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Linda : your pencil is blunt

Ana : you’re right it must be sharpened
2. Takatuliang, The Woodcarver

Once upon a time, there lived King Simbau and his beautiful daughter, Princess Sangiang Mapaele, in a
kingdom on the island of Simbau, in the Sulawesi Sea. The king was very wise and kind. The princess
was not only beautiful, but also kindhearted. She often went out of the palace to meet her people.

Because of her beauty and kindness many princes and rich men wanted to marry the king's daughter.
This made the king very confused. He wanted to choose the best husband for his daughter. He, then,
announced a contest. Whoever presented the princess with the most valuable gift would marry her.

In a small village there lived Takatuliang, a poor young woodcarver. He heard about the contest and
decided to try. He was so poor that he had nothing to present. He thought very long and hard. So he went
far into the forest. There he chose the best tree and carved it into a doll. Next, he took an old piece of
cloth and sewed it into a dress for the doll. After that, he cut his own hair and glued it to the doll's head.

On the day of the contest, all of the princes gathered before King Simbau and the beautiful princess.
The first prince presented his gift. He said proudly, "Dear princess, this is the proof of my love, a comb
carved from ivory." "How many combs like this do you have?" asked the princess. "I have many of
them," said the prince.

Then, Princess Mapaele turned to the second prince. "What do you bring for me?" asked the princess.
"I bring this silk as the proof of my love," said the prince proudly. How many pieces of silk like this do
you have?" asked the princess. "Oh, a lot, my dear," said the prince.

"What about you?" asked the princess to the third prince, "what do you bring for me?" He presented her
with a very beautiful necklace. "This is the proof of my love, my dear princess. And I still have many
necklaces like this."

Finally it was Takatuliang's turn. Takatuliang bowed his head. "I bring only a doll," said Takatuliang
softly. "How many dolls like this do you have?" asked the princess again. "Only this one. I carved it
myself and decorated it with my own hair and my father's old cloth. He died and this is the only thing he
left me," answered Takatuliang.

Princess Sangiang Mapaele was very touched to hear Takatuliang's story. She decided to marry
Takatuliang because he had given his everything he had. Together, Takatuliang and the princess lived
happily ever after.

The story Takatuliang the Woodcarver teaches us to work hard to achieve the goal

3. What was Princess Tamara like the first? Beautiful but selfish
4. What happened to princess Tamara’s legs on her wandering? They were wounded
5. What was King Raven like? Ugly but rich and wise
6. Once upon a time, there lived a king named King Cedric, his Queen, and their daughter, Princess
Tamara, in a faraway kingdom. After the Queen's death, the Princess felt lonely. Because King Cedric
cared for and loved his daughter so much, he really spoilt the Princess in every way.
The Princess grew to become a beautiful woman, but she was really selfish and rude. After her
father announced her marriage plan, there was a king named King Raven, who wanted to marry
her. She was so overjoyed because she thought that he would be good-looking and rich.

But after she met with King Raven, she was really disappointed. She even insulted him by saying
that she would not touch a man like him because he was not handsome and his nose looked like a
scarecrow's in a field.

King Cedric was furios when the Princess said that to King Raven, so he decided to marry her to
the first beggar who entered the kingdom and she would be told to get out of the kingdom after
that. Suddenly, a beggar came. The Princess had to marry him and they, then, left the kingdom.

One day, the beggar caught a rabbit and asked the princess to cook it. Unfortunately, she didn't
have any ability to cook and the rabbit finally was burned. When the beggar saw it, he was so
shocked. Then he decided to catch another rabbit again and gently taught her to cook it. The next
day, he also taught her to make pots. In the middle of their wandering life, a prankish boy threw
stones. Unfortunately, the Princess got hurt and couldn't walk, so the beggar carried her. He took
care of her affectionately during her illness and she began to love him.

