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Arteriovenous and Cavernous

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Handbook of Clinical Neurology 3rd Series

Available titles
Vol. 79, The human hypothalamus: basic and clinical aspects, Part I, D.F. Swaab, ed. ISBN 9780444513571
Vol. 80, The human hypothalamus: basic and clinical aspects, Part II, D.F. Swaab, ed. ISBN 9780444514905
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Vol. 93, Stroke – Part II: Clinical manifestations and pathogenesis, M. Fisher, ed. ISBN 9780444520043
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Vol. 120, Neurologic aspects of systemic disease Part II, J. Biller and J.M. Ferro, eds. ISBN 9780702040870
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All volumes in the 3rd Series of the Handbook of Clinical Neurology are published electronically, on Science Direct:

The varying clinical presentations of patients with vascular malformations of the central nervous system and its
coverings can make their diagnosis challenging. Refinements in imaging procedures have facilitated the recognition
of these lesions, however, and advances in surgical and endovascular techniques have led to remarkable changes in the
management of affected patients. These developments have generated new questions concerning the need to treat these
malformations in asymptomatic patients in whom they have been encountered incidentally by the sophisticated
imaging procedures now in widespread use. A new understanding of the genetic underpinnings of various vascular
malformations, their pathophysiology, and the manner in which these malformations affect neurologic function has
also led to a more informed approach to patients harboring these lesions. Much has yet to be learned, of course,
and a convenient up-to-date review might well be useful – we hoped – in pointing the way to future advances. For
these various reasons, then, we felt the need to devote a volume of the Handbook of Clinical Neurology to the topic.
We were particularly glad that Professor Robert F. Spetzler, the J.N. Harber Chairman of Neurological Surgery
and Director of the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, agreed to edit this volume because he is
an internationally recognized authority on these lesions, has contributed much to the relevant literature, and has
unrivaled experience in their surgical management. He has been aided in this endeavor by two of his former trainees,
Dr. Karam Moon and Dr. Rami O. Almefty, both also in Phoenix. Together, they have produced a most comprehensive
and wide-ranging text.
The volume is divided into several parts. The first two-thirds, containing some 20 chapters, deals with arteriovenous
malformations from many different viewpoints. Twelve chapters focus on intracranial lesions, covering both cerebral
(eight chapters) and dural vascular anomalies (four chapters), and another eight chapters are devoted to intramedullary
or dural spinal lesions. Different chapters discuss the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, and surgical and endovas-
cular management of these arteriovenous anomalies. The last one-third of the volume contains 11 chapters devoted to
all aspects of cranial and spinal cavernous malformations.
We are grateful to the volume editors, and to the various contributors whom they enlisted as coauthors, for crafting
such a splendid and well-illustrated volume. As series editors, we reviewed all of the chapters for scope, substance, and
style, making suggestions for improvement as needed. Based on our review, it is our belief that the volume will serve as
a valuable reference work for neurologists, neurosurgeons, and interventional radiologists, as well as providing a
practical guide to the management of patients with these lesions.
Elsevier has been the publisher of the Handbook series since its inception, and we are grateful for the continued
support that we have received from the publisher. We acknowledge with particular pleasure, however, our personal
indebtedness to Michael Parkinson in Scotland and to Mara Conner and Kristi Anderson in California for their
assistance in seeing these volumes to fruition.
Michael J. Aminoff
François Boller
Dick F. Swaab

Vascular malformations, specifically arteriovenous and cavernous malformations, have long fascinated cerebrovascu-
lar surgeons with their complexity and management options. At Barrow Neurological Institute, we have studied the vast
continuum of these malformations affecting our patients, and we have refined the techniques for managing these
lesions. Although considerable knowledge and new treatment strategies have been added to our armamentarium in
recent decades, many questions remain about the optimal management of individual vascular malformations.
Because these lesions can vary widely in size, location, and clinical presentation, the care of individual patients must
be tailored to provide the least risky and most efficacious management available. For the best treatment options, the
judicious use of microsurgery, radiosurgery, and embolization requires expertise from multiple specialists. However,
nonintervention remains preferable for the nonsymptomatic patient who has a grade 5 arteriovenous malformation or
a cavernous malformation under the floor of the fourth ventricle. Thus, the aims of this volume are to improve recog-
nition of the pathology, awareness of the natural history, and understanding of the risks of treatment and nontreatment
of these lesions.
In developing this volume for the Handbook of Clinical Neurology, we have drawn on the experience and expertise
of established leaders in the field to update surgeons, neurologists, trainees, and others on the best current knowledge to
diagnose and treat these often complex and challenging lesions. The chapters in this volume specifically address arte-
riovenous malformations and cavernous malformations. Their subject matter comprises the full spectrum of diagnostic
modalities for the evaluation of patients, considerations crucial to clinical decision-making, the risks and benefits of
treatment, and the latest neurosurgery literature on natural history and outcomes.
The volume is divided into two sections. The first section encompasses arteriovenous malformations, beginning
with chapters that discuss genetics, natural history, and clinical presentation. The next several chapters discuss the
intricacies of treatment of arteriovenous malformations, including the indications for treatment and the multiple treat-
ment modalities that are available. This section also discusses arteriovenous fistulas, which are a close relative of arte-
riovenous malformations. Finally, discussions of spinal arteriovenous malformations and fistulas are included as well.
The second section of the book is devoted to cavernous malformations. The first few chapters are devoted to the
natural history, epidemiology, clinical presentation, and pathophysiology of these lesions. A discussion of develop-
mental venous anomalies, which are closely associated with cavernous malformations, is also included. Finally,
because the presentation of cavernous malformations and the indications for their treatment depend on the location
of these lesions, several chapters are dedicated to their surgical management.
We believe that readers will find this volume of the Handbook of Clinical Neurology to be a valuable contribution to
the existing neurosurgery literature on these complex lesions. Although questions remain about spinal arteriovenous
malformations and fistulas, ongoing research, from the molecular to the clinical level, is focused on providing more
We sincerely thank all the contributors to this volume for the key roles they have played in bringing this endeavor to
fruition. We hope that our readers glean much from the collective expertise within these pages.
Robert F. Spetzler, MD
Karam Moon, MD
Rami O. Almefty, MD

I.J. Abecassis W. Brinjikji

Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,
Washington, Seattle, WA, USA USA

A.A. Abla P.A. Brown

Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Department of Radiology, Duke University, Durham,
Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USA NC, USA

J.R. Adler A. Can

Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University, Department of Neurosurgery, Brigham and Women’s
Stanford, CA, USA Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,
F.C. Albuquerque
Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological
P.R. Chen
Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center,
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Texas Health
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Science Center, Houston, Texas, USA
R.O. Almefty
Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological A.J. Clark
Institute, St Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of
Phoenix, AZ, USA California, San Francisco, CA, USA

S. Ambekar M.L. Cohen

Department of Neurosurgery, University of Miami, Department of Pathology, University Hospitals, Case
Miami, FL, USA Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA

G.S. Atwal E.M. Cox

Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospitals, Case
Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
Phoenix, AZ, USA
A.L. Day
N.C. Bambakidis
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Texas
Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospitals, Case
Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX, USA
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA

D.L. Barrow D. Ding

Department of Neurosurgery, Emory University, Atlanta, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia,
GA, USA Charlottesville, VA, USA

S.C. Bir R.L. Dodd

Department of Neurosurgery, Louisiana State University Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University,
Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA, USA Stanford, CA, USA
R. Du B. Jian
Department of Neurosurgery, Brigham and Women’s Department of Neurological Surgery, University of
Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, California, San Francisco, CA, USA
M.Y.S. Kalani
A.F. Ducruet
Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of
Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center,
Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Phoenix, AZ, USA
M.S. Elhammady
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Miami, A. Kaul
Miami, FL, USA Department of Neurological Surgery, Harborview
Medical Center, University of Washington, Seattle,
J.A. Ellis WA, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, Emory University School
of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA L. Kim
Department of Neurological Surgery and Department
C. Ene
of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle,
Department of Neurological Surgery, Harborview
Medical Center, University of Washington, Seattle,
D. Kondziolka
C. Gesteira Benjamin Department of Neurosurgery and Center for Advanced
Department of Neurosurgery, NYU Langone Medical Radiosurgery, NYU Langone Medical Center,
Center, New York, NY, USA New York, NY, USA

H.E. Goldstein G. Lanzino

Department of Neurosurgery, The Neurological Institute, Department of Neurosurgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA MN, USA

L.F. Gonzalez
M.T. Lawton
Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University, Durham,
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of
California, San Francisco, CA, USA
C. Grady
Department of Neurosurgery, NYU Langone Medical D.D.M. Lin
Center, New York, NY, USA Division of Neuroradiology, Russell H. Morgan
Department of Radiology and Radiological Science,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
B.A. Gross
Baltimore, MD, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, Brigham and Women’s
Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA and
Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological T.K. Maiti
Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Louisiana State University
Phoenix, AZ, USA Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA, USA

R.C. Heros P. McCormick

Department of Neurosurgery, University of Miami, Department of Neurological Surgery, Columbia
Miami, FL, USA University Medical Center, Neurological Institute of
New York, New York, NY, USA
O.R. Idowu
Division of Neuroradiology, Russell H. Morgan C.G. McDougall
Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center,
Baltimore, MD, USA Phoenix, AZ, USA
G. Mendez R.F. Rudy
Department of General Surgery, Rush University Department of Neurosurgery, Brigham and Women’s
Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston,
K. Moon
Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological M.J. Rutkowski
Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of
Phoenix, AZ, USA California, San Francisco, CA, USA

M.A. Mooney
Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological C.E. Sarris
Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological
Phoenix, AZ, USA Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center,
Phoenix, AZ, USA
M.K. Morgan
Department of Clinical Medicine, Macquarie University, J. Schramm
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Department of Neurosurgery, University of Bonn, Bonn,
C.B. Mulholland
Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological J.P. Sheehan
Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia,
Phoenix, AZ, USA Charlottesville, VA, USA

P. Nakaji
R.A. Solomon
Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological
Department of Neurosurgery, The Neurological Institute,
Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center,
Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
Phoenix, AZ, USA

A. Nanda R.F. Spetzler

Department of Neurosurgery, Louisiana State Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological
University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center,
LA, USA Phoenix, AZ, USA

M. Narayanan R.M. Starke

Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia,
Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Phoenix, AZ, USA
H. Sun
J.W. Osbun Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological
Department of Neurosurgery, Emory University, Atlanta, Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center,
GA, USA Phoenix, AZ, USA
M. Otten
Department of Neurological Surgery, Columbia E.S. Sussman
University Medical Center, Neurological Institute of Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University,
New York, New York, NY, USA Stanford, CA, USA

A. Ozpinar A.H. Turkmani

Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Department of Neurosurgery, University of Texas
Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX, USA

M.R. Reynolds D.D. Wang

Department of Neurosurgery, Emory University, Atlanta, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of
GA, USA California, San Francisco, CA, USA
K.Y. Wang D.S. Xu
Division of Neuroradiology, Russell H. Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological
Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center,
Science, Johns Hopkins University School of Phoenix, AZ, USA
Medicine, Baltimore, MD and Department of
J.M. Zabramski
Radiology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,
Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological
Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center,
Phoenix, AZ, USA
G.M. Weiner
Department of Neurological Surgery, University A.R. Zomorodi
of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University, Durham,
Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 143 (3rd series)
Arteriovenous and Cavernous Malformations
R.F. Spetzler, K. Moon, and R.O. Almefty, Editors
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 1

Epidemiology, genetics, pathophysiology, and prognostic

classifications of cerebral arteriovenous malformations


Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Department of General Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USA

Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are vascular deformities involving fistula formation of arterial to
venous structures without an intervening capillary bed. Such anomalies can prove fatal as the high arterial
flow can disrupt the integrity of venous walls, thus leading to dangerous sequelae such as hemorrhage.
Diagnosis of these lesions in the central nervous system can often prove challenging as intracranial AVMs
represent a heterogeneous vascular pathology with various presentations and symptomatology. The liter-
ature suggests that most brain AVMs (bAVMs) are identified following evaluation of the etiology of acute
cerebral hemorrhage, or incidentally on imaging associated with seizure or headache workup. Given the
low incidence of this disease, most of the data accrued on this pathology comes from single-center expe-
riences. This chapter aims to distill the most important information from these studies as well as examine
meta-analyses on bAVMs in order to provide a comprehensive introduction into the natural history, clas-
sification, genetic underpinnings of disease, and proposed pathophysiology. While there is yet much to be
elucidated about AVMs of the central nervous system, we aim to provide an overview of bAVM etiology,
classification, genetics, and pathophysiology inherent to the disease process.

