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• What motivated you to choose this research topic?

We chose this research topic because of the pressing need to understand the dynamics of police-
community interactions, particularly concerning the application of maximum tolerance by police
officers. The topic has significant societal relevance, given the importance of maintaining public safety
and ensuring ethical conduct within law enforcement. Additionally, the complexities surrounding police
officers' decision-making processes in different situations present a rich area for exploration, with
potential implications for policy development and law enforcement training. Lastly, by shedding light on
factors influencing tolerance levels, we aim to contribute to fostering better relations between law
enforcement agencies and the communities they serve.

• How does your research align with current trends in the field?

In today's evolving landscape of law enforcement, research on police officers' application of maximum
tolerance aligns closely with prevailing trends and societal demands for accountability and ethical
policing practices. Incidents of police brutality have underscored the urgent need for law enforcement
agencies to reassess their approaches to the use of force, emphasizing the importance of restraint and
de-escalation. this research resonates with broader shifts in policing paradigms towards community-
oriented and transparent policing practices. By delving into the factors influencing police officers'
tolerance levels and decision-making processes, this research aims to provide actionable insights that
can inform training protocols and policy development within police departments, this research
contributes to the ongoing dialogue on improving police-community relations and fostering safer and
more equitable societies.

• Can you provide a brief overview of your research problem and its significance?

Our research problem centers on investigating the application of maximum tolerance by police officers
and understanding its impact on public safety, as well as the factors influencing officers' tolerance levels.
This inquiry is significant as it addresses pressing concerns surrounding police-community relations,
ethical policing practices, and the effective management of law enforcement agencies.

Incidents of police brutality and excessive use of force have heightened public scrutiny and underscored
the need for law enforcement agencies to adopt restraint and de-escalation tactics. By examining the
concept of maximum tolerance, our research seeks to shed light on how police officers navigate
challenging situations and uphold individual rights and dignity while maintaining public safety.

Understanding the factors influencing officers' tolerance levels is crucial for informing training protocols,
policy development, and organizational reforms within police departments. By identifying these factors,
we aim to contribute to the ongoing efforts to improve professionalism, accountability, and community
trust within law enforcement.

Overall, our research holds significance for both academia and practice, offering insights that can inform
evidence-based policing strategies and contribute to the creation of safer and more equitable societies.

Background and Problem Statement:

• How did you identify the gap or problem addressed in your research?

The gap in our research lies in the need for a comprehensive understanding of how police officers
perceive and apply maximum tolerance in situations, particularly within the context of a specific locale
such as Baguio City. While existing literature provides insights into the factors influencing police officers'
use of force, there is a lack of in-depth exploration into the nuances of maximum tolerance and its
impact on public safety within this specific setting. Furthermore, few studies have employed qualitative
methodologies, such as semi-structured interviews, to capture the rich perspectives and experiences of
police officers themselves regarding maximum tolerance. Addressing this gap will offer a nuanced
understanding of the challenges and complexities faced by police officers in upholding ethical standards
while ensuring public safety in Baguio City

The identification of the gap or problem addressed in our research stemmed from a thorough review of
existing literature and an analysis of current trends and challenges in law enforcement, particularly
regarding police-community relations and the use of force. By examining prior studies, we recognized
that while there is extensive research on police use of force, there is a relative lack of focus on the
concept of maximum tolerance and its application within specific contexts, such as Baguio City.
Additionally, discussions with stakeholders in the field, including law enforcement professionals and
academics, highlighted the need for deeper insights into how police officers navigate ethical dilemmas
and uphold professionalism in their daily duties. These insights collectively informed our decision to
investigate the application of maximum tolerance by police officers and explore the factors influencing
their tolerance levels, thus addressing a significant gap in the literature and practice of policing.
• What theories or models informed your understanding of the research problem?

Our understanding of the research problem was informed by several theoretical frameworks that
provide insights into the dynamics of policing, ethical decision-making, and human behavior within
organizational contexts. Specifically, we drew upon:

Situational Action Theory: This theory, proposed by Wikström, emphasizes the interplay between
individual characteristics and situational factors in shaping behavior. It helped us conceptualize how
police officers' actions are influenced by both personal traits and contextual variables, such as the
nature of their work environment and the challenges they face in the field.

Frustration-Aggression Theory: Originating from psychology, this theory posits that frustration can lead
to aggressive behavior. We considered this framework to understand how stressors inherent in policing,
such as high-pressure situations and public scrutiny, may impact officers' levels of tolerance and
propensity for using force.

