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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

Comprehension 12-3-2023 (SUN)

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

12-3-2023 (SUN)

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

Grammar 19-3-2023 (SUN)

Exercise 1: Used to / didn’t use to

1. What music _________________________ to like when you were a child?

2. I ____________________listen to music when I was a child.

3. We ______________to the cinema at weekends.

4. They ________________ in the country, but now they live in the city

5. I ___________________ the cake you made me last week.

6. ______________________ have long hair when you were younger?

7. She _____________ very tall when she was in school.

8. I _______________ to bed very late on Fridays and Saturdays.

9. Robert __________________ in a band.

10. I _________________ my right arm in a skiing accident when I was 21.

Exercise 2: Complete the text with used to, didn’t use to, did ... to and the

words in brackets.

Interviewer: What ____________________________(you/be) like when you were a child?

Sally: I remember I ________________________(wear) very thick glasses, and I _____________

______ (be) quite short and uncoordinated. To be honest, I _______________________ (not like)

myself very much. However, I'd say I had a very happy childhood.

Interviewer: What _________________________________ (you/do) for fun?

Sally: Oh, I have great memories. We _________________________________(not have) phones

or technology of any kind and the streets _____________________________(be) safer than now,

so we _________________________ (play) outdoors all the time.

Interviewer: _________________________________ (you/get) good marks in school?

Sally: Yes, I _______________________________ (study) very hard.

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

Comprehension 19-3-2023 (SUN)

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

19-3-2023 (SUN)

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

Comprehension 26-3-2023 (SUN)

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

26-3-2023 (SUN)

A Pliny the Younger

B Lewis and Clark’s Journal
C Charles Darwin

1. Details about what happened to the residents of Pompeii can be found here. ( )

2. Whose journals introduced readers to never – seen – before animals? ( )

3. He made an important discover after visiting an island. ( )

4. Who lived in ancient time? ( )

5. Whose diary entries were very detailed? ( )

6. We know more about the landscape of western North here. ( )

7. He recorded information about different countries and islands. ( )

8. His diary had notes about everyday life of the Romans. ( )

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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

26-3-2023 (SUN)




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Yr 6 ENG Name:____________ Smart UP Online Tuition 精明线上补习 017-4935939

Comprehension MARCH 2023

Part 5 Vocabulary ( UNIT 2)

1. to destroy something with fire. b __ __ __ d __ __ __ __

2. a small machine use to count and do maths problems. c __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

3. a picture of a person. p __ __ __ __ __ __ __

4. someone who works for another person in their house. s __ __ __ __ __ __

5. a small house usually in countryside. c __ __ __ __ __ __

6. a subject that study things that happened in the past. h __ __ __ __ __ __

7. something that’s yours or belongs to you. p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

8. a liquid that people use for writing. i __ __

9. to put something in the ground and cover it. b __ __ __

10. to send a message or give information to others. c __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

11. a distance of 1000 metres. k __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

12. a period of one hundred years. c __ __ __ __ __ __

13. a piece of thick woven material used to cover the floor. c __ __ __ __ __

14. the act of providing people with somebody to interest them or make them laugh.
e __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

15. new and intended to be different from traditional styles. m __ __ __ __ __

16. a person who shows other people round places of interest. g __ __ __ __

17. a space that is completely empty of all substances or clean with a machine cleaner.
v __ __ __ __ __

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