INTRODUCTION presentations and symptomatology, as well as a wide var-

iation in severity of the effect of an AVM on a patient’s
Vascular disease entities manifest in various forms, and overall well-being. The literature suggests that most
are particularly dangerous when high-flow arterial sys- brain AVMs (bAVMs) are identified following evalua-
tems erroneously communicate directly with venous sys-
tion of the etiology of acute cerebral hemorrhage, or inci-
tems. Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are vascular
dentally on imaging associated with seizure or headache
deformities involving fistula formation of arterial to
workup (Hofmeister et al., 2000; Conger et al., 2015). As
venous structures without an intervening capillary bed.
reinforced by Conger et al. (2015), subsequent to detec-
Such anomalies can prove fatal as the high arterial flow tion of the AVM, history and physical examination
can disrupt the integrity of venous walls, thus leading to coupled with critical imaging, including computed
sequelae such as hemorrhage. The central nervous sys- tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
tem (CNS) is particularly sensitive to such insults as and catheter angiogram, allow neurosurgeons to form a
intracranial hemorrhage secondary to AVM rupture can clinical picture of the AVM patient as well as visualize
prove profoundly disabling or deadly. Diagnosis of these the structure and hemodynamics of the vascular malfor-
lesions can prove challenging, as intracranial AVMs rep- mation (Conger et al., 2015).
resent a heterogeneous vascular pathology with various

*Correspondence to: Alp Ozpinar, MD, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Suite B-400,
200 Lothrop Street, Pittsburgh PA, USA. Tel: +1-412-647-3685, E-mail:
To date, bAVM data have been derived from single- of brain adjacent to the malformation. The five-point
center experiences. From epidemiological studies, the scale assigns a score as follows: for size, <3 cm ¼ 1 point,
incidence of AVMs ranges from 1.12 to 1.42 cases per 3–6 cm ¼ 2 points, >6 cm ¼ 3 points; for location,
100 000 person-years, with 38–68% of new cases pre- eloquent brain ¼ 1 point, noneloquent ¼ 0 points; for
senting as first-ever hemorrhage (Abecassis et al., venous drainage, deep venous drainage ¼ 1 point, not
2014). Annual rates of hemorrhage in untreated bAVMs deep venous drainage ¼ 0 points. Applying this scheme,
have been estimated at 2.10–4.12% (Abecassis et al., higher scores translate to higher Spetzler–Martin grade,
2014). Various studies have tried to identify factors asso- which corresponds to greater risk of morbidity and
ciated with increased risk of AVM rupture. Meta- mortality with microsurgical removal of the lesion. (See
analyses on the topic have found that increased risk of Figure 1.1 for an example of Spetzler–Martin grade 3
future rupture has been associated with factors such as AVM on preoperative imaging, intraoperative photos,
previous rupture, location of AVM in deep brain struc- and intraoperative fluorescence angiography processing.)
tures, and exclusive deep venous drainage (Stapf et al., While the Spetzler–Martin grade is the most-quoted
2006; Gross and Du, 2013). Gross and Du (2013) calcu- benchmark/standard in determining outcome and man-
lated for observed AVMs an overall yearly risk of hem- agement, other grading systems have been introduced
orrhage rate of 3.0%, with an annual rate of 2.2% for the as adjuncts. Lawton et al. proposed a supplementary
unruptured subset and 4.5% for ruptured AVMs. Stapf and complementary system to the Spetzler–Martin
et al. (2006) showed that the annual rate of rupture for grade in 2010 that takes into account age, hemorrhagic
an AVM is 35.5% when the AVM has the triad of deep presentation, and diffuseness of lesion, and yields
venous drainage, deep location, and prior hemorrhage. improved accuracy in predictability of neurologic out-
The other large meta-analysis (Kim et al., 2014) exam- come when combined with the Spetzler–Martin scale
ined four AVM cohorts and found an overall annual hem- (Table 1.1). This supplementary scale in conjunction
orrhage rate of 2.3%, with a rate of 1.3% for unruptured with Spetzler–Martin is a 10-point scale that takes the
AVMs and 4.8% for the ruptured group. These estimates five-point Spetzler–Martin scheme and, in addition,
have held up as results of the multicenter prospective ran- accounts for the following: for age, <20 years ¼ 1 point,
domized trial ARUBA showed a 2.2% annual risk of rup- 20–40 ¼ 2 points, >40 ¼ 3 points; for hemorrhagic pre-
ture for unruptured bAVMs (Mohr et al., 2014). sentation, hemorrhage ¼ 0 points, no hemorrhage ¼ 1
Data for the natural history of ruptured AVMs are less point; for lesion nidus diffuseness, compact ¼ 0 points,
prevalent as the decision to observe ruptured lesions is a diffuse ¼ 1 point. Lawton et al. (2010) have shown
riskier enterprise. Some studies (Kondziolka et al., 1995; that application of their scale can help with preoperative
Brown, 2000) have gone so far as to extrapolate lifetime risk prediction and extrapolation of outcome (Kim
risk of hemorrhage by using annual rates and applying et al., 2014).
the following equation: In 2011, Spetzler and Ponce suggested a consolida-
tion of the Spetzler–Martin scale into a three-tiered sys-
Annual rupture risk ¼ 1  ðrisk of no hemorrhageÞðlife expectancyÞ
tem by combining grades I and II, and grades IV and
and rupture risk ¼ 105  patientage V into classes A and C, respectively. Grade III lesions
were classified as class B in the consolidated system.
While the aforementioned studies have shown concor- Grouping into these new classes was based on similar
dance in estimates of annual risk of rupture, variability surgical results and was intended to provide simplified
among lesions and patient populations presents inherent management recommendations as well as superior sta-
challenges to generalizability and comprehensively pre- tistical power for comparative studies (Spetzler and
dicting risk of rupture, as illustrated in various studies on Ponce, 2011).
the natural history of bAVMs (Pollock et al., 1996; Stapf Another predictive model of neurologic outcome
et al., 2001; Stefani et al., 2002; Fullerton et al., 2005; following bAVM surgery is the University of Toronto
Kim et al., 2010; Laakso et al., 2010; Gross and Brain AVM Study Group’s scale. Proposed by Spears
Du, 2013). and collaborators (2006), the scale is a nine-point strat-
ified risk score where the predictive variable’s influence
is a function of its relative weight (eloquence ¼ 4, dif-
fuse nidus ¼ 3, deep venous drainage ¼ 2). Applying
Multiple scales have been formulated to predict the mor- the score, the probability of suffering a disabling neuro-
bidity and mortality associated with AVMs and the asso- logic outcome with surgery is as follows: low risk (0–2
ciated risk of intervention. Spetzler and Martin (1986), points) ¼ 1.8%, moderate risk (3–5 points) ¼ 17.4%,
in their seminal paper on bAVMs, proposed a grading high risk (6–7 points) ¼ 31.6%, very high risk (>7
system based on size, venous drainage, and eloquence points) ¼ 52.9% (Spears et al., 2006).

Fig. 1.1. (A) A representative Spetzer–Martin grade 3 arteriovenous malformation (AVM) (3 points for size) of the right frontal
operculum and premotor region is demonstrated on anterior–posterior angiography. (B) Intraoperative photo demonstrates the
dilated draining veins of Labbe and Trolard on the surface of the AVM with the AVM nidus located deep to the draining veins.
(C) Intraoperative flow 800 processing of indocyanine green angiography demonstrates the arrival time of dye to the AVM with red
demonstrating the vessels that fill first (feeders). Seconds in the figure key indicates latency in arrival time of dye. (D) AVM nidus
seen deep to the draining veins along the anterior noneloquent border of the AVM. (E) Intraoperative photo demonstrating the
surgical bed following resection. Note the change in color of the draining veins which are no longer arterialized. Change in color
from red (before resection) to blue (following resection). (F) Postoperative anterior–posterior cerebral angiography demonstrating
complete resection of AVM.

Table 1.1 Along with surgery, other methods have been adopted
to treat bAVMs. Namely, radiosurgical modalities have
Comparing the Spetzler–Martin scale and Lawton
become an established therapeutic option. Given that fac-
supplementary grade (Kim et al., 2014)
tors determining risk of procedure as well as variables
Spetzler–Martin associated with successful surgical resection of intracra-
grading Points Supplementary grading nial AVMs differ from those for radiosurgical manage-
ment, development of a grading system for AVM
Size (cm) Age (years) radiosurgery was conceived. The radiosurgery-based
<3 1 <20 AVM score (RBAS) was introduced following collabora-
3–6 2 20–40 tive efforts between the University of Pittsburgh and the
>6 3 >40 Mayo Clinic. Multiple validation studies have followed
Venous drainage Bleeding since then analyzing its application to lesions in various
Superficial 0 Yes
locations (including brainstem, deep structures, and all
Deep 1 No
locations for AVMs), as well as with different radiosur-
Eloquence Compactness
No 0 Yes gery techniques, including gamma knife, linac and
Yes 1 No CyberKnife (Pollock, 2013). The evolution of the grad-
Total 5 ing scale has reflected a trend towards simplification, as
the original Pittsburgh AVM radiosurgery scale (Pollock
et al., 1997) takes into account AVM volume, patient age,
Of note, the Toronto scale has been found to have a AVM location, embolization status, and number of drain-
superior predictive ability to even the supplementary- ing veins, while more recent iterations of the scale,
Spetzler–Martin scale when looking at area under receiver namely the modified radiosurgery-based AVM score,
operating characteristic curve, but is not as widely adopted focus on AVM location and volume, and patient age
as the multiple iterations of the Spetzler–Martin scheme. (Pollock and Flickinger, 2008) (See Fig. 1.2 for
60 power of the new grading scale is in helping surgeons
% Modified Rankin Scale Decline

better stratify patients between surgical and endovascular

50 treatment strategies. The Buffalo score represents a new
tool with potential utility in guiding endovascular man-
40 agement of intracranial AVMs, which will likely undergo
additional external validation moving forward.

