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20 FEBRUARY 2023


This paper consists of 08 pages including the cover page.

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1.1.1 Define stressor, also give one example of positive and negative
- Stressor is anything, event or a person that causes stress √.
- Example of positive stress –Presenting a report to the class, writing
examination, going for an interview √.
- Example of negative stress – abusing alcohol √. 3x1 (3)

1.1.2 Explain three coping skills that can help learners to deal with
the stress that they may experience after receiving
disappointing matric results.

- Accepting what you can’t change √ may help you stay positive despite
the disappointment√
- Looking for the positive/drawing some lessons to learn from the
disappointment √ may help you not to repeat the same mistakes √
- Seeking help from a support system such as a friend or family √, may
relieve feelings of loneliness/stress/anxiety √
- Applying a good decision-making/ problem-solving skills√ may help
you plan for the future√
- Seeking advice and guidance from the family/friends/professionals/
or other relevant counsellors√ in order to deal with the
disappointment in an effective way√
- Doing introspection to see where you have gone wrong√ so that you
may do things differently the next time√
- Speaking to others who overcame their disappointments√ and finding
out what strategies they used may allow you to use the same coping
mechanisms to deal with your own situation√
- Avoiding negative people who may only add more stress√ may help
you to find ways to deal with your disappointment in a more positive
- Consider other options who could be more suited to your results√ and
this may motivate you to re-strategize and plan in another direction√
Any other relevant responses for TWO marks 3x2 (6)

1.1.3 Discuss one possible challenge learners may face should they
no longer qualify for their intended course of study.
Learners may …
- Not be able to find placement for other courses due to unavailability of
space in their planned courses, and this may force them to choose a
course that may not suit their interests/abilities √
- Have to rewrite some subjects so as to improve their Admission Point
Score (APS) results and this may cause a delay in their applications
hence forcing them to reapply for the next academic year√
- Be forced to do a different course with lower credits because of a lack
of other more suitable options hence they may receive lower
qualification than what they originally planned √

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- Have to opt for a bridging course which will extend the duration of
their studies/to ensure placement in their desired course for which
they did not apply √
- Face financial challenges due to lack of funding as a result of non-
acceptance/extension of the duration of the intended study course √
- Have to consider other career/courses opportunities in their original
plan are no longer available√
- Find themselves unemployed due to lack of qualifications √
- Lose out on financial aid that was promised based on internal exam
results and thus may have to fund their studies in another course √
- Have to go through the stress of re-applying/selection process again
as they now have to be considered for another course of study √
- Experience emotional and psychological challenges as they may be
demotivated/discouraged and may sit at home/not consider other
options √
- Register with unaccredited institutions and do a course that is not
recognised/ and waste money √
- Any other relevant response for ONE mark. 1x1 (1)

1.2.1. Explain how a negative attitude towards life could affect your
communication with others.
TWO marks for a well-explained response
It may cause you to …
- Be judgemental/pessimistic of others √ which may make others
dislike you and not want to communicate with you √
- Be abrupt/curt/blunt/rude/aggressive/arrogant/use vulgar language
in your communication with people √ which may make a conversation
unpleasant/limit all forms of communication/interaction/cause
miscommunication with others √
- Constantly complain about everything/have a sad tone of
voice/glooming outlook on life/√ which may make people avoid
communicating/initiating conversations with you √
- Always dismiss/disregard what others say/√ not listen to others
which may result in people not wanting to share information/ideas/
concerns with you √
- Exaggerate/ over-think/make things seem worse than what it is/ be
paranoid √ which may create anxiety/fear in others when
communicating with them √
- Shut off from others/be bitter/frustrated √ which may cause you to
have difficulty in communicating with others √
- Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks 1x2 (2)

