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The line charts provide the data of range metric tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for each

person in the UK, Sweden, Italy, and Portugal from 1967 to 2007.

Overall, Italy and Portugal show an upward trend throughout the period. However, the UK and
Sweden give the opposite appearance.

Firstly, Portugal, in 1967 started under 2 metric tonnes with a stable flow rising up to almost 4 in
1987 and shows a slightly increased to 5 metric tonnes of CO2 emissions in 1997 before it became
steady and had a cross with Sweden in 2007. While Italy started with a significant growth past to 6
from 1967 to 1977. After that, it has a gradual rise up to under 8 metric tonnes in 1997 and shows a
static line until the end of the period. In contrast, the United Kingdom was the highest rate at over 10
metric tonnes in 1967 and had a drop line throughout the period until under 10. However, Sweden
had a dramatic flow between 1967 and 2007. In 1967, Sweden had an 8.5 rate of metric tonnes and
reached its highest rate at 10.2 in 1977, before dropping sharply to under 6 in 2007.
In comparison to the population in some countries, the number of young people is more
than older people, today. This essay will argue that the advantages of this outweigh the drawbacks.
The essay will first explain that young people would be more passionate about doing a job and it
brings a decrease amount of unemployment in the country, followed by an analysis of how the
primary disadvantage, less experience of them would be a barrier to developing a country is not

The positive aspect is that young people are more enthusiastic about working, so they are
able to give their potential and skill to improve productivity during the job. As a result, the
companies would be happy to open a requirement also for young adults. For instance, recently, 70%
of companies, are looking for people who are in the range aged 20-35 years old. In other words, it
could help the government to solve the unemployment problem. For example, the government of
Singapore notes that amount of people who don’t have jobs had dropped back to 15% in 3 years
because most of their people are young workers.

The opposition to this says that young people would have an obstacle while doing
something to improve the capability of the country because of not having much experience.
However, there is actually no evidence to support that view, and young adults would be awarded a
competitive for making something new recently. Last year, a student from Indonesia was awarded for
their creation of electric cars and this could give an example for the car industry in Indonesia.

To conclude, the fact that the spirit of young people to have a job would decline the amount
of jobless and poverty in a country clearly outweighs the flawed argument that less experience of
them hinders the process of the country.

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