Animal models have allowed researchers to observe
characteristic changes in nidal vessels of cerebral AVMs,
including nonuniform changes in the thickness of vessel
£1.00 1.01-1.50 1.51-2.00 >2.00 walls, lack of tight and adherent junctions, and splitting
Pollock-Flickinger AVM Score of elastic lamina (Tu et al., 2010). These observed
Fig. 1.2. Relationship of modified radiosurgery-based arterio- changes illustrate the manifestation of molecular and cel-
venous malformation (AVM) grading system and decline in lular underpinnings that drive the development of cere-
modified Rankin Scale. Error bars illustrate 95% confidence bral AVMs. The genetic basis of intracranial AVMs is
interval for each point along the curve. (Adapted from still being elucidated, but multiple candidate genes and
Pollock and Flickinger, 2008.) pathways have been identified, both in syndromic and
sporadic AVMs. Cerebral AVMs that result from associ-
illustration of relationship between change in modified ated syndromes provide insight into the etiology of AVM
Rankin Scale and Pollock–Flickinger AVM score.) development. For example, the most common syndrome
The most recent grading scale in AVM management associated with bAVMs is Osler–Weber–Rendu (also
was created to address outcomes in endovascular treat- known as hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia), which
ment of intracranial AVMs. Dumont and colleagues has been linked to haplo-insufficiency of transforming
(2015) devised the Buffalo score and retrospectively growth factor (TGF)-b pathway signaling genes like
applied the metric to 50 bAVM patients treated with ENG and SMAD4 (Rangel-Castilla et al., 2014). Another
endovascular embolization, comparing accuracy of com- syndrome of note with increased incidence of AVM
plication prediction to that seen with the Spetzler–Martin formation is Cobb’s syndrome, in which patients are
system. The proposed Buffalo score grade is determined diagnosed with spinal AVMs and exhibit abnormal
by accounting for arterial pedicle number, arterial pedicle expression of platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule
diameter, and eloquence of nearby cortex (Table 1.2; (PECAM-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),
Dumont et al., 2015). Results from this initial retrospec- and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 (Rangel-Castilla
tive study showed superior correlation of grade and com- et al., 2014).
plication incidence when compared to the Spetzler– Although there is no grand unifying signaling path-
Martin scale for this particular subset of AVM patients way for AVM proliferation in the context of associated
(Dumont et al., 2015). The authors note that part of the syndromes, the dysregulation of angiogenesis, vasculo-
genesis, and inflammation have all been implicated
Table 1.2 (Sturiale et al., 2013). These recurring themes may also
play a leading role in sporadic AVM formation and
Buffalo grading system for endovascular treatment of brain
development. One proposed mechanism associated with
arteriovenous malformations (Dumont et al., 2015)
AVM development is single-nucleotide polymorphisms
Graded feature Points assigned (SNPs) of inflammatory factors like TGF-b and
interleukin-6, and SNPs of vascular growth factors like
Number of arterial pedicles angiopoietin-like 4 glycoprotein (Rangel-Castilla et al.,
1 or 2 1 2014). In the same vein, studies have found overexpres-
3 or 4 2 sion of VEGF and angiopoietin-2 (a factor promoting
5 or more 3 vascular remodeling and destabilization) work in concert
Diameter of arterial pedicles to assist in intracranial AVM development (Kim et al.,
Most >1 mm 0 2009; Moftakhar et al., 2009). Notch4 signaling activa-
Most 1 mm 1
tion has also been characterized as sufficient to induce
Nidus location
AVM phenotype in the developing mouse brain as it pro-
Noneloquent 0
Eloquent 1 duces pathologically large vessels, and shunting physiol-
ogy consistent with AVM (Murphy et al., 2008).
Along with AVM development, genetic anomalies findings were a difference of 43.4% in mean arterial
have been found to predispose to AVM rupture. In partic- pressure between ruptured versus unruptured AVMs.
ular, alterations in MMPs can lead to compromise of vas- The nidus or functional unit of the AVM creates a tan-
cular stability and irregular angiogenesis. Studies have gled vascular network that connects feeding arteries and
shown that even plasma levels of MMP-9 are elevated draining veins. Located proximal to the nidus are perini-
in AVM cases relative to controls prior to intervention dal vessels that form a capillary network which some
(Starke et al., 2010). Authors from the University of Cal- believe may contribute to postoperative hemorrhage or
ifornia have also shown the potential for agents which recurrence upon attempted surgical resection of the nidal
block MMP activity; antibiotic medications, including unit (Ogilvy et al., 2001). It is important to note that
doxycycline, may have the potential for inducing a static endovascular embolization of an AVM, which is often
state in which AVM growth or activity can be mitigated done to prevent complications during surgical resection,
(Frenzel et al., 2008). can possibly increase the potential risk of rupture by
Along with a better understanding of the etiology of altering local hemodynamics and re-routing blood flow
bAVMs, genetic analysis allows for identification of tar- within the AVM (Henkes et al., 2004). This may also
gets for future molecular therapies, and therapeutic inhi- be in part due to angiogenesis via upregulation of VEGF
bition of aberrant pathways. and hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) following partial
embolization (Meyer et al., 1999).
Compartmentalization of AVMs, first described by
Yasargil (1987), is a concept pertaining to a single hemo-
The origin of AVMs remains unclear and is an area of dynamic unit (i.e., compartment) served by one or more
ongoing investigation. Eliciting how these lesions arise feeding pedicles with one or more draining veins. Intrao-
can improve clinical management based on the presen- peratively, as feeding arteries are resected, the compart-
tation, especially in assessment of the risk of rupture ment will lose blood flow, causing it to collapse. Thus,
leading to intracranial hemorrhage. Though intracranial theoretically, if feeders are removed and all compart-
hemorrhage is the most common presentation, others ments of the AVM collapse, hemorrhage would reason-
include seizure and neurologic deficit without underly- ably be avoided. However, Pellettieri et al. (1997) first
ing rupture (Zivin, 2012; Josephson et al., 2015). Norris proposed the idea of hidden compartments following sur-
et al. (1999) conducted a study on 31 patients showing gery to explain the occurrence of postoperative hemor-
that alterations in contrast dilution curves (decreased rhage and edema. If a compartment was unaccounted
time to peak contrast versus increased time to peak con- for, bleeding could be explained if that compartment
trast) are correlated with seizure or hemorrhage. The became subsequently filled. There has been development
interplay of shear force and altered flow dynamics of methods to detect the presence of underlying hidden
mixed with architectural vascular anomalies constitutes compartments, including serial selective digital subtrac-
physiologic changes that shape the understanding of tion angiography and serial high-resolution MR angiog-
AVM development in addition to underlying molecular raphy (Homan et al., 1986; Hashimoto and Nozaki,
mechanisms (Moftakhar et al., 2009). Each respectively 1999). Yamada et al. (2004) established a protocol to
requires further validation. potentially outline compartments to ensure preservation
Feeding artery pressure has been correlated with of surrounding brain tissue.
clinical presentation in conjunction with AVM size Abnormal venous architecture is a factor some have
(Mckissock and Paterson, 1956; Henderson and implicated in AVM pathogenesis (Mullan, 1994; Mullan
Gomez, 1967; Houser et al., 1973; Waltimo, 1973; et al., 1996a). Theories involve architectural changes
Guidetti and Delitala, 1980; Parkinson and Bachers, that either give rise to de novo AVM production or
1980; Itoyama et al., 1989; Spetzler et al., 1992). The perpetuate existing native arteriovenous connections.
relationship of size to risk of rupture has been postu- On histologic examination, endothelial cells seen within
lated to be inversely proportional, or, in other words, AVMs resemble those of early embryologic develop-
smaller AVMs have greater risk of rupture resulting ment despite arterial vasculature of feeding arteries
in intracranial hemorrhage (Norris et al., 1999). How- lacking analogous primitive features (Deshpande and
ever, other studies have failed to support this theory Vidyasagar, 1980). Though invalidated, embryologic
(Gross and Du, 2013). One can infer feeding artery anomalies leading to venous occlusion, stenosis, or
pressures are higher in AVMs that rupture compared agenesis seek to explain subsequent de novo AVM
to those that do not due to the wall stress exerted on development due to venous hypertension (Bederson
the vessels. Spetzler et al. (1992) measured intraopera- et al., 1991; Herman et al., 1995; Lawton et al.,
tive perfusion pressure plus mean arterial pressure on 1997). As the role of venous hypertension has yet to
24 patients while documenting the AVM size. Key be definitively determined, an alternative hypothesis
describes angiogenesis originating from venous struc- compensation following degeneration of normal vessels
tures due to venous hypertension causing transformation serving redundant areas, AVM production may occur as
to AVM (Bederson et al., 1991; Wilson, 1992). Hypo- blood flow through shunted vessels increases. Related to
xia resulting from vascular pressure changes may stimu- the earlier discussion of perinidal vessels, hemodynamic
late the formation of arteriovenous fistulas thought to overload state can result due to a hypervascular perinidal
arise from venous structures (Wilson, 1992). This would network potentially connected to the nidus termed
establish abnormal vascular architecture that increases “modja-modja” (Takemae et al., 1993). Solely following
venous pressure. Lastly, fistula formation of low-flow surgical resection of AVM, intravascular pressure can
malformations has been implicated based on similar char- increase in this feeble vascular network, leading to rup-
acteristics with select AVMs (abnormal surface and deep ture and hemorrhage.
vein drainage plus the presence of deep collecting veins), Dilation of feeding arteries deprives alternate vessels of
accounting for the belief that low-flow malforma- blood flow, shunting blood to the AVM under increased
tions provide an architectural platform for AVMs to arise pressure (Taylor et al., 2002). The presence of vascular
(Mullan, 1994; Mullan et al., 1996b; Pietil€a et al., 2000). steal phenomenon, where blood is “stolen” from other
Abnormal venous drainage, specifically solely deep regions and redirected toward the AVM, can be defined
drainage, is a supported finding in the literature for pos- as such. Support for this theory comes from CT imaging
sible formation of intracranial AVMs, and interestingly, studies, both single-photon emission and Xe-CT, that dem-
de novo AVMs have often been found to drain into onstrate decreased blood flow in areas adjacent to AVMs
low-flow malformations (Nataf et al., 1997). It is thus (Okabe et al., 1983; Homan et al., 1986). One observation
hypothesized that low-flow malformations may contrib- describes cerebral calcifications arising, which is theorized
ute to the generation of AVMs. Previous authors have to arise from steal phenomenon (Yu et al., 1987). Addition-
also demonstrated that AVMs, cavernous malformations, ally, neuropsychologic studies have described a relation-
and capillary teleangiectasias may exist on a spectrum ship between the potential occurrence of vascular steal
and may be related, as demonstrated by the sequential phenomenon with lesion size, peripheral venous drainage,
formation of all three entities in a single patient (Abla and the development of abnormal feeding arteries (Marks
et al., 2008). et al., 1991). In theory, steal may play a role in risk of cere-
Native arteriovenous connections are thought to bral edema postoperatively. Following lesion resection,
become pathogenic following a venous vaso-occlusive increased blood flow through vessels previously deprived
event progressing to AVM as blood flow is redirected of fluid volume could account for this occurrence along
through preformed connections from occluded vessels with underlying molecular mechanisms of injury/ischemia
(Hasegawa et al., 1967). This postulate has been supported (i.e., HIF and VEGF) (Moftakhar et al., 2009). This may
in animal studies, but is still in early investigational stages be due to chronic hypoxia with loss of capillaries and
as to its validity in human models. In regard to rupture risk, hypoperfusion, leading to increased production of both
those abnormalities that increase venous pressure (venous HIF and VEGF (Meyer et al., 1999).
stenosis, predominant deep drainage, and venous reflux) Some conflicting data surrounding the actual pres-
have been associated with hemorrhage (Awad et al., ence of AVM steal come from studies that provide no
1993; al-Rodhan, 1995; Mullan et al., 1996a). Venous support for the presence of steal in cerebral vascular net-
abnormalities are thus evidenced to have a role in AVM works with AVMs (Mast et al., 1995; Meyer et al., 1998).
pathogenesis, yet other factors still remain pertinent. Meyer and collaborators (1998) conducted a study that
One such factor is the role of autoregulation. showed that blood flow is maintained at relatively nor-
The relationship between hemodynamics and AVM mal levels, calling to question the existence of steal phe-
pathogenesis remains unclear. One postulate pertains to nomenon in AVM physiology. Advanced imaging
abnormal autoregulation, which may lead to changes techniques have been used to further investigate these
in perfusion pressures. Spetzler et al. (1978) describe a discrepancies, namely MR perfusion studies, which have
theory whereby the presence of an AVM leads to local described abnormal blood flow regulation (Bambakidis
loss of autoregulation, described as normal perfusion et al., 2001; Guo et al., 2004). Additional studies are still
pressure breakthrough theory. Those in opposition to this needed to provide further insight into the in vivo charac-
theory, however, believe paradoxically that autoregula- teristics of “steal.”
tion (or dysautoregulation) gives rise to the AVM rather
than being caused by the presence of one (Quick et al.,
2001). In this instance, loss of autoregulation causes
venous hypertension that decreases perfusion pressure, In conclusion, AVMs of the CNS represent a fascinating
ultimately resulting in reduction of blood flow and and complex disease entity with a presentation profile
AVM development. In essence, as a mode of consisting of with hemorrhage, seizure, or headache.
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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 143 (3rd series)
Arteriovenous and Cavernous Malformations
R.F. Spetzler, K. Moon, and R.O. Almefty, Editors
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 2

The natural history of cerebral arteriovenous malformations

Department of Neurosurgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are composed of a complex tangle of abnormal arteries and
veins and are a significant source of cerebral hemorrhage and consequent morbidity and mortality in young
adults, representing a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Current natural-history studies of cerebral
AVMs report overall annual rates of 1% and 3% for the risk of epilepsy and hemorrhage, respectively.
Unruptured AVMs have an annual hemorrhage rate of 2.2% while ruptured lesions have an annual hem-
orrhage rate of 4.5%. These hemorrhage rates are can change over time, particularly for hemorrhagic
lesions, with the rebleed rate ranging from 6% to 15.8% in the first year after rupture across several studies.
Besides hemorrhage, other significant risk factors for AVM hemorrhage include deep location, deep
venous drainage, associated aneurysms, and pregnancy. Other factors include patient age, sex, and small
AVM size, which are not currently considered significant risk factors for AVM hemorrhage. In addition to
hemorrhage risk and seizure risk, the natural history of an AVM also encompasses the daily psychologic
burden that a patient must endure knowing that he or she possesses an untreated AVM. This chapter
reviews the epidemiology, clinical features, and natural history of cerebral AVMs.