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1.2.2. Discuss how avoiding conflict is not healthy for any relationship.
TWO marks for each well-explained response
It may …
- Prevent people from resolving the conflict/cause people to hold
grudges √ which could only worsen the situation √
- Result in you becoming withdrawn/introverted √ which may lead to
irreconcilable differences in relationships √
- Intensify the problem √ which could lead to more/other issues in the
long run √
- Add to the existing emotional stress of the people involved √ which
could increase the rift/tension between the parties √
- Cause you to compromise/suppress your true
feelings/cultural/religious beliefs √ which could lead to
frustration/anger, affecting that person’s health negatively √
- Harm intimacy, closeness in relationships √ because all honest
communication with the other person may be compromised/cut-off √
- Cause a breakdown in communication/strained feelings √ as trust
and honesty may be lost in the relationship √
- Cause the other party to remain ignorant/unknowledgeable about
your problem/concern √ which could cause more damage to the
relationship √
Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks each. 2x2 (4)
1.2.3. Why do you think compromising may not always be considered to
be the most ideal method to resolve disagreements?

TWO marks for each well explained response

- Since compromising requires both sides to give up something in order
to reach an agreement √ it may result in neither party being truly
satisfied √
- When someone uses compromising as a hidden agenda/takes
advantage of the other person’s willingness to compromise √ then over
a time, a pattern can develop where one individual may always
manage to get their way/may manipulate the other person into getting
their way √
- Sometimes a compromise may be perceived as a weakness/you may
be seen as being silly/foolish √ which may cause people to feel
powerless/defenceless in the situation √
- Some people may outwardly compromise when, in fact they may feel
totally different about the situation √ which may lead to
resentment/hostility between the parties √
- A compromise may be viewed as always satisfying the other
party/having to give up your values/the real cause of disagreement
may not be dealt with √ and these could breed feelings of bitterness
towards the other party/strained relationships √

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- Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks 2x2 (4)
1.2.4. How would you improve your way of coping with changes in any
relationship? In EACH answer, also indicate how improving these
coping skills could help you accept the changes in your relationships.

THREE marks for each well-explained response

You could …
- Assess how much control you have over a situation in a
relationship/set boundary√ by determining what you can take
responsibility for√ and in this way you may be able to accept the
things that you are unable to change in a relationship√
- Accept that experiencing changes in life is inevitable/consider the
importance of the other person’s choices√ which may enable you to
deal better with sudden/unexpected disappointment in a
relationship√ and this may help you to cope better with the
challenges/difficulties/problems in the relationship√
- Make a conscious decision to not postpone taking the necessary
actions in a particular situation of that relationship√ so that you may
not become overwhelmed by the unavoidable√ and this may help you
to make peace with your new situation√
- Practice better self-care when experiencing any form of loss (death of
a loved one/end of a relationship) talk to someone you trust/keep a
journal√ which may enable you to deal better with any feelings of
sorrow you may experience√ and this may lower the risk of anxiety
about your changed circumstances/figure out how to move forward√
- Be more mindful of your thought patterns√ so that you may be able to
assess how rational/irrational your thinking is√ and this may help
you to not feel doomed by assuming the worst outcomes in the
- Envision/put yourself in the future of these changed circumstances√
which may enable you to be more hopeful about the future√ and this
may help you to feel more positive about what lies ahead√
- Remind yourselves about transitions/challenges you successfully
navigated in past relationships√ so that you may consider which
traits/actions might see you through your current challenges in a
relationship√ and this may help you realise your strengths when
having to deal with any change in a relationship√
- See change as an opportunity for growth in your relationship√ which
may help you to focus on what you could learn from these new
developments√ and this may allow you to determine the priorities
going forward in the relationship√
- Make yourself aware of the fact that a change in a relationship could
also be positive/acknowledge the good aspects in the relationship√
which may help you to be more adaptive to any new/unexpected
change in circumstances√ and this may allow you to experience these
changes in a relationship in a pleasant transition
- Any TWO of the above responses for THREE marks each 2x3 (6)

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1.2.5. Differentiate between intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict and give

one example from each.
- Intrapersonal conflict happens or occurs within yourself √. For example, you
may be in conflict with yourself because part of you want to do well in a test
and study the whole weekend, but another part of you want to visit a friend√
- Interpersonal conflict happens between persons √. For example, your best
friend accuses you of gossiping. You deny it but your friends do not believe
you√ 2x2 (4)