Perception-Choice Process Theory: This theory elucidates how individuals perceive and respond to
environmental cues, emphasizing the role of cognitive processes in decision-making. We applied this
framework to explore how police officers' perceptions of risk, threat, and ethical considerations
influence their choices regarding the use of force and maximum tolerance.

Image Restoration Theory: This communication theory offers strategies for repairing and maintaining a
positive public image in the face of reputational threats. We considered this framework to understand
how law enforcement agencies and individual officers may engage in image repair efforts following
incidents of excessive force or misconduct, contributing to our analysis of the broader implications of
maximum tolerance for police-community relations.

• How does the background literature support the need for your study?

The background literature provides robust support for the necessity of our study by highlighting several
key factors:

Excessive Use of Force Incidents: Numerous studies and real-world incidents underscore the urgency of
addressing issues related to police use of force. These incidents have led to public outrage, calls for
police reform, and increased scrutiny of law enforcement practices, emphasizing the need for research
into alternative approaches like maximum tolerance.

Importance of Professionalism and Ethical Behavior: Literature on policing consistently emphasizes the
importance of professionalism, ethical conduct, and adherence to human rights principles within law
enforcement agencies. By promoting maximum tolerance, police officers can demonstrate restraint,
respect for individual rights, and adherence to established procedures, thereby upholding public trust
and confidence in the police force.

Impact on Police-Community Relations: Research has shown that positive police-community relations
are essential for effective law enforcement and public safety. Maximum tolerance strategies, aimed at
reducing unnecessary use of force and fostering trust between police and the community, have been
linked to improved community cooperation, reduced complaints against officers, and enhanced overall
public safety outcomes.

Training and Recruitment Practices: Studies highlighting the influence of training, education, and
recruitment practices on police behavior further underscore the relevance of our study. By investigating
factors such as officer training in de-escalation techniques, recruitment criteria, and organizational
culture, we can identify areas for improvement in preparing officers to apply maximum tolerance
effectively in diverse policing contexts.

• Can you clarify the scope and limitations of your chosen research problem?

he scope of our research problem encompasses an in-depth investigation into police officers' application
of maximum tolerance and its impact on public safety, particularly within the context of Baguio City,
Philippines. We aim to explore factors influencing police officers' levels of tolerance and their perceived
impacts on community relations and safety outcomes.

However, here are the certain limitations in our study:

Geographic Limitation: Our study focuses specifically on police officers in Baguio City, which may limit
the generalizability of our findings to other regions or countries with different socio-cultural contexts
and law enforcement practices.
Sample Size and Selection Bias: The study involves a relatively small sample size of 10 police officers
selected through purposive sampling. While this approach allows for in-depth exploration, it may
introduce bias and limit the representativeness of our findings.

Subjectivity of Data Collection: Data collection methods such as interviews and surveys rely on
participants' self-reporting, which may be subject to social desirability bias or inaccuracies in recalling
past experiences, potentially affecting the reliability of the data.

Time and Resource Constraints: The study is conducted within a finite timeframe and with limited
resources, which may restrict the depth and breadth of data collection and analysis. As a result, certain
nuances or aspects of the research problem may not be fully captured.

Ethical Considerations: While efforts are made to ensure ethical conduct throughout the research
process, including obtaining informed consent and maintaining participant confidentiality, ethical
dilemmas or challenges may arise during data collection or analysis.

Research Questions and Objectives:

• How did you formulate your research questions? SCLAR

Situation: We identified the situation by recognizing the need to understand the application of
maximum tolerance by police officers in Baguio City, Philippines, and its implications for public safety
and community relations.

Complication: The complication arises from the lack of comprehensive understanding regarding the
factors influencing police officers' use of maximum tolerance and its perceived impacts on public safety.
This gap in knowledge prompted the need for further inquiry.

Location: The research is situated within Baguio City, which provides a specific context for studying
police-community interactions and law enforcement practices.

Actor: The primary actors involved are police officers, whose perspectives and experiences are central to
understanding the application of maximum tolerance and its outcomes in real-world situations.
Resolution: Through our research questions, we aim to resolve the ambiguity surrounding the factors
influencing police officers' use of maximum tolerance and its impact on public safety, thereby
contributing to improved understanding and potential policy recommendations.