(Waltimo, 1973; Pasqualin et al., 1985; Kader et al.,

INTRODUCTION 1996; Lee et al., 2002; Buis et al., 2004).
Cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are a Cerebral AVMs are typically located in the cerebral
complex of abnormal arteries and veins consisting of hemispheres, but may be located in any region of the
direct fistulous connections without normal intervening brain, including the cerebellum, brainstem, or spinal
capillary beds or functional neural tissue (Steinheil, cord. Size of AVMs may vary from occult or cryptic,
1895; McCormick, 1966). Although their exact patho- invisible on angiography or during surgery, to giant
genesis and pathophysiology remain poorly understood, AVMs, involving one or several adjacent lobes, the entire
AVMs are generally considered congenital lesions that cerebral hemisphere, or even the whole brain
arise from arrested vascular embryologic development (Al-Rodhan et al., 1986). Due to this heterogeneity in
resulting in atypical differentiation in the capillaries size and location, cerebral AVMs may cause a wide range
and subsequent abnormal communication between arter- of clinical symptoms. Classically, the most frequent clin-
ies and veins (McCormick, 1966; Gross et al., 2015). ical symptoms include hemorrhage resulting from rup-
However, selected case reports of de novo AVM develop- ture, seizures, and focal neurologic deficits.
ment and experimental models in animals showing Treatment paradigms for AVMs continue to change as
de novo AVM formation have challenged congenital the- endovascular, microsurgical, and radiosurgical proce-
ories of AVM development (Gonzalez et al., 2005; dures evolve. However, essential for the management
Kilbourn et al., 2014). In addition, recurrent cerebral of these lesions is a thorough understanding of their nat-
AVMs after complete surgical resection have been ural history as it must be weighed against the risk of any
reported, as well as spontaneously disappearing AVMs anticipated treatment. Natural history not only includes

