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The digital revolution currently taking place in our world has been significantly fueled by the
advent and development of artificial intelligence. Renowned AI pioneer Andrew Ng
famously likened AI to the "new electricity," capturing its immense potential and profound
implications on our lives. I have always been fascinated by the limitless possibilities that such
technologies present, specifically the ability of AI to exponentially augment the intelligence
of machines through self-learning mechanisms. Inspired by these potentials, I have made a
firm decision to dedicate my career to the exciting and ever-evolving field of artificial
intelligence. I am eager to further my understanding and skills by pursuing a graduate degree
in Computer Science, majoring in AI.

My interest in AI was sparked by a chance visit to a tech fair in Mumbai. Although initially
reluctant, I found myself captivated by the spectacle of cutting-edge technologies and
innovative projects on display. The fair was a turning point in my life, igniting a curiosity
about computer technologies and their boundless possibilities. As a result, I chose to major in
B.Sc. IT, a comprehensive program that offered a holistic approach to learning about various
aspects of technology, including networking, programming languages, and AI.

During my undergraduate studies, I developed a robust foundation in various facets of

information technology. The course's vast curriculum provided me with an in-depth
understanding of Python, one of the primary tools used in data science and machine learning.
With Python's rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks such as NumPy, Pandas, and
TensorFlow, I had the opportunity to analyze complex data sets, build predictive models, and
extract valuable insights. Another critical learning curve was Core Java, known for its
robustness, platform independence, and wide range of applications. The principles of
structured approach and object-orientation of Java make it a reliable tool for software
development. Moreover, the concept of Business Intelligence appealed to me greatly, as it
seamlessly combines data and AI to facilitate informed decision-making.

One of the highlights of my academic journey was the development of a mobile application
for my final year project. The application integrated the functionalities of a note-making app
and a reminder app, offering a convenient platform for users to manage their tasks, deadlines,
and productivity. The development process provided me with hands-on experience in
software development methodologies, programming languages, and database management. It
also helped me cultivate essential soft skills such as teamwork, leadership, and respect for
diverse perspectives.
During my graduation, I had the chance to work as a Data Analyst at SuccesrHR Tech
company. This role marked my first step into the corporate world, and it was a rich learning
experience. I gained practical skills in data manipulation, analysis, and visualization
techniques. The experience also instilled in me a strong understanding of the importance of
data interpretation and insightful reporting. However, I soon realized the need to broaden my
knowledge to pursue a successful career in the field of AI.

Motivated by this need, I began looking for a program that would provide me with the
necessary skills and knowledge. While India offers numerous AI-related programs, many of
these programs focus on theoretical concepts, lacking real-life projects and applications.
Therefore, I expanded my search to the United States, a global leader in the development of
intelligent systems and a trendsetter in AI technologies. Among the many institutions,
University of Alabama at birmingham stood out as a pioneer in recognizing the potential of
these emerging technologies. The university's curriculum, which combines academic learning
with industrial exposure, and its resources make it an ideal platform to acquire the relevant
skills needed to excel in my chosen field.

Moreover, I am keen to read at the University of Alabama at birmingham on account of its

ground-breaking work in Computer Science. I hope to work under the guidance of faculty
such as Dr. Baocheng Geng and assist him in his work on Human decision making,
distributed detection ,information fusion, optimization for signal processing and machine
learning. Looking ahead, I envision returning to India after completing my master's degree.
The country has emerged as a global leader in the IT industry, hosting a plethora of
successful start-ups, multinational corporations, and innovative technological solutions. My
ambition is to use my expertise in AI and data science to contribute to this exciting field and
eventually establish my own AI-driven business. I am confident that the valuable industry
experience and insights I will gain from this endeavor will enable me to drive positive change
through AI-powered solutions.

However, to turn these dreams into reality, I believe that I need to learn from the best. I am
hopeful that your esteemed institution will provide me with the opportunity to do so. I am
confident of meeting your expectations and making significant contributions to my chosen
field of study. I am prepared to take on the challenges that lie ahead and earnestly hope that
the admission committee will appreciate my passion and enthusiasm and consider my
application favorably.

Kunal Parikh

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