After the Princess felt better, they continued their journey and arrived at a castle. Then the
Princess asked her husband about the castle's owner and he said that it belonged to King Raven.
The Princess felt ashamed about what she had said to King Raven before and she believed that he
was a good man and would accept her apology. Surprisingly, the beggar took off his beard and
revealed that he was King Raven. The Princess said sorry to him and King Raven forgave her.
Finally, they lived happily ever after in King Raven's kingdom. What happen in the end of the
story? Princess Tamara and King Raven lived happily in his kingdom

7. Have you given your parents the letter from the school?

8. We need to eat variety of vegetables to stay health

9. Water is the best drink to keep our body hydrated

10. Salmon is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids to help heart health

11. If we do not have an eject tool, we can use a paper clip

12. We should do shake it well first before applying the product

13. Let’s go for lunch together
14. What if we go camping vacation? Sounds great I love camping
15. Dear Ima,

16. Turn on the TV now. IKOS athletes are playing. I agree with you, they are excellent. I think they
will win the competition. Based on the text can we conclude that Varel agrees with ima’s opinion
about IKOS

17. Eli : You look happy what’s up?

Sam : I got an 80 for English test
Eli : Well done Sam
Sam : Thanks you this is the first time I got 80 usually I get 50 or 60
Eli : I’m happy for you
What did Eli say about Sam’s success well done
18. Ava : I’m leaving for Jakarta next week
Elvis : do you have something to do there?
Ava : yap! I’m going to join a dance competition
Elvis : a dance competition?
Ava : yes, a dance competition in inbox
Elvis : well, good luck
Ava : thanks
Why does ava leave for Jakarta to join a dance competition

19. How to Make Cheesecake


 1/2 cup of sugar

 2 eggs
 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
 2 packages of cream cheese


 Beat and blend sugar, cream cheese, and vanilla at medium speed.
 Blend in the eggs, then stir.
 Bake at 35 celsius for 40 minutes or until it is almost set.
 Cool.
 To get the best result, put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Yield: 6 servings

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 40 minutes

For how many people can the cake be served? 6

20. How to Make Bregedel Tempe

The ingredients:

 150 g tempe
 1 tablespoon flour
 1 egg
 1 spoon seasoning stock
 1 cup vegetable oil for frying

Here are the instructions:

 Mash the tempe with a fork.

 Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the flour and seasoning stock, followed by an egg.
 Shape the tempe into the size of a golf ball and flatten it a little with a fork.
 Heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the tempe into the oil, five or
six at a time.
 Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper, and serve hot with chili or sauce.
When we add the egg in making bregedel tempe? Between we mask the tempe and shape the

21. How to Make Bregedel Tempe

The ingredients:

 150 g tempe
 1 tablespoon flour
 1 egg
 1 spoon seasoning stock
 1 cup vegetable oil for frying

Here are the instructions:

Mash the tempe with a fork.

 Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the flour and seasoning stock, followed by an egg.
 Shape the tempe into the size of a golf ball and flatten it a little with a fork.
 Heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the tempe into the oil, five or
six at a time.
 Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper, and serve hot with chili or
sauce. What is the main ingredient of the bregedel tempe? Tempe, flour, and seasoning stock
22. the product doesn’t contain cholesterol

23. the dosage for six years old is a tablet

24. The form of the medicine is tablet

25. Don’t be lazy (not/ be)
26. illy : Just because we don't smoke It doesn't mean we're free from the dangerous of the smoke, It
self sometimes smoker just smoke near us without caring there's someone else who doesn't
Erika : I agree smokes don't care about someone else's health they are selfish
27. you did an amazing job in presentation! Congratulation. This is congratulation expression
28. Orwel: Happy wedding. I wish you a lifetime of happiness.
Christin: Thank you. You are my best friend.
Why does Christin say thank you? Because George congratulates and wishes happiness for him
29. Situation: Dina heard that Chanda won the first prize in the national skating competition this year.
Dina wants to congratulate Chandra. Dina says to Chandra Congratulations, Chandra. I’m happy
for you
30. You are calling your mother at this time
31. They have finished their english test already
32. My Sister was crying when she came home from school
33. You are speaking with your friends now
34. He has gotten driver's license
35. Peter is cleaning the house in this moment
36. They are my teachers
37. “Slow down” it means go slowly
38. Dona : I think a whale is a fish
Daniel : I don’t think so. I think they are mammals. Daniel express a disagreement
39. Mr Joko bumped a gate because he didn’t drive carefully
40. I come from the country where Malindkundang story from

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