*Correspondence to: Rose Du, MD, PhD, Department of Neurosurgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical
School, 75 Francis St, Boston MA 02115, USA. Tel: +1-617-732-6600, Fax: 617-734-8342, E-mail:
16 A. CAN ET AL.
the anticipated hemorrhage risk and accompanying hemorrhagic stroke. Population-based natural-history
morbidity and mortality; it also includes the future risk studies have reported an approximately 50% rate of hem-
of seizures as well as the underreported daily psycho- orrhagic presentation, with intracerebral hemorrhage as
logic burden and consequent anxiety of harboring a the most common type of bleed, followed by intraven-
life-threatening intracranial abnormality. tricular and subarachnoid hemorrhages (Stapf et al.,
2006; Kim et al., 2007; da Costa et al., 2009; Gross
DEMOGRAPHICS and Du, 2013). In a recent meta-analysis, the overall rate
of hemorrhagic presentation was 52% (95% CI 48–56%)
The true incidence and prevalence of cerebral AVMs
(Gross and Du, 2013). AVM rupture typically presents in
remain unknown, due to the relative rarity of the disease
the third or fourth decade of life, and in a retrospective,
and lack of large-scale epidemiologic studies. Across
hospital-based study of patients under 40 years of age
autopsy studies, the prevalence of AVMs has ranged from
with intracerebral hemorrhage, AVMs were the leading
5 to 613 cases per 100 000 (Courville, 1967; Stapf et al.,
cause of intracerebral hemorrhage, affecting 33% (95%
2001). Al-Shahi and colleagues (2002) found a crude
CI 40–85%) of patients (Ruiz-Sandoval et al., 1999).
AVM prevalence rate of 15–18 per 100 000 adults in a ret-
In addition to hemorrhage, seizures have been reported
rospective community-based study in Scotland. In the
as the second most common presentation modality, seen
New York Islands study, a prospective population-based
in 27% of patients (95% CI 24–30%) (Gross and Du,
survey in which the incidence of AVM-related hemorrhage
2013). Other less common presenting symptoms include
and the associated rates of morbidity and mortality were
headaches or focal neurologic deficits due to mass effect
determined, the annual AVM detection rate was 1.34 per
or, though rare, as sources of ischemic symptoms as a
100 000 person-years (95% confidence interval (CI)
result of steal phenomena.
1.18–49) (Stapf et al., 2001). Other studies reported detec-
Headaches in the absence of hemorrhage are reported
tion rates of 1.12 (95% CI 0.90–1.37) and 1.11 (95% CI
to occur in approximately 6–14% of patients with AVMs
0.6–1.8) per 100 000 person-years (Brown et al., 1996;
and Waltimo et al. (1975) reported that 58% of women
Al-Shahi et al., 2003).
with AVMs were found to have migraine with or without
Despite their presumed congenital origin, cerebral
aura (Fults and Kelly, 1984; Ondra et al., 1990; Brown
AVMs are usually not hereditary lesions, and a recent
et al., 2005). The headaches are usually unilateral;
study evaluating the prevalence of AVMs in first-degree
however, more generalized headaches due to elevated
relatives of patients harboring these lesions suggested
venous pressures have also been reported (Al-Shahi
against a familial risk factor (van Beijnum et al.,
and Warlow, 2001). However, the lack of prospective
2014). However, aside from cases of hereditary hemor-
studies with validated diagnostic criteria hampers draw-
rhagic telangiectasia, rare cases of familial occurrence
ing definite conclusions regarding the association
have been reported, supporting the hypothesis that
between headaches and AVMs, and more prospective
genetic factors may play a role in the etiology (van
longitudinal natural-history studies with standardized
Beijnum et al., 2007).
diagnostic headache criteria are needed.
Six large natural-history studies with at least 200
Although rare, cerebral AVMs may cause focal neuro-
patients with cerebral AVMs reported a mean age in a
logic deficits and signs of ischemia in the absence of prior
tight range of 32–39 years of age (Pollock et al., 1996;
or concomitant cerebral hemorrhage in approximately
Stapf et al., 2006; Kim et al., 2007; Yamada et al.,
3–10% of patients (Crawford et al., 1986; Itoyama
2007; Hernesniemi et al., 2008; da Costa et al., 2009).
et al., 1989; Kader et al., 1994; Mast et al., 1997;
Indeed, in a recent meta-analysis of cerebral AVMs,
Al-Shahi and Warlow, 2001; Halim et al., 2004; Stapf
the mean age at presentation was reported to be
et al., 2006; Yamada et al., 2007). Focal neurologic def-
33.7 years (95% CI 31.1–36.2), underscoring that this
icits can present with sudden onset and their course may
is an abnormality discovered in younger patients
vary from transient to progressive. The multifactorial
(Gross and Du, 2013).
pathophysiology includes vascular steal phenomenon,
Most studies do not report a significant sex predispo-
resulting from high-flow shunting through the AVM with
sition for patients with cerebral AVMs, including studies
consequent low blood pressure in the surrounding arter-
of pediatric patients (Stapf et al., 2006; Kim et al., 2007;
ies and brain tissue (Mast et al., 1995). Other contributing
da Costa et al., 2009; Darsaut et al., 2011).
factors are venous hypertension causing hypoperfusion
of the surrounding brain parenchyma, and mass effect
of the AVM or hydrocephalus. Other modes of AVM pre-
Regardless of study design (natural history vs. surgical/ sentation that have been reported in the literature include
interventional series), the most commonly reported pre- cognitive dysfunction (Olivecrona and Riives, 1948),
sentation modality for patients with cerebral AVMs is learning and behavioral disorders (Lazar et al., 1999),
pulsatile tinnitus (Sabra, 1959), raised intracranial pres- sex, and frontotemporal lesion location were significant
sure (Chimowitz et al., 1990), and specific deficits asso- risk factors for seizures on presentation; deep artery per-
ciated with location of AVMs, such as movement forators were associated with postoperative seizures
disorders by AVMs located in the basal ganglia (Englot et al., 2012).
(Lobo-Antunes et al., 1974) or cranial nerve palsies Although several studies have demonstrated clear
(Hatori et al., 1991), trigeminal neuralgia (Johnson and risk factors for seizures at presentation, this important
Salmon, 1968), and hemifacial spasm caused by AVMs feature is not as well represented in the prospective
in the posterior fossa (Kim et al., 1991). natural-history literature (Englot et al., 2012; Galletti
In addition, with advances in diagnostic radiology and et al., 2014). A recent observational analysis of 229
the availability of high-resolution imaging techniques, adults with a new diagnosis of an AVM reported a
asymptomatic AVMs are being detected more often, with 72% 5-year risk of recurrent seizures in patients present-
an overall rate of 10% in modern series (Pollock et al., ing with an initial seizure. Of patients presenting with
1996; Stapf et al., 2006; Kim et al., 2007; Yamada seizures, by 2 years, 76% will develop epilepsy
et al., 2007; Hernesniemi et al., 2008; da Costa et al., (Josephson et al., 2012). In patients presenting with hem-
2009; Gross and Du, 2013). orrhage, the 5-year risk of a first unprovoked seizure was
26%. In a natural-history study of 217 patients with
AVMs, the risk of epilepsy for all-comers by 10-year
follow-up was 11%, increasing to 18% by 20-year
The second most common presenting manifestation of follow-up. This corresponds to an annual de novo seizure
cerebral AVMs is seizures (Thorpe et al., 2000), with risk of 1% (Crawford et al., 1986). Twenty-two percent
approximately 17–30% of AVM patients presenting with of patients presenting with hemorrhage developed epi-
this symptom (Galletti et al., 2014; Spetzler et al., 2015). lepsy within 20 years of diagnosis, representing the
However, the exact pathogenesis of seizures caused by greatest risk factor for de novo epilepsy. In addition,
cerebral AVMs remains unclear. Hemosiderin deposi- the younger the patient was at diagnosis, the higher the
tion, mass effect with cortical irritation, hemodynamic risk of developing epilepsy during follow-up, with rates
modifications, and/or vascular remodeling leading to ranging from 44% for patients aged 10–19 and 6% for
steal, ischemia, and neuronal damage have all been sug- patients over the age of 30. Size or depth of the AVM
gested as pathophysiologic etiologies to epilepsy result- did not influence de novo epilepsy development
ing from cerebral AVMs (Turjman et al., 1995a; (Crawford et al., 1986).
Moftakhar et al., 2009).
Some studies have reported risk factors for seizure
presentation in patients with AVMs. In one study, frontal,
temporal, and/or superficial topography were significant Estimating the natural history of AVMs has been chal-
risk factors for seizure presentation, with the strongest lenged by the heterogeneity of AVM lesions and diverse
association for temporal-lobe location (odds ratio (OR) patient populations, with a wide range of clinical presen-
3.48; 95% CI 1.77–6.85) (Galletti et al., 2014). Other tations and outcomes, in addition to surgeon or institu-
studies also confirmed frontal and temporal location to tional bias toward or against treatment. Hemorrhage is
be correlated with seizure presentation (Perret and often considered the most common source of morbidity
Nishioka, 1966; Morello and Borghi, 1973) in addition and mortality from an AVM and is therefore the main
to other angioarchitectural features such as cortical loca- focus of most natural-history studies that seek to identify
tion of the AVM, feeding by the middle cerebral artery, risk factors predicting hemorrhage. In one long-term
cortical location of the feeder, absence of aneurysms, follow-up study of 168 patients with unruptured cerebral
and presence of varix/varices (Turjman et al., 1995a). AVMs, morbidity and mortality from AVM hemorrhage
In Galletti et al.’s (2014) study, 31% of patients presented were 35% and 29%, respectively (Brown et al., 1988). In
with seizures as the first clinical presentation of cerebral another recent retrospective study of 51 patients sustain-
AVM, while 80% of these patients had epilepsy which ing a hemorrhage from a previously untreated AVM,
led to the discovery of the lesion, and the remaining 74% of patients who survived had neurologic deficits
20% had a single seizure at the time of diagnosis. Nearly upon discharge, with 25% of patients having a severe
half of the patients had simple partial seizures, 13% com- deficit (Majumdar et al., 2015). On follow-up, 55% of
plex partial, 16% partial evolving to secondary general- patients were independent in their daily activities of
ized seizures, and only 3% generalized seizures (Galletti living. The mortality rate was 8%. In a pediatric study
et al., 2014). In the remaining 23% of patients, the clin- of 115 patients, 68% of those sustaining a hemorrhage
ical pattern could not be established (Galletti et al., were independent (Gross et al., 2015). Overall, estimated
2014). In another study, prior AVM hemorrhage, male hemorrhage-related mortality rates range from 10% to
18 A. CAN ET AL.
30%, and morbidity rates from 20% to 30% (Crawford hemorrhage (Yamada et al., 2007; Hernesniemi et al.,
et al., 1986; Brown et al., 1988; Ondra et al., 1990). 2008; Gross and Du, 2013). This was confirmed in a
Numerous studies have evaluated AVM hemorrhage recent meta-analysis where small AVM size was not
risk, and there is general consensus that the overall associated with an increased risk of hemorrhage (Gross
annual hemorrhage rate for AVMs ranges from 2% to and Du, 2013). Significant risk factors for hemorrhage
4%. In a retrospective series of 238 patients with include prior hemorrhage, exclusively deep venous
untreated AVMs and an average follow-up of 13.5 years, drainage, deep location, associated aneurysms, and
the average annual risk of hemorrhage from AVM was pregnancy (da Costa et al., 2009; Gross and Du,
2.4% (Hernesniemi et al., 2008). A recent meta-analysis 2012a, 2013).
confirmed these reports and defined the overall rate
at 3.0% (95% CI 2.7–3.4%) (Gross and Du, 2013).
Prior hemorrhage
However, this overall rate has little meaning for individ-
ualized counseling as it is well known that it varies Although the original Finnish and University of Toronto
widely depending on various risk factors. AVM natural-history studies did not report an increased
Many early studies evaluated the influence of demo- risk of hemorrhage after AVM rupture (Ondra et al.,
graphic and AVM angioarchitectural features on the risk 1990; Stefani et al., 2002b), subsequent reports from
of hemorrhagic presentation, a relatively simplistic the same and other groups with longer follow-up
approach as it does not require follow-up. Langer et al. clearly identified previous rupture to be the most signif-
(1998) found hypertension, small size, and deep venous icant risk factor for subsequent hemorrhage during
drainage to be significantly associated with AVM hemor- follow-up (Forster et al., 1972; Crawford et al., 1986;
rhagic presentation. Other authors reported deep location Mast et al., 1997; Halim et al., 2004; Stapf et al.,
(Stefani et al., 2002b; Stapf et al., 2006), nonborderzone/ 2006; Yamada et al., 2007; Hernesniemi et al., 2008;
watershed location (Stapf et al., 2006), associated da Costa et al., 2009). The prospective University of
aneurysms (Stapf et al., 2006), infratentorial location Toronto AVM study demonstrated an annual hemor-
(Khaw et al., 2004), small number of draining veins rhage rate of 4.61% per year for the entire cohort of
(Stefani et al., 2002b), high feeding artery pressure 678 patients and an annual hemorrhage rate of 7.48%
(Duong et al., 1998), and venous ectasias (Stefani for patients with initial hemorrhagic presentation, result-
et al., 2002b) as independent factors significantly associ- ing in prior hemorrhage as a significant independent pre-
ated with hemorrhagic AVM presentation. However, this dictor of future hemorrhage (hazard ratio 2.15, p ¼ 0.07)
type of analysis is largely influenced by presentation (da Costa et al., 2009). A recent meta-analysis of AVM
bias, as quiescent AVMs that may otherwise only present natural-history studies confirmed these findings by dem-
with hemorrhage, such as small lesions, were perceived onstrating hemorrhage to be a statistically significant risk
as having a greater risk of hemorrhage (Itoyama et al., factor for subsequent bleeding, with a hazard ratio of 3.2
1989; Turjman et al., 1995b; Stapf et al., 2002; Stefani (95% CI 2.1–4.3) (Gross and Du, 2013). Unruptured
et al., 2002a; Majumdar et al., 2015). Results from this AVMs had an annual hemorrhage rate of 2.2% (95%
approach have little validity for patient counseling as fac- CI 1.7–2.7%) in this study while ruptured AVMs had
tors associated with hemorrhagic presentation are not an annual re-rupture rate of 4.5% (95% CI 3.7–5.5%)
equal to independent risk factors for future hemorrhage. (Gross and Du, 2013). The former is consistent with
Therefore, such decisions should be based on the per- the recent ARUBA trial results that demonstrated an
ceived prospective risk of hemorrhage after presentation. annual hemorrhage rate of 2.2% for untreated, unrup-
Thus, recent studies have evaluated annual rates of hem- tured AVMs (Mohr et al., 2014).
orrhage and hemorrhage risk factors on this annual rate. Although rebleed rates are higher for AVMs, it is
Most modern studies have not demonstrated a signif- important to underscore that the rebleed rate is dynamic,
icant impact of demographic features such as patient age with the highest hemorrhage rate during the first year of
and sex on the risk of hemorrhage (Kim et al., 2007; rupture, and declines thereafter. This may explain why
Hernesniemi et al., 2008; da Costa et al., 2009; Gross studies with longer follow-up periods generally report
and Du, 2013). Though studies based on hemorrhagic lower average annual rupture rates than studies with
presentation suggested a greater risk of hemorrhagic pre- shorter follow-up times. Re-rupture rates within the first
sentation for small AVMs (Itoyama et al., 1989; Spetzler year range from 6% to 15.8% across multiple studies
et al., 1992; Kader et al., 1994; Turjman et al., 1995b; (Mast et al., 1997; Yamada et al., 2007; Hernesniemi
Stapf et al., 2002; Stefani et al., 2002b), as discussed, this et al., 2008; da Costa et al., 2009; Gross and Du,
was likely an artifact of presentation bias as studies based 2012b), a fact that has important implications for both
on prospective annual hemorrhage rates have not demon- the timing of surgical treatment and the choice of radio-
strated small size to be a significant risk factor for surgery for ruptured AVMs. In one study comparing the
risk of hemorrhage in the clinical course of AVMs in 281 1.01–5.67) and 4.1 (95% CI 1.2–14.9), respectively. In
patients with and without initial hemorrhage, re-rupture a recent meta-analysis, the overall hazard ratio for hem-
occurred in 13% versus 2% in the nonhemorrhage group, orrhage from AVMs with deep venous drainage was 3.25
leading to an annual risk of hemorrhage of 17.8% and (95% CI 1.01–5.67) (Stapf et al., 2006).
2.2%, respectively (Mast et al., 1997). However, in a sub-
sequent report of the same cohort with 622 consecutive Deep location
patients, with a mean follow-up of 829 days during
Approximately one-third of AVMs in natural-history
which 39 patients developed AVM hemorrhage, the
studies are deep (Yamada et al., 2007; Hernesniemi
annual rupture rate for unruptured AVMs was 1.3% ver-
et al., 2008; Gross and Du, 2013). It is important to
sus 5.9% for those after hemorrhagic AVM presentation
underscore that deep location has been implicated as a
(Stapf et al., 2006). In another study, two-thirds of AVMs
risk factor for hemorrhage independent of the tendency
that rebled within the first year were associated with
of deep AVMs to possess deep venous drainage. Deep
aneurysms, suggesting that associated aneurysms are
location may be an independent risk factor due to a
probably a contributing factor to this high re-rupture rate.
greater tendency for deep AVMs to have supply from
The permanent morbidity from a rebleed was 45%
fragile perforators or potentially from a lack of
(Gross and Du, 2012b). Interestingly, after reviewing
“tamponade effect” from adjacent parenchyma for those
the literature, this report illustrated that the rebleed rate
presenting to a ventricular surface (Hernesniemi et al.,
within the first year was generally double the overall
2008; Gross and Du, 2013).
re-hemorrhage rate provided in each natural-history
Overall, annual hemorrhage rates for deep AVMs
study (Gross and Du, 2012b).
range from 4.1% to 8.6% in the literature (Yamada
et al., 2007; Hernesniemi et al., 2008). Deep location
Deep venous drainage was found to correlate with clinical presentation of hem-
orrhage in some retrospective reports (Turjman et al.,
Deep drainage has been shown to be correlated with
1995b; Mansmann et al., 2000), but not in others
hemorrhagic presentation by multiple research groups
(Duong et al., 1998; Langer et al., 1998). Across two
(Marks et al., 1990; Kader et al., 1994; Turjman et al.,
natural-history studies, the annual rupture rate for deep
1995b). In one retrospective study, deep drainage was
AVMs ranged from 3.1% to 4.5% for unruptured lesions
significantly associated with hemorrhagic presentation
and increased to 11.4–14.8% for ruptured AVMs (Stapf
(odds ratio 5.77; p ¼ 0.009) and 25% of patients had
et al., 2006; Yamada et al., 2007). Deep location was an
additional intraventricular hemorrhage (Langer et al.,
independent risk factor for subsequent AVM hemorrhage
1998). In addition to these small retrospective studies
in several studies, with hazard ratios ranging from 3.07
with significant limitations, most natural-history studies
(95% CI 1.28–7.40) (Yamada et al., 2007) to 3.25
consistently demonstrate that approximately half of
(95% CI 1.30–8.16) (Stapf et al., 2006). In a recent
AVMs possess deep venous drainage (Stapf et al.,
meta-analysis, the overall meta-analytic hazard ratio of
2006; Yamada et al., 2007; Hernesniemi et al., 2008;
deep AVM location was 2.4 (95% CI 1.4–3.4) (Gross
da Costa et al., 2009). It has been postulated that the
and Du, 2013). However, similar to small AVMs, deep
increased pressure of the deep venous system, and sub-
lesions may be less likely to cause symptoms such as sei-
sequent increase in the pressure gradient in the AVM
zures and neurologic deficits due to their deep location,
nidus, is the etiologic cause of greater reported hemor-
and are therefore prone to selection bias.
rhage rates for AVMs with this feature (Hernesniemi
et al., 2008; da Costa et al., 2009). Overall hemorrhage
Associated aneurysms
rates for AVMs with deep venous drainage range from
3.4% to 5.4% in the literature (Yamada et al., 2007; The pathophysiology, incidence, and classification of
Hernesniemi et al., 2008; da Costa et al., 2009). Across intracranial aneurysms in relation to cerebral AVMs have
two natural-history studies, annual hemorrhage rates for been the topic of controversy and interest, and the subject
AVMs with deep venous drainage ranged from 2.4% to of ongoing discussions in the medical literature. Aneu-
2.6% for unruptured lesions and increased to rysms may be located in the nidus, on feeding arteries,
7.2–11.4% for ruptured AVMs (Stapf et al., 2006; or they may occur on peripheral arteries seemingly unre-
Yamada et al., 2007). Deep venous drainage was reported lated to the AVM lesion. They have been reported to
as an independent predictor of subsequent hemorrhage in occur in association with AVMs in approximately 10%
a prospective study of 622 patients with untreated AVMs of patients (Al-Shahi and Warlow, 2001), and across
from the Columbia AVM database (Stapf et al., 2006) several natural-history studies, approximately 20% of
and in an earlier reported analysis of the same cohort cerebral AVMs were associated with aneurysms
(Mast et al., 1997), with hazard ratios of 3.25 (95% CI (Brown et al., 1988; da Costa et al., 2009; Gross and
20 A. CAN ET AL.
Du, 2013). In these studies, approximately 50% of associ- system, although the exact underlying mechanisms in rela-
ated aneurysms were on feeding arteries while 25% were tion to AVMs have yet to be clarified (Stieg et al., 2007).
intranidal and 25% were in a remote location (Gross and Early studies report AVMs to be responsible for intra-
Du, 2013). cranial hemorrhage in 21–48% of cases of spontaneous
Multiple studies found an association between clini- intracranial hemorrhage during pregnancy (Fliegner
cal presentation of AVMs and the presence of related et al., 1969; Amias, 1970; Robinson et al., 1972,
intracranial aneurysms (Marks et al., 1990; Turjman 1974). In a study of 154 pregnant women with verified
et al., 1995b). In a cross-sectional study of 463 prospec- intracranial hemorrhage, 23% of the hemorrhages were
tively enrolled patients, Stapf et al. (2002) demonstrated secondary to ruptured AVMs (Dias and Sekhar, 1990).
in a multivariate model an independent effect of feeding The overall maternal and fetal mortality from ruptured
artery aneurysms on hemorrhagic AVM presentation AVMs in patients that were observed were 32% and
(OR 2.11, 95% CI 1.18–3.78). 23%, respectively. More than half of patients with rup-
Although some of these studies demonstrated a clear tured AVMs were moribund or comatose at time of
correlation between hemorrhagic presentation and asso- presentation.
ciated aneurysms, this important angiographic feature is In another report comprised of 24 women with AVMs,
underreported in the prospective natural-history litera- hemorrhage was associated with a 49% fetal complica-
ture. With intuitive preliminary evidence that AVMs tion rate and a 26% mortality rate, in contrast to a 33%
associated with aneurysms have a greater risk of rupture fetal complication rate associated with aneurysmal
(Turjman et al., 1995b; Stapf et al., 2002), and with addi- subarachnoid hemorrhage (Robinson et al., 1974).
tional evidence suggesting greater morbidity from rup- A recent retrospective study of 54 women with an angio-
ture of AVMs associated with aneurysms (Gross et al., graphic diagnosis of an AVM quantified a hemorrhage
2013), it is likely that these lesions are selected out early rate of 8.1% per pregnancy or an annual hemorrhage rate
from natural-history studies and are therefore subject to of 10.8% versus 1.1% in nonpregnant women. The sta-
selection bias, unless the aneurysms seem angiographic- tistically significant hazard ratio for hemorrhage during
ally benign and/or small. Nevertheless, two studies pregnancy was 7.91 in this study (Gross and Du,
reported relatively consistent annual hemorrhage rates 2012a). These findings are consistent with another recent
ranging from 6.9% to 8.3% for AVMs associated with study that reported an annual hemorrhage rate of 11.1%
aneurysms. In the prospective Toronto AVM study, mul- for women who become pregnant during the 3-year
tivariate analysis did not reveal associated aneurysms as latency interval between stereotactic radiosurgery and
independent predictors for subsequent hemorrhage. documented AVM obliteration (Tonetti et al., 2014).
However, in univariate analysis for specific aneurysm Among nonpregnant women, the annual hemorrhage rate
subtypes, both feeding artery aneurysms (HR 1.7, was 2.5% during the latency interval (Tonetti et al.,
p ¼ 0.03) and intranidal aneurysms (HR 2.1, p ¼ 0.03) 2014). Timing of hemorrhage during pregnancy varies
significantly increased the risk of hemorrhage, in con- widely among studies, with reported cases during the
trast with remote aneurysms (da Costa et al., 2009). first (Horton et al., 1990; Tonetti et al., 2014), second
A subsequent recent meta-analysis reinforced associated (Horton et al., 1990), and third trimester (Horton et al.,
aneurysms as a statistically significant risk factor for 1990; Gross and Du, 2012a), and puerperium (Horton
hemorrhage (Gross and Du, 2013). et al., 1990).
Due to preliminary studies that strongly suggest ele-
vated hemorrhage risks during pregnancy and the obvious
ethical dilemmas related to prospective natural-history
studies in pregnant women harboring AVMs, no such
Although data regarding risk of AVM hemorrhage during studies have been performed to date and the annual hem-
pregnancy are sparse and inconclusive, pregnancy has orrhage rates for these patients are consequently lacking.
long been implicated as a significant risk factor for
AVM hemorrhage and the presence of an AVM signifi-
Age and sex
cantly complicates the management of pregnant women
(Crawford et al., 1986; Lanzino et al., 1994; Skidmore Although age was shown to be a significant predictor of
et al., 2001). In the early natural-history study by AVM hemorrhage in some studies (Karlsson et al., 1997;
Crawford et al. (1986), 25% of women aged 20–29 years Stapf et al., 2006), this finding was not confirmed by
old presenting with AVM hemorrhage were pregnant. others (Yamada et al., 2007; da Costa et al., 2009;
Pregnancy may be a risk factor for AVM hemorrhage Gross and Du, 2013). In one prospective study, patients
due to several major physiologic changes that occur within who experienced an AVM rupture were younger at
the cardiovascular, hormonal, and hemostatic-thrombotic admission (on average 5 years), but these results were
not significant in univariate and multivariate Cox models In addition, women desiring to bear children with inci-
(Hernesniemi et al., 2008). However, a recent meta- dentally discovered AVMs should also be considered
analysis of combined data from four large cohorts found for curative treatment prior to planned conception.
increasing age to be significantly associated with an Although the details of AVM treatment go beyond the
approximately 30% increase in risk for every 10-year scope of this chapter, the choice of management for
increase in age (HR 1.34 per decade, 95% CI patients harboring these lesions should consider
1.17–1.53). However, the lack of consensus in the litera- treatment-related risks as related to patient age, location
ture, combined with a higher risk of poor outcome after sur- of the lesion, size of the AVM, and vascular topography,
gery in elderly patients (Ding et al., 2015), highlights the as well as the natural history of the individual patient.
need for more well-designed larger prospective studies. Therapeutic options for AVMs include operative obliter-
Similar to data regarding age, current studies do not ation or resection, endovascular embolization, and radio-
provide clear associations between sex and risk of surgery. Given the high risk of rebleeding within 1 year,
AVM-related hemorrhage. One clear exception was a ruptured AVMs are generally considered for surgical
natural-history study of 305 consecutive patients with treatment as it provides the most expedient and definitive
AVMs that showed a significantly increased hemorrhage means for angiographic obliteration. Similarly, AVMs
risk among female patients (HR 2.93 95% CI 1.20–7.16). with deep venous drainage or associated aneurysms
However, the smaller portion of female patients and should also be considered for early surgery, if feasible
skewed distributions in this study compared with other at low morbidity. Deep AVMs (e.g., deep capsular, brain-
studies may have influenced the results (Fults and stem, or basal ganglia) may pose a challenge for surgery
Kelly, 1984; Mast et al., 1997; Stapf et al., 2003; given their tendency to involve eloquent tissue; radiosur-
Halim et al., 2004). Karlsson et al. (1997) reported that gery may thus serve as the optimal therapeutic option.
the risk of hemorrhage was higher in women during their Although one early prospective study of 73 consecutive
fertile years as compared to males in the same age group. patients with grades IV and V AVMs suggested that
Although Mast et al. (1997) initially reported male sex to high-grade AVMs may in fact have a more benign
be significantly associated with subsequent hemorrhage natural history than their low-grade counterparts (Han
(HR 9.2, 95% CI 2.1–41.3), these findings were not con- et al., 2003), more recent studies have reported conflicting
firmed in a more recent report from the same group (Stapf results. One retrospective study of 61 consecutive patients
et al., 2006). In line with the discussed differences in pre- with high-grade AVMs reported an annual hemorrhage rate
viously published reports, Kim et al. (2007) reported bor- of 10.4% (95% CI 2.2–15.4) (Jayaraman et al., 2007),
derline associations between female sex and hemorrhage while another reported an overall annual hemorrhage rate
risk (HR 1.49, 95% CI 0.96–2.30) and a recent meta- of 3.3% that increased to 6.0% for ruptured, high-grade
analysis showed female sex not to be associated with lesions (Laakso et al., 2008). Though they present a signi-
hemorrhage (Gross and Du, 2013). ficant potential therapeutic challenge, these recent studies
encourage creative, multimodality approaches when con-
sidering treatment of high-grade AVMs.
As an increasing number of unruptured cerebral
The wide variation in the clinical course of patients with AVMs are identified due to the increasing use of
AVMs and the heterogeneity of different patient popula- high-resolution imaging, this will lead to a shift in the
tions hamper generalizations and make estimations of the AVM population, creating a diagnostic and treatment
natural history of AVMs the subject of controversy. The challenge for clinicians. For a better understanding of
natural history of AVMs must incorporate a perceived, the natural history of cerebral AVMs, future studies with
prospective risk of epilepsy, hemorrhage, and accompa- longer follow-up times are needed.
nying daily psychologic burden. The risk of epilepsy is
considerably less explored than the risk of hemorrhage
in the literature, and the importance of seizure control
is often undervalued in the surgical treatment of AVMs; The natural history of cerebral AVMs encompasses over-
however, epilepsy may result in significant morbidity all annual rates of 2–4% for the risk of hemorrhage, and
and decreased quality of life. Nevertheless, the decision an annual rate of 1% for the development of de novo sei-
to treat an AVM is often predicated on the presumed, pro- zures. Significant risk factors for hemorrhage include
spective risk of hemorrhage from the lesion. This chapter prior rupture, deep location, deep venous drainage, asso-
gave an overview of risk factors for hemorrhage that ciated aneurysms, and pregnancy. Patient age, sex, and
should lower the threshold for treatment – specifically small AVM size are not currently considered significant
for hemorrhagic AVMs, deep AVMs, those with deep risk factors for AVM hemorrhage. In addition to hemor-
venous drainage, and those with associated aneurysms. rhage risk and seizure risk, the natural history of an AVM
22 A. CAN ET AL.
also encompasses the daily psychologic burden that a Dias MS, Sekhar LN (1990). Intracranial hemorrhage from
patient must endure knowing he or she possesses an aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations during preg-
untreated AVM. All of the above factors need to be taken nancy and the puerperium. Neurosurgery 27: 855–865;
into consideration when determining the optimal treat- discussion 865–856.
Ding D, Xu Z, Yen CP et al. (2015). Radiosurgery for cerebral
ment of an AVM.
arteriovenous malformations in elderly patients: effect of
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for more than a thousand years, Arabia lay contained within herself,
dammed perhaps by the Persian, Macedonian, Parthian, and Roman
empires, until in the seventh century after Christ Mohammedanism
led forth her peoples. A much earlier movement, at an unknown
time, had brought the forefathers of the Abyssinians across the
mouth of the Red Sea into Africa, and the Hyksos who overthrew the
Middle Kingdom of ancient Egypt may have been Semites.
The Indo-Europeans entered southwest Asia later and permeated
it more locally than the Semites. Soon after 2000 the Kassites or
Kossæans intruded into Babylonia; they seem to have been Indo-
Europeans, perhaps Iranians. Around 1500 the Mitanni were a
power on the upper Euphrates between the Assyrians and the
Hittites of Asia Minor. Their personal and god names as preserved in
Assyrian Cuneiform inscriptions show them to have been an Iranian
people. The latter are not recognizably referred to in their permanent
home on the Iranian plateau until about 1000, but may well have
settled there a thousand years earlier. Their close relatives, the Indic
branch, are believed to have begun their entry of India about 2000-
1500 B.C. or soon after.