• How do your research objectives directly address the identified problem?

The research objectives are directly tailored to address the identified problem by offering a structured
approach to investigating the application of maximum tolerance by police officers in Baguio City. By
aiming to understand the perceived impacts of maximum tolerance on public safety and determine the
factors influencing police officers' use of maximum tolerance, the objectives provide a focused
framework for inquiry. Through these objectives, the study seeks to fill the existing gap in knowledge
regarding the complexities surrounding police-community interactions and the ethical dilemmas
inherent in law enforcement practices. , the objectives aim to shed light on key determinants shaping
police officers' behavior and decision-making processes, thus contributing to informed strategies for
enhancing community relations and ensuring effective policing practices.

• Can you explain the logical progression from research questions to objectives?

research questions serve as guiding inquiries that aim to address specific aspects of the identified
problem, such as understanding the impacts of maximum tolerance on public safety and the factors
influencing police officers' behavior. These questions form the basis for defining the scope and focus of
the study. Subsequently, the research objectives are formulated to provide a structured approach to
answering the research questions, outlining the specific goals and outcomes the study seeks to achieve.
By aligning with the research questions, the objectives ensure a logical progression towards addressing
the identified problem and fulfilling the study's overarching aims.

Literature Review:

• What criteria guided your selection of literature for review?

Firstly, priority was given to studies published in reputable academic journals and authored by experts in
the field of criminology and law enforcement. Additionally, the recency of the literature was considered
to ensure that the review reflected current trends and developments in the area of police-community
relations. Moreover, studies that provided empirical evidence, theoretical frameworks, or practical
insights into the application of maximum tolerance by police officers were prioritized to inform the
research problem effectively. Finally, the inclusion of diverse perspectives and methodologies helped to
provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

• How have different authors approached the research problem in your literature review?

Various authors in the literature review have approached the research problem of police officers'
application of maximum tolerance from diverse perspectives and methodologies. Some studies focused
on the ethical considerations and professional standards guiding law enforcement practices, highlighting
the importance of upholding individual rights and minimizing the use of force. Others examined the
impact of training programs and educational qualifications on officers' behavior, emphasizing the role of
skill development and procedural justice training in promoting effective policing. Additionally, certain
authors explored the influence of situational factors and organizational dynamics on police officers'
decision-making processes, underscoring the complex interplay of individual, environmental, and
systemic factors in shaping behavior. Overall, the literature review revealed a multifaceted
understanding of the research problem, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of research in criminology
and law enforcement studies.

• What gaps in knowledge or inconsistencies did you identify in the existing literature?

Several gaps in knowledge and inconsistencies were identified in the existing literature. Firstly, while
many studies explored the impact of training and education on police behavior, there was a lack of
consensus on the most effective approaches for promoting maximum tolerance among officers.
Additionally, there was limited research addressing the influence of cultural factors, community
perceptions, and political contexts on police-community relations and officers' use of force.

Moreover, while some studies focused on individual-level factors such as personality traits and
stressors, there was a lack of attention to systemic issues within police organizations that may
contribute to excessive use of force. Furthermore, there was a scarcity of longitudinal studies examining
the long-term effects of interventions aimed at improving police-community interactions and enhancing
officers' tolerance levels.

Overall, the identified gaps suggest a need for more comprehensive and interdisciplinary research
approaches that account for the multifaceted nature of police behavior and its impact on public safety
and community trust.
Theoretical Framework:

• Why did you choose the particular theoretical framework for your study?

The chosen theoretical framework was selected based on its alignment with the research problem and
its ability to provide a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon under investigation. In this
study, the Situational Action Theory, Frustration-Aggression Theory, Perception-Choice Process Theory,
and Image Restoration Theory were deemed suitable for exploring the complex dynamics of police
officers' application of maximum tolerance and the factors influencing their behavior.

Each of these theories offers unique insights into different aspects of human behavior, ranging from
individual decision-making processes to the broader societal and organizational influences. By
integrating multiple theoretical perspectives, the study aimed to capture the multifaceted nature of
police-community interactions and the factors shaping officers' responses to challenging situations.

Furthermore, the selected theoretical framework provided a solid foundation for generating research
questions, formulating hypotheses, and interpreting the findings in a nuanced manner. Overall, the
theoretical framework was chosen for its explanatory power and its potential to guide empirical
investigations into the complexities of police behavior and its implications for public safety and
community relations.

