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Guided questions that you need to submit by Saturday this weekends before


1. Discuss the formation of the brain and spinal cord.

2. Discuss the development of the peripheral nervous system starting from


3. Discuss the development of medulla oblongata starting from neurulation.

4. Discuss the importance of neural crest cells in the development of autonomic

nervous system

The development of the brain and spinal cord is a complex and fascinating process that
occurs during the early stages of embryonic development. It begins with the formation of
a structure known as the neural tube, which ultimately gives rise to the central nervous
system (CNS) consisting of the brain and spinal cord.
This process, called neurulation, begins around the third week of gestation. It starts with
the formation of a flat sheet of cells called the neural plate on the dorsal side of the
developing embryo. The neural plate then undergoes a series of intricate changes. It
gradually folds inward along its midline, forming a groove known as the neural groove.
As this happens, the neural folds rise on both sides of the groove, deepening it.
As neurulation progresses, the neural folds come together and fuse, ultimately closing
off the neural groove and forming the neural tube. The neural tube is a hollow and
cylindrical structure that extends along the length of the embryo and serves as the
precursor for the CNS. The front part of the neural tube differentiates into the brain,
while the back part becomes the spinal cord.
Further development leads to the division of the brain into three primary regions: the
forebrain (prosencephalon), midbrain (mesencephalon), and hindbrain
(rhombencephalon). These regions eventually give rise to various structures within the
brain, such as the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem.
Meanwhile, the spinal cord, originating from the back part of the neural tube, continues
to elongate as the embryo grows. Different regions of the spinal cord correspond to
specific segments of the body, and it plays a crucial role in transmitting sensory
information from the body to the brain and relaying motor commands from the brain to
the body.
The proper closure of the neural tube is essential in preventing neural tube defects,
which can lead to severe neurological abnormalities. Understanding the formation of the
brain and spinal cord is fundamental to gaining insight into the development and
functioning of the nervous system.
Development of the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Starting from Neurulation:
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is a crucial part of the nervous system that
transmits sensory information to the central nervous system (CNS) and delivers motor
commands from the CNS to muscles and glands. Its development begins during a
critical process called neurulation in early embryonic development. During neurulation,
when the neural tube forms, a group of cells known as the neural crest separates from
the neural tube. These neural crest cells migrate extensively throughout the embryo and
play a significant role in PNS development.
1. Sensory Neurons: Some neural crest cells give rise to sensory neurons in the PNS.
These neurons transmit information from sensory receptors (e. . in the skin or internal
organs) to the CNS. The sensory neurons derived from the neural crest are diverse and
serve various sensory modalities such as touch, temperature, pain, and proprioception.
2. Autonomic Ganglia: Neural crest cells also contribute to the formation of clusters of
nerve cell bodies called autonomic ganglia in the PNS. These ganglia control
involuntary functions like heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate. The sympathetic
and parasympathetic ganglia, which are part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS),
originate from neural crest cells.
3. Schwann Cells: Neural crest cells are responsible for the development of Schwann
cells. Schwann cells are crucial as they form the myelin sheath around peripheral
nerves, facilitating the efficient conduction of nerve impulses.
4. Chromaffin Cells: Neural crest cells also play a role in the development of chromaffin
cells in the adrenal medulla. These cells release hormones like adrenaline and
noradrenaline into the bloodstream, contributing to the body's "fight or flight" response.
In summary, the development of the PNS begins with neurulation, where neural crest
cells emerge as a key contributor. These versatile cells contribute to the formation of
sensory neurons, autonomic ganglia, Schwann cells, and chromaffin cells, all of which
are essential for the proper functioning of the peripheral nervous system. Disruptions in
neural crest cell migration or differentiation can lead to various neurological and
autonomic disorders.
The development of the medulla oblongata, a crucial part of the brainstem responsible
for controlling vital functions like breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure, starts during
a process called neurulation. Neurulation is an early stage of embryonic development
where the neural plate transforms into the neural tube. This transformation occurs as
the neural plate, a flat sheet of cells on the dorsal side of the embryo, folds and fuses to
form the neural tube. The medulla oblongata is located in the hindbrain region of the
neural tube.
As the neural tube continues to develop, the hindbrain region differentiates into distinct
segments, including the metencephalon and myelencephalon. The myelencephalon
serves as the precursor to the medulla oblongata. This differentiation process is
influenced by specific genes and signaling molecules that guide the patterning and
specialization of these brain regions.
The medulla oblongata plays a critical role as a relay station between the brain and
spinal cord, controlling essential functions necessary for survival. It contains vital
centers responsible for regulating autonomic functions such as heart rate, breathing
rhythm, and blood pressure. Neurons within the medulla oblongata receive sensory
information and send motor commands to maintain body homeostasis.
As embryonic development progresses, the medulla oblongata further matures and
establishes connections with other brain regions while receiving input from sensory
pathways. The development of the medulla oblongata is tightly regulated to ensure the
proper functioning of these vital autonomic processes.
In conclusion, the development of the medulla oblongata starts with neurulation, where
the neural tube forms and differentiates into the hindbrain, ultimately leading to the
formation of this critical brainstem structure. The proper development of the medulla
oblongata is essential for regulating fundamental bodily functions and ensuring the
survival of the organism.