245. Iranian Peoples and Cultures

By the seventh century B.C., the Iranians were civilized and strong
enough to participate in the overthrow of Semitic Assyria, whose
principal inheritors they became. From then on for over twelve
hundred years, with only a century of interruption due to Alexander
and his successors, a succession of Iranian powers dominated not
only the plateau but Babylonia and Mesopotamia: Medes,
Achæmenian Persians, Parthians, Sassanian Persians. A strong
national consciousness was evolved and reinforced by a national
religion—Zoroastrianism, Magism, Fire-worship, the Avestan faith,
are some of its names. This Iranian religion endured nearly three
thousand years, and still survives among a shrunken number of
followers, notably the emigrant Parsis—that is, “Persians”—of India;
and its basic ideas of the eternal conflict of good and evil, truth and
lie, and of a single supreme deity of righteousness, have influenced
many other cults, including Christianity. The long contact between
Iran and the Tigris-Euphrates valley and their frequent political unity
since 600 B.C. reacted favorably to the intensification of culture in
the highlands; with the result that when the Arabs and later the Turks
broke from their marginal homes into the old civilized parts of
western Asia, they absorbed heavily from the long established
cultures of Iran. Much of Arab and Turkish civilization is really
Persian, and goes back ultimately to Semitic Babylonian and
Sumerian origins.
Soon after the Iranians pushed southward out of the steppe on to
the plateau east of the Caspian, other Indo-Europeans drove
southward west of the Caspian and Black Sea; the Armenians into
the seats which they have held ever since, the Kardouchoi into the
Kurd country, tribes allied to the Balkan Thracians and the Phrygians
into Asia Minor. The centuries before and after 1000 B.C. were the
period of these movements, all of which failed to penetrate as deeply
into the heart of the west Asiatic cultural center as had the Semitic
inflows. Nor was the Indo-Europeanization of all the newly occupied
territories as permanent as the corresponding Semitization. Asia
Minor, which is now prevailingly Turkish, is the one area of
consequence that in the historic period has been de-Indo-
Europeanized in speech (§ 50).

246. The Composite Culture of the Near East

In this western end of Asia, then, from the Hellespont to Persia
and from the Caucasus to the Arabian desert, beginning five
thousand years ago and probably more, a motley of nations was
thrown together—autochthonous peoples of several sorts, Semites,
Indo-Europeans, possibly Ural-Altaians. Their contacts enabled each
to acquire many of the new devices developed by the others, to
combine these with their own attainments, and thus to be a source of
culture stimulation over again for the others. The largest tract of rich
lowland in the area was the Fertile Crescent which bowed from
Jerusalem northward and eastward into Mesopotamia and then
down the course of the Tigris and Euphrates to their mouths, and
here, for several millenia, civilization tended to advance most
intensively. Within this Crescent, again, its southeastern end, the
drainable and irrigable alluvial plain of Babylonia, averaged in the
lead from the earliest known Sumerian times until shortly before the
Christian era. Yet political dominance often shifted elsewhere: to
Egypt, which conquered to the Euphrates in the fifteenth century
B.C.; to the Hittites of Asia Minor in the fourteenth and thirteenth; to
the Assyrians of the middle Tigris in the twelfth and eleventh and
again in the eighth and seventh centuries. Culturally, too, almost
every one of the many nations or tracts comprised within the west
Asiatic area developed a degree of independence; each added
features or modified those which it borrowed; each gave to its local
civilization a cast of its own, without losing touch with the others.

247. Phœnicians, Aramæans, Hebrews

Thus, the Phœnicians, or some Semitic people closely related and
geographically near them, by 1000 B.C. developed, presumably out
of one of the several part-phonetic or syllabic writings in use about or
among them, the true alphabet (§ 134). In the two or three centuries
following, they established a commercial and maritime supremacy
over the Mediterranean that led to the founding of Carthage, direct
trade as far as Spain and indirect to Britain, and transmission of the
alphabet and other knowledge to the Greeks.
Another trading people, although an inland one, were the
Aramæans, Semites of the same wave as the Hebrews but
established north of Palestine in Syria, with Damascus as their
greatest center. Never more than a secondary political power, they
penetrated other countries peacefully, brought in their system of
measures and weights, their writing, and even their language.
Assyria had become half Aramaic speaking by the time of her fall,
and the every-day language of Palestine in the days of Jesus and for
some centuries before was Aramaic. Aramæan script, a cursive form
of the Phœnician alphabet, gradually replaced Cuneiform writing,
first for business and then for official purposes, throughout western
Asia and beyond. In the fourteenth century, the Syrian and
Palestinian city rulers had written their reports and dispatches to the
Egyptian overlord in Cuneiform, which a corps of clerks in the
Foreign Office or Dependencies Department at Tell-el-Amarna
transcribed into Hieroglyphic or Hieratic. In the fourth century,
Persian officials were employing Aramæan for official
communications. As the Cuneiform more and more died out,
derivatives of Aramæan became the alphabets of Persia; of at least
part and possibly the whole of India; of the Jews; of the Arabs; of the
Nestorian Christians; and of the ancient Turks, the Mongols, and the
Manchus. Practically all Asia except perhaps India, so far as it writes
alphabetically, thus derives its letters from an Aramæan source (§
Equally profound was the influence of the neighboring Hebrews in
another phase of civilization. At the time they first entered history,
about 1400 B.C., the Hebrews worshiped a tribal god Jahveh. They
believed that there were many gods beside him, but that they were
his people and he their god. A growing national consciousness led
them more and more to emphasize the special relation between him
and them, to the exclusion of worship of other deities which was
constantly creeping in from their Canaanite, Phœnician, Aramæan,
and Egyptian neighbors. Thus they grew into the stage of monolatry,
or worship limited to one god. As however Assyria and Babylonia
first threatened and then engulfed them, and their national
impotence became more and more evident, they confided less in
themselves, as they had done in the brief days of their little tenth
century glory, and trusted increasingly in their god as their salvation.
National hopes fell and divine ones rose; until the Hebrew people
passed from thinking of the Lord as all powerful to thinking of him as
one and sole: monotheism had evolved out of monolatry as this had
grown out of a special tribal cult. Historically the monotheistic idea
was not new. Ikhnaton of Egypt had proclaimed it more than half a
thousand years before the Hebrew prophets. The concept may
actually have been carried over; but it certainly drew sustenance of
its own on Hebrew soil and first became established there as a
cardinal, enduring element of a national civilization. The Hebrews
adhered to monotheism with an ever-increasing insistence; until the
concept was taken over by Christianity and Islam—two of the three
great international religions; Buddhism, the third, being essentially
atheistic. Here then is another tremendously spread cultural element
of deep significance that originated as a local west Asiatic variant.