• How does the theoretical framework align with your research questions and objectives?

The theoretical framework aligns closely with the research questions and objectives by providing a lens
through which to understand the underlying mechanisms and dynamics at play in police officers'
application of maximum tolerance. For example, the Situational Action Theory helps elucidate how
individual officers' behaviors are shaped by situational factors, such as the nature of the encounter and
the presence of bystanders.

Similarly, the Frustration-Aggression Theory informs the exploration of how officers' levels of tolerance
may be influenced by factors such as stress, provocation, and perceived threats, which are central to
understanding their responses in situations.

The Perception-Choice Process Theory contributes to understanding the cognitive processes involved in
officers' decision-making, including how they perceive and interpret situations, assess available options,
and ultimately choose a course of action.
Lastly, the Image Restoration Theory sheds light on how officers and police organizations may seek to
manage their public image and reputation in the aftermath of incidents involving the use of force, which
is relevant to the study's objectives of enhancing understanding of ethical dilemmas and factors
influencing tolerance levels.

By integrating these theoretical perspectives, the research questions and objectives are situated within a
comprehensive framework that addresses the complexity of police behavior and its implications for
public safety and community relations.

• Can you elaborate on the relevance of the chosen theory to your research?

The chosen theoretical framework is highly relevant to our research as it provides a comprehensive
understanding of the underlying factors influencing police officers' application of maximum tolerance.

Firstly, Situational Action Theory offers insight into how individuals' behaviors are influenced by the
specific context or situation they are in. In the case of police officers, this theory helps us understand
how factors such as the nature of the encounter, the presence of bystanders, and the level of perceived
threat can shape their responses.

Secondly, the Frustration-Aggression Theory is pertinent because it highlights how stress, frustration,
and provocation can lead to aggressive behavior. This theory helps us examine how external stressors
and internal emotions may impact officers' tolerance levels and decision-making processes during
interactions with the public.

Thirdly, the Perception-Choice Process Theory contributes to our understanding of how officers perceive
and interpret situations, evaluate available options, and make decisions. By exploring officers' cognitive
processes, we can gain insights into the factors that influence their use of maximum tolerance in

Lastly, the Image Restoration Theory is relevant as it addresses how individuals and organizations
manage their public image in the aftermath of incidents involving the use of force. Understanding how
officers and police departments seek to maintain or restore their reputation can provide valuable
insights into the broader implications of their actions on public trust and community relations.
Overall, these theories collectively offer a robust framework for examining the complexities of police
behavior and its impact on public safety and community trust.


• What influenced your choice of research design?

Firstly, we opted for a qualitative approach because it allows for a nuanced exploration of the factors
influencing police officers' application of maximum tolerance. Qualitative methods, such as interviews
and observations, enable us to capture the richness and depth of participants' experiences and

Secondly, we selected a case study approach because it offers a holistic understanding of the
phenomenon within its real-life context. By focusing on specific police stations in Baguio City, we can
examine the dynamics of maximum tolerance in a localized setting, taking into account the unique socio-
cultural and institutional factors at play.

Additionally, the use of purposive sampling aligns with our aim to select participants who possess
relevant insights and experiences related to the research topic. By targeting police officers with at least
three years of service and actual field experience, we ensure that our sample represents individuals who
are directly involved in the application of maximum tolerance.

Moreover, the inclusion of both semi-structured interviews and in-depth interviews allows for flexibility
in data collection, enabling us to explore participants' perspectives in detail while also probing specific
areas of interest identified through preliminary research.

Overall, our research design was influenced by a desire to conduct a thorough and contextually rich
investigation into the factors influencing police officers' use of maximum tolerance, taking into account
the practical constraints and opportunities inherent in our research context.
• How will you ensure the reliability and validity of your research?

To ensure the reliability and validity of our research, several measures will be implemented. Firstly, we
will use triangulation by employing multiple data collection methods, such as interviews, observations,
and document analysis, to corroborate findings across different sources. Secondly, we will establish
inter-coder reliability by having multiple researchers independently analyze the data and compare their
interpretations to ensure consistency. Thirdly, we will maintain detailed records of the research process,
including data collection procedures and analytical decisions, to enable auditability and transparency.
Finally, we will engage in member checking by returning our findings to participants for validation,
allowing them to confirm the accuracy and relevance of our interpretations.

• What sampling strategy have you adopted, and why?

