V)

1. Work

(a) I have a lot of work to do today. ( )

(b) A person must work hard to achieve his / her goal. ( )

2. Play

(a) I like to play in the park with my friends. ( )

(b) We’re going to enjoy a play tonight at the theatre. ( )

3. Stop

(a) Stop the car now! ( )

(b) Let’s get off at the next stop. ( )

4. Fall

(a) I love everything about fall. ( )

(b) The durian fall off the tree. ( )

5. Fish
The fish were biting, so we decided to stay longer and fish some more.
( ) ( )

6. Smell
I could smell that smell from across town!
( ) ( )

7. Laugh
She began to laugh, and I realized that it was the loudest laugh I’d ever heard.
( ) ( )

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

Write two sentences for each of the word given below. 5-2-2023 (SUN)

1. drink

(a) noun: ___________________________________________________________

(b) verb : ___________________________________________________________

2. hope

(a) noun: ___________________________________________________________

(b) verb : ___________________________________________________________

3. cook
(a) noun: ___________________________________________________________

(b) verb : ___________________________________________________________

4. answer
(a) noun: ___________________________________________________________

(b) verb : ___________________________________________________________

5. draw
(a) noun: ___________________________________________________________

(b) verb : ___________________________________________________________

6. face
(a) noun: ___________________________________________________________

(b) verb : ___________________________________________________________

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

Comprehension 12-2-2023 (SUN)

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

12-2-2023 (SUN)

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

12-2-2023 (SUN)

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

Comprehension 19-2-2023 (SUN)

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

19-2-2023 (SUN)


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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

Comprehension 26-2-2023 (SUN)

A Gotong Royong
B Visit old folk’s home
C Recycling Drive
D Charity auction

1. Noel will be there at eight o’ clock in the morning. ( )

2. Rachit is going to pack bundles of newspaper and bring them here . ( )

3. If you like shopping, you should join this event. ( )

4. Those who can play musical instrument should come here. ( )

5. This event is to make sure the surroundings of waterfall are clean and safe. ( )

6. Lawrence is free at night and he’s planning to attend this event. ( )

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

26-2-2023 (SUN)
Part 2

There was a heavy rain yesterday. A big tree fell __(1)__ the main road. Many cars were __(2)__
in a massive jam. Motorists had to wait __(3)__ nearly two hours for the road to clear. They were
relieved when they saw a fire engine came ___(4) __ remove the tree.

1. A into B across C through D above

2. A catch B catches C caught D catching

3. A until B for C at D in

4. A so B to C or D and

Grammar: When and While

There was an accident a few minutes ago. I heard the sound of sirens _______________ I was at
the market. My wife and son were walking towards me _________________ they heard it too.
The accident happened ______________ we were sill eating in a restaurant. A motorcycle
crashed into the side of a lorry ______________ the lorry was going straight. Motorists nearby
were shocked _________________ they saw it happening. Someone called the ambulance
_______________ other people were checking on the motorcyclist. He is lucky to be alive.
1. ___________ you saw Keith, was he with Jo?

2. I hurt my back _______________ I tried to lift the piano.

3. ______________ I buy the bread, you can go to the butcher’s.

4. I was having lunch ________________ James arrived.

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

Comprehension FEB 2023 (SUN)

Part 5 Vocabulary ( UNIT 1)

1. a form of transport that that takes people to hospital. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. a serious and often dangerous event that needs immediate action . e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. electricity . p _ _ _ _

4. an activity to practise leaving a place quickly so that people know what to do if there’s a
fire. f _ _ _ d_ _ _ _

5. equipment that makes a building warm. h _ _ _ _ _ _

6. something bad that happens that often hurst you. a _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. a large machine that you use to cook food. c _ _ _ _ _

8. to happen, or affect other people with force. h _ _

9. a source of energy that we use to work lights and many machines. e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

10. feeling uncomfortable and a little stupid. e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

11. a sound that lets you know there is dange. a _ _ _ _

12. to practise a piece of music, a play etc before you perform it in front of people.

13. to speak in a very quiet voice. w _ _ _ _ _ _

14. a cloud of gases that rises from something that’s burning. s _ _ _ _

15. a small boat carried on a large ship for use in an emergency. l _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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