248. Other Contributing Nationalities

Almost every people in the area, in fact, made its special
contribution. In Asia Minor evolved the concept of a great primal
mother goddess, known to the Greeks as Cybele. Lydia, in western
Asia Minor, coined the earliest money about 700 B.C. Some people
near the Black Sea in eastern Asia Minor seem to have been the first
to develop the working of iron and perhaps of steel. The Kassites
from the north or east probably introduced the horse into Babylonia,
soon after 2000 B.C. Thence it spread, as the animal of royalty,
aristocracy, and the special arm of chariot warfare, until it reached
Egypt some three hundred years later. The first domestication of the
horse was apparently in central Asia; the transmission to Europe
may have been direct rather than through Mediterranean Asia. The
camel had been tamed earlier, also in central Asia. Its remains
appear in Turkistan in the copper period; and in Israel the Arab
Midianite raiders whom Gideon defeated rode camels, while some
generations later, in David’s time, about 1000 B.C., horses were still

249. Ægean Civilization

On the island of Crete, almost equidistant from Asia, Africa, and
Europe, there began to grow up with the introduction of bronze,
about 3000 B.C., a civilization most of whose elements were
imported, but which added to them and molded the whole of its mass
with unusual originality. Three great periods, named the Early,
Middle, and Late “Minoan” after the legendary Cretan king Minos,
are distinguishable in the abundant remains which excavation has
brought to light; each of these is divisible into three sub-periods
designated I, II, III. At some sites, such as Knossos, the remains of
successive sub-periods are separated by layers of packed-down
earth deposited when an old settlement was obliterated and serving
as floor for the next occupation. Underneath the Bronze Age
deposits were thick strata from the Neolithic, with unpainted pottery.
With the Early Minoan, about 3000 B.C., painted pottery as well as
bronze came in, to be followed by the potter’s wheel and a system of
hieroglyphic writing unrelated to the Egyptian. In the Middle Minoan
the pottery became polychrome, palaces were built, art took a
remarkable naturalistic turn in pottery and fresco painting and
carving, and the hieroglyphics evolved into a linear, probably
syllabic, script. The beginning of the Late Minoan, from the sixteenth
to the fourteenth century B.C., saw the culmination of Cretan
civilization. Then something violent happened, the palaces were
destroyed, and after a brief decadence Minoan culture passed out at
the arrival of the first of the historic Greeks, at the opening of the Iron
Age, about 1250 B.C.
The Minoans left no chronology of their own and their writing is
unread. But datable Egyptian objects found in Cretan strata of
identified period, and Cretan objects characteristic of particular
periods found at datable Egyptian sites as the result of trade, have
made possible an indirect but positive chronology for Minoan culture.
The second sub-periods of Early, Middle, and Late Minoan
respectively were contemporary with the Sixth, Twelfth, and
Eighteenth Dynasties on the Nile. From 2000 B.C. on, Minoan dates
are therefore reliable within a century and sometimes less. Industry,
commerce, games, a light, practical style of architecture, above all a
graceful realistic art, flourished particularly from Middle Minoan III to
Late Minoan II. There was evidently considerable wealth, a leisure
class, and life was prevailingly peaceful and surrounded with charm.
The Minoans were a Caucasian people of Mediterranean race.
Their language is unknown, but seems to have been distinct from the
later Greek, and therefore probably non-Indo-European. When their
home power crumbled, a fragment appears to have taken refuge in
Asia and founded the Philistine cities which for a time pressed the
tribal Hebrews and which gave their name to Palestine.
A related culture appears in the ruins of the successive cities of
Troy; on the islands of the Ægean Sea; and in mainland Greece,
where it has been called Mycenæan, after the citadel and town
attributed to Agamemnon. Ægean perhaps is the name least likely to
confuse, for this larger culture of which the Cretan Minoan was long
the most illustrious representative. The table outlines the principal
The thirteenth century brought the Greeks, then a rude, hardy, and
at first non-maritime people, fighting their way south and wrecking or
sapping the Ægean civilization. Culture lost its bloom, life became
hard, the outlook contracted. Art shriveled into crude geometric
ornamentation, the forms became childishly inept, intercourse with
the Orient sank to a minimum, and when trade and foreign
stimulation revived they were at first in Phœnician hands. It is not
until the seventh century that true history begins in Greece, and in
the main only to the sixth that the rudiments of that characteristic
Hellenic philosophy, literature, and art can be traced, which were
released after the Persian wars early in the fifth century. Yet the half
thousand and more years of dark ages between Ægean and classic
Greek civilization did not entail a complete interruption. The Greek
often enough smote the Mycenæan or Minoan. More often, perhaps,
he settled alongside him, possibly oppressed him, but learned from
him. He choked out Ægean culture, but nourished his own upon it.
The Homeric poems, composed in Greek during this period of
retrogression, picture a civilization essentially Ægean; and along with
them much other cultural tradition must have been passed on.
At any rate, when Greek culture reëmerged, it was charged with
Oriental elements and influences, but perhaps even more charged
with Ægean ones. Its games, its unponderous architecture, its open
city life, the free quality of its art, its political particularity, its peculiar
alert tenseness and feeling for grace, had all flourished before on
Greek soil. Their flavor is un-Asiatic and un-Egyptian of whatever
period. We have here another instance of the tenacity of the
attachment of cultural qualities to the soil; of the faculty, at once
absorptive and resistive, that for thousands of years, however
inventions might diffuse and culture elements circulate, succeeded in
keeping China something that can fairly be called Chinese, India
Indian, Egypt Egyptian, the Northwest and Southwest of America
Northwestern and Southwestern respectively; in a degree even kept
Europe, so long culturally dependent on the Orient, always

250. Europe
With Greece we have entered the realm of what is conventionally
regarded as history. For the rest of Europe, prehistoric archæology
and its record of illiterate peoples abut so closely on history in the
ordinary sense, that a tracing of the transition takes one promptly
into documentary study. There is much in this early historical field
that is of anthropological interest, and just back of it lies more that is
specifically so: where the round headed peoples came from who
began to appear in Europe during the Neolithic; whether peoples like
Ligurians, Sicilians, Scythians, were Indo-Europeans or not, and of
what branch; where the blond Nordic type took shape and whether it
originally spoke dialects of the Germanic group; who built
Stonehenge and the other megalithic monuments of western Europe;
where the first home of the Indo-Europeans lay. But such problems
are intricate, and usually answerable, if at all, from stray indications
scattered among masses of literary and historical data controllable
only by the specialist, whose primary interests tend in other
directions. Where these documented indications fail, the problems
become speculative. We have no clear record of any indubitable
Indo-European people, in or out of Europe, before the second
millenium B.C. When they appear in history, they are already
differentiated into their familiar main divisions. The Bronze Age
Scandinavians seem likely to have been Indo-Europeans and
perhaps of the Germanic branch; for the Neolithic an identification
would be mere guessing. The LaTène Iron culture is
characteristically Keltic, that of the Hallstadt period and area less
certainly Illyrian and Keltic. And after all, such considerations
concern speech, or race, which can be associated with any culture.
Our present concern being primarily with the latter, it will be more
profitable to pass on from these questions and turn to regions
remote from those in which Occidental civilization assumed its
modern form.

251. China
China, far from Europe and known to the outside world only
recently, possesses a civilization so different from ours in a multitude
of aspects, that thought of connection between the cultures seems at
first unreasonable. One thinks of rice, pagodas, bound feet, queues,
silk, tea, ancestor worship, a strange, chopped, singing speech, and
writing in still stranger characters. Yet the Chinese have long had a
civilization identical in many of its constituents with our own: civil
government, rimed poetry, painting, trousers, wheat and barley, our
common domestic animals, bronze and iron, for instance. Since
most of these culture elements are wanting in Africa and Oceania, as
well as in native America, there is no inherent reason why they
should be expectable in China. Their repetition in China and in the
West as the result of independent causes would be remarkable.
Evidently many if not all of this group of common traits represent
absorptions into the civilization of China, or diffusions out of it into
the West, much as the larger part of early European civilization was
imported out of the nearer Orient.
In the broader perspective of culture history, then, China no longer
stands aloof. The roots of her civilization are largely the same as
those of our own. In this light, understanding of Chinese civilization
involves two steps. The first is the tracing of the elements derived
from the west or imparted to it. The second is the recognition of how
these were remodeled and combined with elements of local growth
and thereby given their peculiarly Chinese cast and setting.
Authentic historical records of China go back only three thousand
years, and her archæology is little known. Beyond the beginning of
the Chou dynasty, about 1100 B.C., or more exactly, beyond a point
when this dynasty was about three centuries old, in 827 B.C., the
Chinese possess only legendary history, in which slight strands of
fact are interwoven with fabricated or fabulous constituents. Then,
too, the Chinese have long been genuinely more advanced than
their neighbors, than all of their world, in fact; with the result that they
could hardly escape the conviction of their own superiority and self-
sufficiency, and the belief that they had devised almost everything in
their own culture. This presumption led to the conscientious
manufacture by native historians of dates for inventions which were
really made outside of China.
Beginning, then, in the ninth century B.C., we find the Chinese a
settled and populous people in the lower valley of the great Yellow
river, in what is now the northeastern corner of the “Eighteen
Provinces” or China proper, from about Si-an-fu to Peking. They may
have come from middle Asia or still farther west by a national
migration, as has sometimes been conjectured: there is nothing to
show that they did, and a great deal to suggest that they had lived in
or near their seats of that period long before. It is difficult to imagine
that the Chinese could have moved out of central Asia without
leaving a part of their number behind, or without leaving conspicuous
traces of their culture among their former neighbors. Of this there is
no evidence. For one of the most advanced peoples of its time to
remove itself and its civilization complete and unimpaired would be
without parallel in history, and indeed is inconceivable as soon as
one turns from the vague idea to face specific details of the process.
Nevertheless the Chinese as we first know them had the principal
grains and tamed animals, the metals and plow and wheel of
contemporary Eastern Asia and Europe. While it is scarcely
thinkable that this great complex of culture traits should not have
been due to connections with the west, there is every probability that
these connections were of the sort that have been traced so
frequently in foregoing pages: diffusions unaccompanied by
populational drifts, or at least in the main independent of them. When
it is recalled that western Turkistan held cereal-growing and animal-
raising inhabitants far back in the Neolithic, and that the Bronze
period is definitely represented in Siberia,[36] such transmission will
not seem far fetched. It is also well to remember that all through the
historic period central Asia contained farming populations, cities,
traders, and skilled artisans, some measure of which evidences of
higher culture it is only necessary to project a few thousand years
backward to complete the link in the cultural chain between China
and the west. We tend to overlook this fact because it is the transient
Hun and Mongol invasions that chiefly obtrude into both western and
Chinese history. Whenever the nomads ceased boiling over, they
receded from the historians’ view. Obviously they could not have
migrated and fought and burnt and slain among each other
continuously. The more settled life at home, which they led most of
the time, and into which they were always inclined to take over the
religion, writing, and arts of the Orient, India and China, is the phase
of their existence most likely to be overlooked, but which, from the
point of view of the history of civilization, is far more important than
their evanescent conquests. In this underlying phase they were the
connectors of Near and Far East.
It is interesting in this connection that so far as more recent
transmissions between China and the west are datable or positively
traceable, they took place chiefly by the long land route through
central Asia. The first trade between the Roman empire and China of
the Han dynasty was overland; so was the introduction of Buddhism
and cotton from India. In each case sea communication came later. It
was scarcely before Mohammedan times that ocean trade between
China and the west became important.
On the other hand, the Chinese and other east Asiatics always
lacked, and still lack, several aspects of the grain-cattle-horse-wheel-
metals cluster that are very ancient and practically universal in
Europe, the Near East, and even central Asia. They do not use milk
or its products, wool, nor bread-leaven. It has been suggested that
the cluster was transmitted to China before these traits had been
added to it; and that when they finally might have reached China,
they found its people satisfactorily established in a culture containing
substitutes for these traits, and therefore resistive to them.
It is significant that even to-day northern China, within which the
oldest known China lay, still cultivates wheat, barley, and millet, and
breeds cattle, horses, sheep, goats, and swine, as did the Swiss
lake-dwellers; whereas in southern China the typical grain and
animal are rice and the buffalo, as in Indo-China and Malaysia.
There are evidently two fundamentally distinct economic systems
here, characteristic respectively of Europe and west and north Asia,
and of southeastern Asia; and evolving in the main independently.
The first civilized China, that of the Chou period, that which produced
Confucius as its literary standardizer, and has chiefly shaped
Chinese traditions and institutions ever since, belonged to the great
northern and western cycle; was in fact its easternmost outpost.
This brings up the question whether Chinese writing could not also
have sprung from a western source, notably the Sumerian
Cuneiform, which it superficially resembles in its linear, non-pictorial
strokes, and in its mixed ideographic-phonetic method. The
connection has indeed been asserted, but no satisfactory evidence
of specific correspondences has been adduced. The most that it
seems valid to maintain is that a remote connection is thinkable; a
connection not extending beyond a limited number of characters or
the idea or method of writing. The earliest Chinese characters
preserved on bronzes are nearly two thousand years younger than
the most ancient inscriptions of the system which developed into the
classic Cuneiform. Both systems are fairly crystallized when they first
come to our knowledge. Their formative stages, in which such
connection as they might have would be most apparent, are
obscure. It is well to remember that Cuneiform and Egyptian
hieroglyphic, which were virtually contemporaneous and much
nearer to each other geographically, have not yet been brought into
specific relation as regards their origins.

