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Learning Area Physical Education Grade Level 9

W8 Quarter 4th Date

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING  Advocates community effort to increase participation in physical
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) activities and improve nutrition practices. (PE9PF - IVb - h -43)
 Practices environmental ethics (leave no trace) during participation in
recreational activities of the community. (PE9PFIVb-h-44)
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Active Recreation (Healthy Lifestyle)
I. Introduction (Time Frame: DAY 1)

The way you live your life in an everyday basis is your LIFESTYLE. These are the patterns of your behaviors on how you
typically live. It includes eating habits, physical activity participation, and recreational choice. Today’s teenagers are seen in
places like fast food chains indulging with unhealthy food such as fries, burgers, and drinking too much sugary drinks that
causes obesity.
Participation in active recreation influences your healthy lifestyle. It improves health condition in many ways. It also
helps you to use the calories better and sustain a desirable weight
Lifestyle change is the best way of preventing illness and early death. Major causes of early death have shifted from
infectious diseases to chronic lifestyle related conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
How to maintain a healthy body?
1. Engage yourself in a regular physical activity

2. Eat healthy food.

3. Find time to manage stress

4. . Follow a good personal healthy habit

The HELP PHILOSOPHY can guide you in starting a healthy lifestyle change

The formula BMI=Weight in Kilogram/height in meters squared.

18.5 and Below underweight
Example: Weight in kilogram = 48 kg
Height 18.5 to 24.9 normal
BMI= 48 kg/1.61 𝑚2
BMI= 48 kg/2.59 𝑚2 25.0 to 29.9 above normal
BMI= 18.53 – normal 30 above obese
What affects your weight?
1. Genes –These are inherited traits from your parents. Children can inherit the chances of being overweight or obese if
born from obese parents, approximately 80% chance. While a non-obese parents can only have a 10% chance of
bearing an obese or overweight child. The rapid growth teens undergo causes a natural healthy weight gain. However,
girls on their teens have hormonal changes that cause weight change
2. Environmental factors – aside from the genetic factors, being overweight or obese is also caused by some environmental
factors. This includes behavior and lifestyle choices. When a child is brought up with overeating unhealthy foods and
under exercising, he develops a learned behavior that leads to wrong lifelong habits.
Energy Balance the concept of energy balance compares the amount of energy consumed as food with the amount of
energy expended through physical activities, exercises, and resting metabolism. You can maintain a healthy weight by
eating a healthy diet and balancing the food you eat. These foods are used as energy to keep your body systems
working. You use some for physical activity and exercises such as playing sports and dancing. If you eat the same
amount of food that your body needs in your daily physical activities, you will maintain your weight. Then if you have
more than energy expenditure than food intake, you will lose weight.
To sum it up: Weight Gain (more calories consumed/less calories expended) Weight Loss (more calories consumed/less
calories expended Weight Management (calories consumed = calories expended
Engaging in physical activity is one big step that you can do to start changing your lifestyle into a healthier and active
one. Being active would mean getting yourself into active recreation such as sports, dances and some outdoor type
Energy Balance
The concept of energy balance compares the amount of energy consumed as food with the amount of energy expended
through physical activities, exercises, and resting metabolism. You can maintain a healthy weight by eating a healthy diet
and balancing the food you eat. These foods are used as energy to keep your body systems working. You use some for
physical activity and exercises such as playing sports and dancing. If you eat more than your energy expenditure, you
will gain weight. If you eat the same amount of food that your body needs in your daily physical activities, you will
maintain your weight. Then if you have more than energy expenditure than food intake, you will lose weight.
To sum it up:
Weight Gain (more calories consumed/less calories
expended) Weight Loss (more calories consumed/less
calories expended Weight Management (calories consumed
= calories expended

D. Development (Time Frame: Day 2)

Directions: Answer this task by following the instructions below.
BOTTOM PART Write the physical activities that you often do in a
week. MIDDLE PART Write the physical activities that you seldom do in
a week UPPER PART Write the physical activity that you do once a
Activity 2: BMI
Directions: Use the given data to compute the BMI. Identify its classification and show your solution.

1. Weight – 52 kg, Height - 1.64 m

2. Weight – 36kg, Height - 1.58 m
3. Weight – 64kg, Height - 1.72 m
4. Weight – 48kg, Height - 1.60 m
5. Weight – 54kg, Height - 1.68 m

E. Engagement (Time Frame: Day 3)

Activity 3 Letter Sender

Directions: Assume that you are the SK Chairman of your barangay. Write a letter address to your Barangay Chairman
about the project you want to conduct, that advocates community effort to increase participation in physical activities,
improve nutrition practices, and with consideration to the new normal situation due to COVID19 Pandemic. Your output
will be graded using this rubric:
Content 50%
Organization 30%
Punctuation and Grammar 20%
Total 100%

A. Assimilation (Time Frame: Day 4)

Activity 4: SLOGAN
Directions: In a bond paper, create a slogan about practicing environmental ethics while engaging in different
recreational activities. Please be guided by the rubric below in doing your work.

Relevance to the topic
Originality 25%
Grammar 25%
Total 100%
V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: Day 4)
(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.
1. The way you live your life in an everyday basis is your lifestyle.
2. Participation in active recreation improves health condition in many ways.
3. Children cannot inherit the chances of being overweight or obese if born from obese parents.
4. If you eat more than your energy expenditure, you will lose weight.
5. If you eat the same amount of food that your body needs in your daily physical activities, you will maintain your
6. Joining community activity like Zumba barangay will contribute a healthy lifestyle.
7. Stress eating will make you fit and healthy.
8. Have a healthy meal plan.
9. Have an understanding regarding with the balance diet
10. Eating a lot of sweets everyday will make your body more active.
VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: Day 4)
 Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw
it in the column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target
content/ lesson.
 - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able
do/perform this task.
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8
Learners Material P.E and Health 9

Prepared by: AUDREY HAROLD M. NAVALES Checked by:

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