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Petroleum Fluid Properties

Determination of water content for crude oil

Supervised By: Mr.Omer

Prepared By: Ahmed Shukir & Abdulqadir Sabah
Determination of water content for crude oil: To find out how much
water is in crude oil, we measure the water content.
boiling point: When a substance reaches its boiling point, it gets so hot
that it turns from a liquid into a gas.
Dean and stark apparatus: Is a nifty device that helps separate and
collect water from a mix of liquids. It's a popular tool in labs.
Volumetric graduation: is when you have lines or marks on a
container, like a graduated cylinder or pipette, that show specific
volumes. These marks are really handy for measuring and pouring
liquids accurately in labs and scientific settings.
Aromatic solvents: are solvents that contain aromatic hydrocarbons.
They are widely used in various industries for tasks like cleaning,
removing grease, and as components in paints, coatings, and adhesives.
Xylene: is a special solvent that people use a lot as a cleaner and
solvent. It's commonly used in industries like paint, coatings, and
making chemicals. You can also find xylene in some household products
like paint thinners and varnishes.
Toluene and xylene: Are both aromatic solvents used in industries like
paint, coatings, and chemicals. When you mix them together, you create
a blend that combines their characteristics. This blend can be used in
different ways depending on what the industry requires.
Petroleum distillates: Are a bunch of liquids that come from crude oil
through distillation. They're used in lots of ways like fuel, solvents, and
making things like plastics and cosmetics.
Volatile spirits solvent: is a solvent that evaporates fast at room
temperature. It's often used for cleaning, degreasing, and thinning paint.

1. Stirrer bar/ anti-bumping granules

2. Still pot
3. Fractionating column
4. Thermometer/ boiling point temperature
5. Condenser
6. Cooling water in
7. Cooling water out
8. Barrette
9. Tap
10. Collection vessel
In the beginning, we brought 50 ml of kerosene
The kerosene has separated from H2O before, by distillation and
other processes
But there was some remains water drop in the kerosene, and it’s
difficult to separate it completely by those processes
So that is why we used another process.
We added 50ml inside the condenser and we mixed with 50ml
of toluene in order to create new chemical compounds.
The boiling point of water is 212 F or 100 c
Pure toluene’s boiling point is 110.6 c or 231.1 F
After we mix toluene and water the new component will have a
new boiling point
The azeotrope has a boiling point of 84.1 c while the water boils
at 100c and toluene at 110c
After mixing water, toluene, and kerosene we put them inside
the condenser and we started heating it in order to be steam and
be separated,
So after separating the steam goes to up there is a cooling
system which cools the steam to be phase liquid
And after returning to phase liquid, will goes to down from left
of the device and go inside the flask,then by its density water
will be at down and the toluene will be at up.In the end, we
measured the volume and specified by its density, we got the
results that there was 2.3ml water in 50 ml of kerosene.

Volume of kerosene=50ml
Volume of toluene=50ml
Volume of our sample=100ml

Volume of water = 2.3ml of H2O per 50 ml of kerosene

In the last laboratory that we had was about
Determination of water content for crude oil
The aim of determining water content in crude oil is to
accurately quantify the amount of water present in the oil,
which is crucial for quality control, processing, and
transportation purposes.
This process uses for after separating them but there will
be some water drops remain in the sample ,this helps to
separate this amount of remain drops .
As we know that water will not be mixed with oil because
of their different in density,so we can separate them
So these drops we can separate by this process that we did
In the beginning we brought 50 ml of kerosene we put it
in the device and we added 50 ml of toluene to the sample
,we mixed toluene with the sample in order to be
separated more easily while heating,after mixing them we
increased the temperature.
Toluene and water became steam and goes to up the
device and from there we cooled its surrounding to make
the steam return to its phase which is liquid,them we
measured those amounts of water that after cooled
became water again .
It’s approximately 2.3 H2O /from 50 ml of kerosene.
In the results of doing our laboratory about it ,we know
that we are able to do this process only in laboratories
because we can not do it from field even though the
processes is so helpful,the reason that we are not able to
use it is because we cant use this amount of toluene
1. Sample getting contaminated
2. Measuring instrument not being accurate
3. Human errors occurring
4. The sample is not being handled properly
5. Contamination coming from outside sources

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