Neural crest cells are a remarkable group of cells that play a crucial role in the
development of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS controls involuntary
bodily functions, such as heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate. The significance of
neural crest cells lies in their ability to give rise to various components of the ANS,
ensuring its proper function and coordination.
1. Formation of Autonomic Ganglia:
Neural crest cells contribute significantly to the formation of autonomic ganglia. These
ganglia are clusters of nerve cell bodies located outside the central nervous system
(CNS) and are essential for relaying autonomic signals. The ANS has two main
divisions: the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. Neural crest cells give rise to
ganglia in both divisions. Sympathetic ganglia are responsible for the "fight or flight"
response, while parasympathetic ganglia control the "rest and digest" functions. Without
neural crest cells, these ganglia would not form, leading to improper functioning of the
2. Control of Smooth Muscle:
The ANS controls smooth muscle in various organs, including the digestive system,
respiratory system, and blood vessels. Neural crest-derived neurons innervate these
muscles, allowing for their involuntary contraction and relaxation. This ensures the
proper functioning of processes such as peristalsis in the intestines and regulation of
blood pressure.
3. Chromaffin Cells of the Adrenal Medulla:
Neural crest cells also contribute to the formation of chromaffin cells located in the
adrenal medulla. These cells are part of the sympathetic nervous system and play a
central role in the body's stress response. They secrete hormones like adrenaline and
noradrenaline into the bloodstream, preparing the body for rapid action in response to a
perceived threat.
4. Integration of Autonomic Functions:
Neural crest-derived neurons in the ANS integrate sensory information and relay motor
commands to maintain homeostasis. They receive signals from various receptors, such
as baroreceptors monitoring blood pressure or chemoreceptors sensing oxygen and
carbon dioxide levels. These neurons process this information and adjust autonomic
output accordingly to keep bodily functions within optimal ranges.
5. Development of Reflexes:
Neural crest cells are instrumental in the development of autonomic reflexes. These
reflexes, like the cough reflex or the pupillary light reflex, are essential for rapid and
automatic responses to specific stimuli. Neural crest-derived neurons are involved in
forming the neural circuits responsible for these reflexes.
In summary, neural crest cells are indispensable in the development of the autonomic
nervous system. Their multifaceted contributions include forming autonomic ganglia,
controlling smooth muscle, contributing to the adrenal medulla's chromaffin cells,
integrating sensory information, and enabling the development of autonomic reflexes.
These contributions ensure that the ANS functions correctly, allowing the body to
respond appropriately to internal and external stimuli, maintain vital functions, and adapt
to changing circumstances. Dysfunctions or abnormalities in neural crest cell
development can lead to various autonomic disorders with significant health

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