1.3.1. Give a definition of the term study skills.

Study skills refer to…
- The ability to concentrate/perceive information correctly/accurately
to remember what has been studied√
- An acquired ability to apply the strategies/methods/techniques
learned to achieve√ to achieve one’s study goals/study effectively√
- The ability to recall/retain information/new knowledge successfully√
and producing it in a logical way√
- Any ONE of the responses for TWO marks 1x2 (2)
1.3.2. Differentiate between the following action words as used in an
examination question paper:

• Illustrate
• Identify
- When illustrating you would give an example by clearly showing what
you mean√ whereas identifying means to find/establish something√
- Illustrating means to explain something in ways that clearly
demonstrate what needs to be understood √ while identifying involves
the ability to choose something from a range of factors√
- To illustrate means to explain something by visual representations,
e.g., using a graph/figure/diagram√ whereas identifying would mean
to pinpoint/briefly describe the main points√
- When illustrating something you could use comparisons√ while
identifying would mean to simply recognise and point out something
1x2 (2)
1.3.3. Explain one benefit of planning your responses when sitting for an
It may enable you to…
- Focus on what is actually required from a question√ so that you may
be able to formulate/develop your responses according to the core
instruction of the question

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- Effect changes to your answers before compiling the final answer√

thereby ensuring that your responses are
clear/understandable/relevant to the question
- Focus only on the main aspect of the question√ so that you may not
waste time on non-essential information/may know where to start
- Choose the question you know well√ which may help you to recall the
necessary information with ease√
- Be precise in answering a question√ thereby ensuring that you give
the required detail√
- Organise your thoughts to prioritise the information you present√ so
that you may be able to present your facts in a logical/coherent way√
- Perform better√ as it may reduce stress/anxiety in the exam room√
- Have rough work which may be considered for marking in certain
subjects√ in case the candidate is unable to complete the paper within
the stipulated time√
- Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks 1x2 (2)
1.3.4. Assess how time management skills could assist you to perform
effectively in your Grade 12 assessments.
It could enable you to…
- Prioritise your deliverables/avoid procrastinating√ and this may assist
you to meet deadlines/targets for assessment tasks with more ease√
- Do proper scheduling/planning of tasks/projects√ and this may
ensure timeous completion of all work-related activities√
- Monitor that time spent on each task is valid√ and this may ensure
that you do not spend too much time on one task at the expense of
- Set realistic goals to complete tasks√ and this may help you to reach
the outcomes for a day/specific period of time√
- Distribute your workload in a systematic way√ and this may help you
to stay well organised/manage your amount of work effortlessly√
- Not take on too many tasks within a given time frame/avoid
cramming√ and this may enable you to complete assessments more
- Set up your work environment in a way√ that would eliminate any
possible distractors√ which may ensure that your time is not taken up
by less important activities when having to complete assessments√
- Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks each 2x2 (4)

The transition between school and post-school destination can be difficult.

1.4.1. Write a short essay of 15-20 sentences where you critically discuss how
the transition from school to post-school destination can best be dealt

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- Plan what to do √, know what the changes will be and make a plan to
deal with each aspect √
- Think of previous changes in your life and how you coped with them √
Use some of the skills again if they worked for you √
- List the good aspects of change √. Get yourself motivated and
enthusiastic √
- Develop a positive attitude towards change and take charge √. See it
as a challenge and opportunity for your personal development and
growth √
- Avoid resisting change √. Face your fear of change √
- Talk about your fears of change √. Tell a friend, family member or
teacher how you feel √. Talk to somebody you trust; say how you feel
about change √
- Change means you need more information √. This is because you
move from known to an unknown situation √. The more information
you have about the situation, the easier it will be to cope √
- Give yourself time to adjust to the change √. Do not put too much
pressure on yourself, give yourself an adjustment period √
- Use your religion or belief system to guide you and to give you comfort
and support √
- Realise that you are now responsible for yourself, there are no longer
teachers to tell you what to do all the time and your parents or
caregivers may not be around to supervise you √. Take full
responsibility and behave in a mature way √


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