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Charming DMs Template Pack


This adds some work, but try to send DMs line-by-line. This makes your message seem far
more spontaneous, rather than some mass message you send to loads of people.

I understand this is more labour intensive, so it’s not essential. However, I would test this.
Profile Set Up

On Instagram, I highly recommend using your permanent stories to showcase testimonials and
case studies.
On LinkedIn, I highly recommend making sure you try to get as many recommendations as
possible on your profile.

These templates use UK spelling. You may wish to change these to American English if that is
where your prospects reside.

Modifying the templates

Simply change these templates so they are for your niche. For example, the digital marketing
template can easily be modified for specific types of marketing or consultancy.


Excuse me while I slide into your DMs. I love what you’ve done with the place!

Rather than ask blatantly phony questions like “How is your business doing?” I decided to admit
outright this is a pitch.

I don’t enjoy sending cold DMs like this. Alas, my lifelong addiction to food and shelter all but
forces me.

I’m a copywriter, and I know I can help you sell more through email marketing.

I come bearing a gift / incentive / bribe, though.

I’m going to make you an offer I hope you find difficult to resist: If you reply to this message, I’ll
write 3 emails you can use free of charge.

At the least, you’ll get some ideas you’re free to steal or point and laugh at.

Let me know if you’re interested.

I’ll keep my fingers, toes, and other appendages crossed.

Thanks for your time.

Have an absolutely wonderful day,


P.S. I’ve attached a picture of a cat begging. According to the internet, his name is Rufus. I trust
this will charm you into submission.
Optional personalisation
Add to the end:
P.P.S. To prove I’ve actually looked at your profile, I must say, this photo you posted is great.
Superb shot!

{Insert Photo Here}


1. You can offer something else instead of the free emails. You could offer one email
instead. Or you could offer to brainstorm ideas for emails. You must give some kind of
bespoke value upfront, though.

2. If you’d prefer not to send a cute animal picture, you could use a selfie instead.
Use this copy:
P.S. I’ve attached a selfie of me smiling sheepishly. I hope you find this suitably
Digital Marketing Expert


Excuse me while I slide into your DMs. I love what you’ve done with the place!

Rather than ask blatantly phony questions like “How is your business doing?” I decided to admit
outright this is a pitch.

I don’t enjoy sending cold DMs like this. Alas, my lifelong addiction to food and shelter all but
forces me.

I’m a Digital Marketing Consultant, and I know I can help you sell more online.

I’m going to make you an offer I hope you find difficult to resist: If you reply to this message, I’ll
provide you with a free bespoke audit of your current activity.

It’ll be the most exciting and interesting audit document you’ll get all day! :D

At the least, you’ll get some ideas you’re free to steal or point and laugh at.

Let me know if you’re interested.

I’ll keep my fingers, toes, and other appendages crossed.

Thanks for your time.

Have an absolutely wonderful day,


P.S. I’ve attached a picture of a cat begging. According to the internet, his name is Rufus. I trust
this will charm you into submission.
Digital Marketing Agency


Excuse me while I slide into your DMs. I love what you’ve done with the place!

Rather than ask blatantly phony questions like “How is your business doing?” I decided to admit
outright this is a pitch.

I don’t enjoy sending cold DMs like this. Alas, my lifelong addiction to food and shelter all but
forces me.

I run a Digital Marketing Agency called AgencyName and I know we can help you sell more

I’m going to make you an offer I hope you find difficult to resist: If you reply to this message, I’ll
provide you with a free bespoke audit of your current activity.

It’ll be the most exciting and interesting audit document you’ll get all day! :D

At the least, you’ll get some ideas you’re free to steal or point and laugh at.

Let me know if you’re interested.

I’ll keep my fingers, toes, and other appendages crossed.

Thanks for your time.

Have an absolutely wonderful day,


P.S. I’ve attached a picture of a cat begging. According to the internet, his name is Rufus. I trust
this will charm you into submission.
Photographer for Real Estate


Excuse me while I slide into your DMs. I love what you’ve done with the place!

Rather than ask blatantly phony questions like “How is your business doing?” I decided to admit
outright this is a pitch.

I don’t enjoy sending cold DMs like this. Alas, my lifelong addiction to food and shelter all but
forces me.

I’m a photographer and I know I can help you get more viewings from your online listings.

I’m going to make you an offer I hope you find difficult to resist: If you reply to this message, I’ll
provide you with some free photographs for your next real estate listing.

Let me know if you’re interested.

I’ll keep my fingers, toes, and other appendages crossed :)

Thanks for your time.

