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What is the importance of the skill of knowing the basic concept of First-aid and

how will you apply it in your daily lives?

First aid is an immediate care and treatment given to a person who is experiencing
an injury or other physical and internal problems that happened suddenly. This
emergency help is very necessary especially during emergency situations. It not only
prevent further injuries but it also save lives. That is why as early as now, every
individual should know and practice the basic concept of first-aid.

But why would we learn such thing? Are we obligated to do it? As a student, I
believe that learning the basic concept of first-aid is very important because as we
digest information we are also improving our skills and knowledge. Once you are
fully equipped, you can now address emergency situations and help many people.
Furthermore, to become a first aider, it does not require someone to be a
professional but simply knowledgeable of the basics of first-aid. That's what all
matters. Also, people are not obligated to learn first-aid but it is important that each
of us are at least aware of it because it's a life long knowledge and skills that will
benefit us a lot. Especially during emergency situations, in behalf of medical support,
you can help injured persons to overcome their pain by conducting first-aid, in that
way you are preventing the damage and at the same time saving their lives.

Moreover, having the knowledge and skills about first-aid will not only make you a
responsible person but also a rea life hero. Your skills and knowledge will serve as
your superpowers that will be beneficial to you and to other people as well. You can
help those people who are in need by providing them immediate care that they
deserve. In this way, you are applying the things that you have learned and using it in
the right way.

Thus, knowing the basic concept of first-aid is a requirement that every person
should consider. It is not just a lesson that will just fade after a few days but a
lifetime lesson that will forever stay in our hearts and minds; reminding us the
importance of life and being upheld to one another. It is indeed not an obligation but
a mission that we need to be part of.

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