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Assignment 1

(Answer the questions based on the text English book page 120-124)

Activity 4 (page 125)

1. What is the first paragraph about?
Answer: COVID-19 vaccine can provide many benefits

2. How many benefits of getting the Covid-19 vaccine are mentioned?

a. two
b. three
c. four
d. five
e. six

3. What is the writer’s opinion about the vaccination?

Answer: The writer is pros with the arguments.

4. How many arguments does the writer state? What are they?
Answer: Five. They are as follows. Among others :
● First, vaccines can prevent COVID-19 from infecting your body.
● Second, vaccines can help you protect those around you.
● Third, vaccines can protect and help health workers.
● Fourth, with vaccines, a pandemic can end soon.
● Fifth, vaccines can protect future generations.

5. What data does the writer present to support the argument?

● According to WHO, the presence of existing vaccines is estimated to have
prevented 2 to 3 million deaths each year.
● Currently, vaccines are only given to those who are healthy, do not have serious
disease, are over 18 years of age, and other requirements.
● Health workers who care for COVID-19 patients must also be willing to endure
using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for an extended period to protect
them from COVID-19.
● Herd immunity will break the chain of the COVID-19 pandemic as more people
get vaccinated.
● In the past there were so many diseases caused by deadly viruses, with the
presence of vaccines, we are a generation that lives on from the vaccination
struggles of previous generations.

6. “Third, vaccines can protect and help health workers.” (p. 4) Do you agree with this
statement? Explain your answer.
Answer: Yes, I do. The number of infected individuals and the rate of transmission will
undoubtedly decline with the introduction of vaccinations and increased vaccination
rates. This lessens the workload on medical staff and medical facilities.

7. Do you think that the last sentence of the text is an appropriate reiteration of the thesis?
Answer: Yes, I do. It clearly restates the arguments.

Assignment 2
(Read the instruction in SS TL 4 and 5 and Fill in the blank with the suitable word)

1. Never make any Mistakes that you will regret later such as refusing to wear your face-

2. The expert States that vaccines can prevent covid-19 from infecting your body.

3. I don’t Believe that vaccine can kill us.

4. The government Suggested that all students get/be vaccinated before offline classes start.

5. The Issues on Covid-19 are becoming more complex nowadays.

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