252. Growth and Spread of Chinese

Chou China at first embraced most of Shensi and Honan, southern
Shansi and Chihli, and western Shantung. It was feudal, and
practically as separatist as mediæval Germany. The chief functions
of the over-king were to perform sacrifices, to admonish the kings
and princes, and to govern his small dynastic domain. Unity lay not
so much in an effective organization as in an idea, the feeling of a
common race and especially of a common civilization. This idea has
persisted to the present. It is adhesion to the culture of China, to its
deep roots, its permanence, its humanities, that has always made
Chinamen feel themselves Chinamen; has in fact sooner or later
turned into Chinamen all alien elements, whether they were intrusive
conquerors or primitive folk, that came to be included within the limits
of the realm. In this way common customs and ideals already united
the dozen or more larger Chou states and hundreds of
dependencies; and chronic internal warfare did not prevent this era
from being the age of Confucius, Laotse, Mencius and the other
great sages that from the sixth to the fourth centuries formulated the
typical Chinese character and attitude.
During the latter part of the Chou period began a gradual reduction
of the number of feudal states, due to the larger swallowing the
smaller. By the middle of the third century, two of these had emerged
as preponderant: Ts’in in the west, centering about the Wei valley,
and Ch’u on the south, along the middle Yangtse. Both were frontier
states, less cultivated and hardier than the others, and regarded as
barbarian or only half Chinese. Ts’in may have included some
Hunnish absorptions; Ch’u very likely represented the rule of a
Chinese dynasty over a native population whose original affiliations
may have been either with the non-Sinitic Anamese of to-day, with
the Shan-Siamese division, or with some closer branch of the Sinitic
family, but who were gradually assimilating the culture and speech of
the northern old China. At last, in 223 B.C., Ch’u fell before Ts’in, and
within two years the remaining states in the northeast collapsed. For
the first time China, from nearly its present frontier to south of the
Yangtse, was effectively under one active ruler, Shi Hwang-ti, the
“first emperor.” His dynasty crumbled almost at his death, but only to
be succeeded by the famous Han line, under which, in the two
centuries before and the two after Christ, China extended,
consolidated, and prospered. The boundaries of the empire were
pushed, in name at least, to virtually their present limits; and though
political control may often have been slight, cultural influence
progressed rapidly south of the Yangtse, much as Gaul became
Romanized at the same time. Even the survival of half-independent
barbarian groups here and there in the south and west has its
parallel in the persistence of Keltic speech in French Brittany. By the
seventh to ninth centuries after Christ, when the empire flourished
once more under the Tang dynasty, the mass of southern China may
be considered to have been substantially assimilated. Even the
southern coast, which was the last area to be integrated, and which
retains to-day the greatest dialectic differentiations and autonomous
tendencies, had become part of the Chinese polity and civilization.
The consequence was that when in the thirteenth century the
Mongols and in the seventeenth the Manchus conquered the empire,
they accomplished little more than the overthrow of one dynasty by
another. The course of Chinese culture went on undisturbed, as it
had in several previous historic periods when half of the realm
passed temporarily under the sway of nomads or barbarians from
the north.
A considerable measure of the cultural predominance of China
over her neighbors is to be ascribed to her more numerous
population, which in turn was partly due to the cultural advance. The
Chinese were the first nation to maintain a system of fairly reliable
census records. In the first century and a half after Christ, under the
Hans, ten censuses showed from 29 to 83 million inhabitants, the
average being 63 millions, or about the same as the estimated
population of the Roman empire at its height; somewhat more than
that of Europe when America was discovered. A thousand years
later, between 1021 and 1580, eight censuses yielded from 43 to
100 millions, with an average of 62 millions. Under the Manchus the
population gradually rose from 125 millions in 1736 to 380 in 1881.
To-day, the northern half of China is about twice as populous as the
southern, and the eastern half exceeds the western in the same
ratio. This superior density of population in the northeast reflects the
fact that ancient China was the northeast. The same grounding in
the past is evident in the fact that from the time of the Chous until the
Mongol conquest in 1268, the imperial capitals lay mainly in Shensi
or Honan, the core of the old kingdom.
Many ingredients of modern Chinese civilization, and most of its
distinctive color, have been present in it since the opening of the
historic period. Such are the use of hemp and silk as the typical
textile materials; of jade as the precious stone of the nation; the
tremendous, life-long moral authority accorded to parents, and the
associated worship of ancestors; the unusual respect and rewards
for learning; a professed contempt for war and emotional activity;
aversion for mythological and metaphysical, scientific, or any other
sort of speculation, and coupled therewith an unflagging interest in
practical ethics, in the cultivation of character, in the finer shaping of
the relations of individuals. These and other leanings endow Chinese
civilization with something persistently idiomatic, with a quality of
coherent originality. If this civilization were less great, China and the
countries influenced by it would be spoken of as constituting what
among barbarous and savage peoples we call a culture-area. In the
widest perspective, they are such. China, India, the West—which in
this view of course includes the Near East as well as Europe—are
the three great focal centers of civilization in the eastern hemisphere.
Their cultures have risen far above those of the intervening and
peripheral nations. Until quite recent centuries, the three have run
their courses with approximately equal achievement. And while
exchanging elements since prehistoric times, they have each molded
both what they borrowed and what they devised into a unified and
distinctive design, have stamped it with original patterns. In short,
culture development in China, India, and the Occident has been
Of course, this distinctness of the three great regions of Old World
civilization does not imply that diffusion of culture elements between
them ever ceased. It is the form more than the content of civilization
that is peculiar to the three areas. From India, for instance, China
derived Buddhism, which was accorded a reception under the Hans
and cultivated with fervor in the following centuries. Cotton came in
the wake of the religion—first as a rare and valuable textile, then to
be grown. The West, within the historic period, gave glass and
perhaps the impulse toward a Chinese “invention”—porcelain, a
glazed-through pottery. In recent centuries the West acted as
transmitter for several elements of American origin, tobacco, for
example, and maize, which quickly became an important food-plant
in parts of China. There have even been reimportations. Gunpowder
is said to have been used for fireworks in China in the fifth century,
for war in the twelfth, but its employment for the propulsion of
missiles from firearms is due to introduction by the Altaic nations in
the fifteenth century. From the fourth century B.C. on, there are
repeated references in Chinese sources to the magnetic needle and
to “south-pointing chariots”—apparently a compass-like device used
on land, though probably only as a mechanical toy. Then the needle
was applied to geomantic purposes, until Arab or other foreign
sailors took it up as a true mariner’s compass, and in the eleventh or
twelfth century reintroduced it to the Chinese as an instrument of
Nor was civilization as stagnant in China as the outsider is likely to
think, who becomes aware first of all of its persistent native flavor.
The old war chariot, for instance, went out of use about
contemporaneously in China and the West. Printing from engraved
blocks was in vogue in the sixth century after Christ, from movable
clay types in the dynasties between the Tangs and the Mongols,
from metal types not much later, since the art was established
among the imitating Koreans in the fifteenth century. A system of
classifying the numerous characters was invented before the Tangs;
the modern one of grouping them according to 214 radicals, under
the Mings. True encyclopædias were first compiled in the fourteenth
century—four hundred years earlier than in the West. The system of
awarding office on the basis of literary examinations took root under
the Hans and became organized under the Tangs. The earliest
poetry, three thousand years ago, was rimed, and had four or five
monosyllabic words in the line. In the Tang time, the line became
extended to seven words; and still later was the origin of the peculiar
rhythm of alternating tones—a system by which every other word
was one bearing the “even” tone and those between any of the other
tones. Paper making is said to date from the Hans, and paper money
was first issued—disastrously as in some of the first Western
attempts—under the Mongols. These and dozens of other instances
that might be compiled exemplify, as does the history of ancient
Egypt, that even those cultures constantly move to which one is
tempted to apply the stigma “conservative” or “tradition-bound.”

253. The Lolos

Scattered in the mountains of southern and western China are a
number of barbarous, semi-independent peoples of distinctive ways
and speech who maintain their national or tribal status. They seem
on first contact to promise a picture of the pre-Chinese culture of the
area, but examination shows their customs to be a blend of primitive
and advanced, ancient and recent elements. The Lolos of Szechuan
may serve as an example. They eat meat from their herds, use no
milk, but wear woolen clothing. They grow neither cotton nor rice.
They raise oats, buckwheat, maize, and potatoes. Two of these
plants are of north or west Asiatic origin; the others are American.
Plows are used. Houses are of lashed bamboos, and rain-coats of
palm-fiber. No pottery is made, but iron is worked into weapons and
tools by native smiths. The Lolos are warlike. They fight like
Malaysians with lance and sword. They are organized “feudally,” into
nobility and commoners, with tribal heads or lords. They marry
cousins. Religion resembles that of the more backward Indo-Chinese
and Malaysian peoples. Sorcerer-priests cure disease; sacrifice
animals for their blood, the flesh being eaten; offer also fermented
liquor; divine the future by observing parts of the sacrificed animals
—the cracks that develop in heated shoulder-blades (§ 97). There is
a native system of writing, which seems to derive from Chinese
stimulus, if not sources. It is obvious that this culture has fused
together very old elements that are characteristic of southeastern
Asia, with elements that have flowed in from remote sources or
during the most recent centuries. It is also clear that certain
ingredients of Chinese culture have been freely absorbed and others
rejected by this mountain people.
Such cultures as that of the Lolos may be described as internally
marginal or peripheral. They differ from externally marginal cultures,
like those of the Bushmen, Australians, Fuegians, in that the latter,
on account of their geographical remoteness, have retained their
ancient level with relative purity. Included marginal cultures, on the
contrary, being of necessity exposed to subsequent influences, are
regularly a mixture of belated and recent ingredients, no matter how
well integrated these may have become.

254. Korea
Korea has repeatedly been under the political authority of China,
more often autonomous, but for three thousand years has been
dependent on China culturally. Non-Chinese influences have also
reached it: such as an alphabet of Indian origin (§ 149); and probably
the earliest iron industry came in from Altaic sources. In its turn, the
peninsula transmitted to Japan: until about a thousand years ago,
Chinese writing and culture reached Japan mainly via Korea. The
spread of Chinese civilization was perhaps largely of the usual, slow,
diffusing kind, but was several times accelerated by the settlement in
Korea of groups of Chinese refugees, colonists, or adventurers; for
instance in Chou and Han times. The center of power and civilization
within Korea has gradually moved southwards, which suggests the
waning of original central Asiatic affiliations as Chinese ones
became stronger. The first realm to be defined was Fuyu on the
Sungari river. Then followed Kokorai or Korai, whence our name
Korea. In the centuries immediately before and after Christ, Shinra
and then Hiaksai, farther south on the peninsula, came into the lead.
By the beginning of this period not only the writing but the classic
books of China had been introduced. Since the fourteenth century
Confucianism has been the state religion—though the people had
long before become Buddhists—and literary examinations for office
of the Chinese type have been in vogue.

255. Japan
Japan is the one country of eastern Asia from which considerable
prehistoric data are available. There are indeed no indubitable
evidences of any Palæolithic culture or race, but shellheaps and
burial mounds abound and have been explored. The shell deposits,
of which 4,000 have been found, are probably the accumulation of
refuse of occupation by the Ainu, the first known inhabitants of
Japan, now surviving only in the extreme north of the island chain
and in Sakhalien, and still a primitive people. This race is different
from the Japanese, and has often been classified as Caucasian (§
27). The shell deposits show the aborigines to have been fishers and
hunters, without agriculture or edible domestic animals. They had the
bow, dog, incised hand-made pottery, and ground stone axes, and
were thus approximately in an early Neolithic stage.
A somewhat dubious bronze age is sparsely represented in
southern Japan. It has been ascribed to an invasion about the

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