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Table 2.

Scale for interpreting perceived academic workload of Grade 11

and Grade 12 students

Arbitrary scale for computed mean of perceived academic workload

n-1 = 5-1 = 4 = 0.8

n 5 5

Score Range Descriptive Interpretation

4.20 – 5.00 Extremely Overloaded

3.40 – 4.19 Very loaded

2.60 – 3.39 Moderately Loaded

1.80 – 2.59 Slightly Loaded

1.00 – 1.79 Not Loaded at all

EXTREMELY OVERLOADED: Academic workload level is too

demanding and unsustainable. Students cannot cope with task
demands. Students is overloaded and does not feel in control.
VERY LOADED: Academic workload level is uncomfortably high.
Certain non-essential tasks are postponed. Students is working at the
MODERATELY LOADED: Academic workload level is sustainable and
comfortable. The students has enough work to keep him or her
stimulated. All tasks are under control.
SLIGHTLY LOADED: Academic workload level is low, with occasional
periods of inactivity. Students has considerable spare capacity and is
NOT LOADED AT ALL: Academic workload level is too low. Little or
nothing to do.

Table 3. Scale for interpreting the time management practices of Grade 11

and Grade 12 ABM students
Levels of Time Management Practices
4-1 = 3 = 0.75
4 4

Score Range Descriptive Interpretation

3.26 – 4.00 Excellent

2.51 – 3.25 Good

1.76 – 2.50 Fair

1.00 – 1.75 Inadequate

EXCELLENT - It means organizing and planning how to divide your time between
various tasks. You'll have time to do everything you need without being stressed out
about it with good time management skills. Highly organized with strict adherence to

GOOD - involves conscious planning and thoughtful decision making. It also

involves staying focused and sticking to your prioritized tasks rather than getting
derailed by unimportant distractions.


INADEQUATE: Poor time management means that you're not able to see the big
picture and plan accordingly. You should take a look at the projects you need to
complete for the month, the week and that day. Make sure you set aside enough time
to complete all your tasks.
EXTREMELY OVERLOADED: The degree of academic workload is
unsustainable and excessively demanding. Students struggle to meet
task requirements. Overburdened students lack a sense of control.
VERY LOADED: The level of academic workload is uncomfortable.
The completion of some optional tasks is delayed. Students are
exerting maximum effort.
MODERATELY LOADED: The amount of academic workload is
manageable and comfortable. The learner has a sufficient amount of
work to keep him/her engaged. Everything is under control.
SLIGHTLY LOADED: The amount of academic workload is light, with
occasional periods of inactivity. The students is at ease and has a lot
of capability.
NOT LOADED AT ALL: There is too little to accomplish in terms of
academic workload.

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