We have adopted a purposive sampling strategy for our research. This approach allows us to select
participants who have the specific characteristics relevant to our study, namely police officers with at
least three years of service and actual field experience. By targeting individuals with these criteria, we
aim to gather rich and detailed insights into the application of maximum tolerance within the Philippine
National Police. Additionally, purposive sampling enables us to focus our data collection efforts on those
who are most likely to provide valuable information, enhancing the relevance and depth of our findings.

• Can you justify the selected data collection methods for your study?

We have chosen semi-structured interviews and one-on-one in-depth interviews as our primary data
collection methods. These approaches allow us to gather qualitative data directly from police officers,
providing rich and nuanced insights into their experiences, perceptions, and behaviors related to
maximum tolerance. Semi-structured interviews offer flexibility in questioning, allowing for follow-up
inquiries to explore responses in depth, while one-on-one in-depth interviews facilitate candid
discussions and detailed exploration of individual perspectives. By combining these methods, we aim to
capture a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing police officers' application of
maximum tolerance and its impact on public safety.

• How will you address potential ethical concerns in your research?

Addressing potential ethical concerns in our research is paramount to ensuring the well-being and rights
of all participants involved. We have taken several measures to uphold ethical standards throughout the
research process. First and foremost, we will obtain informed consent from all participants, clearly
explaining the purpose of the study, their rights, and the confidentiality measures in place. Additionally,
we will prioritize anonymity and confidentiality by anonymizing all data collected and storing it securely.
Furthermore, we will respect participants' autonomy by allowing them to withdraw from the study at
any point if they wish to do so without facing repercussions. Finally, we will adhere to all relevant ethical
guidelines and regulations set forth by our institution and professional organizations to ensure the
ethical integrity of our

Significance and Justification:

• What are the potential academic and practical impacts of your study?

The potential academic impacts of our study lie in its contribution to existing knowledge within the field
of criminology and law enforcement. By investigating police officers' application of maximum tolerance,
our research fills a gap in the literature, providing valuable insights into the factors influencing tolerance
levels and their impact on public safety. This could lead to the development of new theoretical
frameworks or models to better understand and address issues of police-community relations.

On a practical level, our study has the potential to inform policy and practice within law enforcement
agencies, particularly in terms of training and recruitment strategies. By identifying factors that
contribute to excessive use of force or hinder adherence to maximum tolerance principles, our findings
can guide the development of more effective training programs and protocols for police officers. this
could lead to improved community relations, enhanced public safety, and a more accountable and
transparent police force.

• How does your research contribute to the existing body of knowledge?

Our research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing a comprehensive exploration of
police officers' application of maximum tolerance and its impact on public safety. By delving into the
factors influencing tolerance levels among police officers, we add nuance to the understanding of this
complex phenomenon. Additionally, our study offers insights into ethical dilemmas in police-community
interactions, shedding light on the intricacies of law enforcement duties and responsibilities.

Furthermore, our research addresses a gap in the literature by focusing specifically on the context of
Baguio City in the Philippines, providing localized insights that can inform policy and practice within the
Philippine National Police (PNP). Through our qualitative case study approach and rigorous data analysis,
we aim to generate rich, contextually relevant findings that contribute not only to academic discourse
but also to practical efforts to improve police-community relations and enhance public safety.
• Why is your study essential in the current academic and practical context?

, it addresses a significant gap in understanding the application of maximum tolerance by police officers,
particularly within the specific context of Baguio City in the Philippines. This localized focus allows for a
deeper exploration of factors influencing tolerance levels and their impact on public safety, which is
crucial for informing effective policing strategies.

Secondly, our research contributes to ongoing discussions about ethical dilemmas in police-community
interactions, providing valuable insights for both academic scholarship and practical policymaking within
the Philippine National Police (PNP). By elucidating the complexities of police officers' decision-making
processes and the factors that shape their behavior, our study offers actionable recommendations for
improving law enforcement practices and enhancing community trust.

Furthermore, our study has practical implications for criminology students aspiring to join the law
enforcement profession. By uncovering the determinants affecting maximum tolerance levels among
police officers, we provide valuable insights that can inform the training and education of future law
enforcement personnel, u contributing to more effective and ethical policing practices.

