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The graph chart clearly depicts the average discharge of carbon dioxide per individual

in four European nations from 1967 to 2007, NAMELY(c1). In general, CO2 emissions
per person from the UK and Sweden were the top 2 initially but dropped generally. In
contrast, Italy and Portugal began with relatively low discharge but rise by the end of
the period. Despite the steady reduction, the average emissions of the UK were the
highest over the period.

In 1967, the UK showed the highest emissions per individual at around 11 metric
tonnes while the graph showed a gradual reduction. At the final of the period was
about 9 metric tonnes per person. Sweden’s discharge of CO2 for each person was
just over 8 metric tonnes in 1967, then rose to over 10 metric tonnes in the following
decade. HOWEVER, AFTER PEAKING emissions continuously fell, dropping to just 5.5
metric tonnes in 2007.

Conversely, both Italy’s and Portugal’s CO2 discharge for each person increased be-
tween 1967 to 2007. Italy’s figure almost doubled, starting at just over 4 metric
tonnes in 1967 and ending at nearly 8 metric tonnes four decades later. However,
Portugal’s CO2 discharge was even 4 times which per person average emissions was
just 1.5 metric tonnes. But in 2007, the figure for emissions had reached 5.5 metric
tonnes, which matched Sweden’s record.

People now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the world due to the
development of communication and transportation.
Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

In contemporary times, there has been an increasing belief that the advancement of
technologies can make people work or live around the world. Despite some draw-
backs including losing cultural diversity. However, I believe that most individuals will
be beneficial from working abroad. In particular there are a lot of networking oppor-
tunities, and saving money. In this essay I will give a more detailed evaluation and
provide examples to support my argument.
The influence of traditional culture is fading away from the increasing immigrant
population. It is hard to maintain the original culture due to immigrant communities
usually do not have the strong connection with local societies. For example, there
are some rare languages WHICH are endangered. WHY AN EXAMPLE? RESULT!
CONSEQUENCE! such as the local language form Iceland, islenska, residents opt Eng-
lish as their main languages of the information, because islenska is hard for foreign-
ers to learn.

There are several positive aspects from flexible work and living anywhere, particu-
larly as digital nomads who can increase their networking opportunities AND SAVE
MONEY. ONLY ONE IDEA? Flexible work style allows employees to live in A variety OF
cities which compared to living in the city only could widen networking scope. More-
over, labors working by the currency abroad while living in the town to reduce the
living expenditure. UH-OH… NOT THE SAME AS IN THE INTRODUCTION For in-
stance, workers can live in the country while getting jobs with higher value based in
the New York.

To conclude, although there are some disadvantages of working abroad such as de-
creasing cultural variance risk language may vanish. However, I believe that the
benefits including saving living spending and networking opportunities significantly
outweigh the drawbacks.

In the past, most people worked for small businesses, while more people now work
for large businesses.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of working for large businesses?

In contemporary times, there is a noticeable shift from employment in small organi-

zations to mega companies. Such change brings some benefits and drawbacks from
the difference between two scales of firms. In my view, it is a great trend that comes
with advantages such as development opportunities and high salaries. However,
there are some negative parts including strict hierarchies and lack of creativity.

1. There are some beneficial parts to work in the mega-corporations, including

growth opportunities and higher income. 2. The first advantage is abundant devel-
opment courses AS usually there are A variety OF programs in the company which
provide workers to widen their professional skills. 4. In addition, BEING recruited by
a huge organization is guaranteed to PROVIDE their employeeS with competitive
income. 5.In order to pursuing the professional workers that big organizations will
provide higher income to secure workers. 6.According to The New York Times, com-
pared to the small BUSINESSES , top 50 companies in the US provide the sky-high
salary which is higher than the average income of the US with 30%.

1. NeverTHEless, there is a demanding structure in the big corporations which often

RESULTS IN A lack of creativity. 2. Big firms usually follow a strict hierarchy to ensure
their growth is well coordinated, however, labors often stick in their hierarchies
waiting an order from managers, also forced to follow the organizational structure.
4. Another drawback is rare creativity, the problems is corporate structure often pri-
oritized the stability and resist to change, leading a lack of creativity. 5. Also, large
companies offer standard product which is hard to change easily. 6. For example,
Coke-Cola has their classic coke with iconic formula which never been changed.

To conclude, working in the mega-company is beneficial form development chances

and decent salaries. However, the lack of creativity which deprived from the strict
structure are the drawbacks that cannot be ignored.

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