Have an absolutely wonderful day,


P.S. I’ve attached a picture of a cat begging. According to the internet, his name is Rufus. I trust
this will charm you into submission.
Free Lead Magnet


Excuse me while I slide into your DMs. I love what you've done with the place!

In a flagrant attempt at ingratiating myself, I come bearing a gift / incentive / bribe.

It's not a car. It's not some booze. It's… my guide to adding more subscribers to your email list.

It contains a range of tips, tricks, and hacks to add more relevant subs to your email list so you
have more people to sell to.

If you'd like it, let me know and I'll send the link.

If it's not of interest, that's all good. However, if this message has annoyed you, feel free to send
me your most cutting, creative insult.

Have a lovely day,

Get the attention of someone you admire


I’ve been advised not to send you something that puts you on a pedestal. I shouldn’t be
needlessly obsequious.

However, I’ve elected to reject this advice outright and speak openly. You’re incredibly talented
and smart, and many other positive adjectives.

A response from you would make my decade.

In an attempt to bring a wry smile to your face, I’ve attached a picture of me posing with your
book, Bookname.

{Insert Selfie Here}

I’ll keep my fingers, toes, and other appendages crossed.

Have an absolutely wonderful day,

Invite Yourself Onto A Podcast


Excuse me while I slide into your DMs. I love what you’ve done with the place!

Rather than ask blatantly phony questions like “How is your business doing?” I decided to admit
outright this is a pitch.

I’ll keep this short: I believe I’d be a great guest on your podcast, PodcastName.

I’d love to have a conversation about ______________. I think this would be highly relevant to
your audience.

Should you want to hear me speak before agreeing, you can hear me on some other podcasts
such as PodcastName and PodcastName.

In a flagrant attempt to curry your favour, I’ve attached a picture of a cat begging. According to
the Internet, his name is Rufus. I trust this will charm you into submission.

Fingers, toes, and other appendages crossed.

Have an absolutely wonderful day,

Journalist - Story


Excuse me while I slide into your DMs. I love what you’ve done with the place!

I’ll get straight to the point: I’ve got an idea for a story I suspect your audience will find

I’d love to know what you think of it.

Would you be open to hearing about it?

If so, hit reply, and I’ll send it over.

In a flagrant attempt to curry your favour, I’ve attached a picture of a cat begging. According to
the Internet, his name is Rufus. I trust this will charm you into submission.

Fingers, toes, and other appendages crossed.

Have an absolutely wonderful day,

Journalist - Content Piece


Excuse me while I slide into your DMs. I love what you’ve done with the place!

I’ll get straight to the point: I’ve got an idea for a piece of content I want to create, and I’d like to
know if you’d consider publishing a story about it should I decide to make it.

I’d love to know what you think of it.

Would you be open to hearing about it?

If so, hit reply, and I’ll send it over.

In a flagrant attempt to curry your favour, I’ve attached a picture of a cat begging. According to
the Internet, his name is Rufus. I trust this will charm you into submission.

Fingers, toes, and other appendages crossed.

Have an absolutely wonderful day,

Dream Client - Contacting Brand Pages on Social Media

Dear Social Media team at BrandName,

Excuse me while I slide into your DMs. I love what you’ve done with the place!

I’ve been advised not to send you something that puts you on a pedestal. I shouldn’t be
needlessly obsequious.

However, I’ve elected to reject this advice outright and speak openly.

You’re a dream client of mine. I love Brandname. Always have. Always will.

I’m a Digital Marketing Expert, and I believe I can help you sell more online.

I have many ideas for BrandName and would love the opportunity to send them over.

If you could inform the relevant people at BrandName about my offer, I’d appreciate it so much.
It would make my day, week, and year.

Fingers, toes, and other appendages crossed.

Have an absolutely wonderful day,


P.S. To prove my admiration of BrandName, here’s a picture of me holding one of your fine

{Insert Selfie Here}

Simply change ‘beverages’ to whatever product it is the brand sells. If it’s an online service,
include a picture of you using the service on your computer / tablet / phone.
Follow Up Messages



My fingers have remained crossed since my last message, and it’s getting somewhat

Even if the answer is no, if you could reply, I’d appreciate it.

It’ll mean you won’t get any more of these pestering messages from me.

I hope you don’t mind my professional perseverance.

Have a lovely day,



I don’t wish to be a pest, so I’ll make this my final message.

I’d love to hear back, but I’ll understand completely if not.

I hope you’re having a wonderful day,

LinkedIn Connection Requests


Greetings Joe. I wanted to introduce myself in a way that showed I was interesting, witty, and
clever. Alas, I wrote this message instead.


Hey hey {firstname},

I really wanted to connect. As such, I’ve decided not to send you the generic LinkedIn invite!
Fingers crossed,

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