Conclusion and Next Steps:

• What challenges do you anticipate in the implementation of your research?

navigating the complexities of police-community relations and the inherent power dynamics requires
careful consideration to maintain trust and rapport with participants. Furthermore, managing the vast
amount of qualitative data collected and conducting rigorous thematic analysis to derive meaningful
insights may pose methodological challenges. Despite these obstacles, we are committed to addressing
them proactively to ensure the integrity and validity of our research findings.

• How do you plan to address potential limitations in your study?

we plan to employ several strategies. Firstly, we will carefully consider the scope and focus of our
research question to ensure it is manageable within the constraints of time and resources available.
Additionally, we will employ rigorous sampling techniques and strive for diversity among participants to
enhance the generalizability of our findings. Furthermore, we will acknowledge any potential biases or
limitations inherent in our research design and data collection methods transparently in our research
report. Finally, we will actively seek feedback from peers, advisors, and other stakeholders throughout
the research process to identify and mitigate any unforeseen limitations that may arise.

• What are the next steps in your research process after the proposal defense?
the next steps in our research process involve executing the approved research plan. This includes
finalizing any adjustments or revisions suggested during the defense, obtaining any necessary ethical
approvals, and initiating data collection. We will then proceed with recruiting participants according to
our sampling strategy, conducting interviews, and gathering relevant data. Following data collection, we
will carefully transcribe and analyze the information, drawing out key themes and insights. Finally, we
will synthesize our findings into a cohesive research report, which will undergo review, revisions, and
dissemination through academic publications, presentations, or other appropriate channels.

• How will you adapt your research based on feedback received during this defense?

Based on the feedback received during the defense, we will carefully evaluate the suggestions and
criticisms provided by the committee. We will prioritize addressing any identified weaknesses or gaps in
our research proposal, such as refining our research questions, adjusting our theoretical framework, or
modifying our methodology to enhance its rigor and validity. Additionally, we will consider incorporating
additional literature or theoretical perspectives suggested by the committee to strengthen the
theoretical underpinning of our study. Overall, we will use the feedback as an opportunity to refine and
improve our research design, ensuring that it meets the highest academic standards and contributes
meaningfully to the field.

General Questions:

• How would you handle unexpected findings during your research?

If unexpected findings arise during our research, we will approach them with an open mind and a
willingness to explore their implications. We will carefully analyze the unexpected data, considering
possible explanations and interpretations within the context of our research objectives and theoretical
framework. Depending on the nature of the findings, we may need to adjust our research questions,
revisit our theoretical assumptions, or modify our methodology to accommodate the new insights.
Additionally, we will seek input from our research advisors and peers to gain different perspectives and
ensure that our interpretation of the unexpected findings is robust and well-supported. we will view
unexpected findings as valuable opportunities to deepen our understanding of the research topic and
contribute novel insights to the field.

• What alternative methodologies did you consider and reject, and why?

One option was a quantitative survey method, which could provide numerical data for statistical
analysis. However, we rejected this approach because we felt it might not capture the nuanced
perspectives and experiences of police officers regarding maximum tolerance. Another option was a
purely observational study, but we found that it might not yield sufficient depth of insight into the
factors influencing tolerance levels. we settled on a qualitative case study approach because it allows for
in-depth exploration through interviews and document analysis, aligning well with our research
objectives to understand the complexities of maximum tolerance application among police officers.

• Can you articulate the broader implications of your research for the field?

Our research has broader implications for both academia and practice in the field of criminology and law
enforcement. By delving into the application of maximum tolerance by police officers and its impact on
public safety, we contribute valuable insights that can inform training programs and policy development
within law enforcement agencies. Additionally, our findings may shed light on the ethical dilemmas
inherent in police-community interactions, prompting discussions on accountability and professionalism.

From an academic standpoint, our study fills a gap in the existing literature by providing a nuanced
understanding of the factors influencing police officers' tolerance levels. This contributes to theoretical
frameworks within criminology and adds depth to discussions on police behavior and discretion.
Moreover, our methodological approach, including the use of qualitative case studies and thematic
analysis, offers a template for future research endeavors seeking to explore complex social phenomena
within law enforcement contexts.

● what may be the null and alternative hypothesis

the null hypothesis (H0) could be formulated as: "There is no significant impact of maximum tolerance
on public safety, and factors influencing police officers' use of maximum tolerance do not vary

The alternative hypothesis (H1), on the other hand, could be stated as: "There is a significant impact of
maximum tolerance on public safety, and factors influencing police officers' use of maximum tolerance
vary significantly."

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