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Good afternoon, teachers. Hope you have a nice day.

First, let me introduce the members

of Kizzup. Im NTD and these are my two partners, Thinh and Phuong. I am very honored
and happy to be here today to share with you the idea of BUILDING KIZZUP BRAND
STRATEGY. These are the contents of my presentation (slide mục lục). I believe you
already have information about what Kizzup is and who we are in the Report and because
of limited time, I would like to talk about three core contents of the Kizzup brand. The
first content is Kizzup's Brand Idea. (chuyển slide brand idea)
First is Our Vision
“Become a leading brand in the field of Edutainment.”
Kizzup believes that vision goes hand in hand with responsibility, the broader the vision,
the higher the responsibility. Kizzup's responsibility is built on the happiness, innocent
smiles and pure souls of children along with the quality of the products and services
Kizzup brings.
To achieve that Vision, Kizzup set a current purpose:
“Create an effective playing and learning environment for children to develop.”
Kizzup's purpose is to use activities and programs to help children perfect the 5 necessary
skills for comprehensive development: Emotions, Intelligence, Social Skills, Awareness,
Physical, and Spiritual.
Our Brand Value is
“Faith and happiness - Creativity and development – Comprehension”
Kizzup will sow the first seeds called Faith and happiness.
Creativity and development are like pure water to nurture those seeds.
And the final result is the sweet fruit that Kizzup calls Comprehension.
Kizzup doesn't sell a service or product, we sell a promise
“More than a duty, it's a mission.”
Kizzup wants both children and parents to feel satisfied and secure when choosing Kizzup
as the place to guide their children's first steps to explore the world and themselves.
Kizzup do this with the criteria of a noble mission, not a simple task.
That promise comes from the story
Originating from the love of children, the founders of Kizzup have long cherished the idea
of creating an environment that combines education and play for children to freely
develop. A place where children rule the world, do what they like and run it their own
We call it Kizzup! We started, built, and complete everything with our love for children.
Kizzup Innovation
Kizzup wants the output quality to be that learners are developed as comprehensively as
In addition to academic methods, Kizzup is also powered by advanced technology for
better courses.
About Purchase Moment
“Allow children to experience, feel and decide.”
Kizzup promotes each child's self-determination and experience. That's the first step you
take to run your own city.
Final element is Experience
Kizzup also has a chain of support systems such as Kizzup Store - where we provide
related items such as clothes, toys or Kizzup Theater - A place to organize cultural
activities and exchange programs with collaborating schools and businesses.
And all the essence of Kizzup is briefly described in the sentence Brand Idea
“KIZZUP nurtures children’s dreams so that each child is the best thing for the future.”

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