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Grospe, Jeroem Lyresh D.

BPEd 2A May 9, 2024
Individual Activity

Scenario Activity Learner Profile:

Name: Ana
Age: 12 years old
Disability: Physical disability affecting upper limb mobility
Maria is a middle school student who uses a wheelchair and has limited use of her arms, which
affects her ability to perform basic self-care tasks such as dressing, eating, and managing
personal hygiene. She struggles with buttons and zippers, using utensils during meals, and
accessing restroom facilities independently at school.

Maria attends a mainstream school that is partially accessible, but many of the school's restroom
facilities are not equipped with adaptive equipment that caters to students with physical

Answer the following:

What specific difficulties is Maria facing in her daily school life related to self-care?
*Maria is facing difficulties performing basic self-care task such as dressing, she struggles with
buttons and zippers. She also struggles of eating independently during meals due to limited use
of her arms and managing personal hygiene, particularly in accessing restroom facilities
independently at school.

How might these challenges affect her learning and social interactions?
*These challenges may affect Maria's learning because she is facing difficulty with self-care
tasks that lead to feelings of frustration, anxiety, and embarrassment, which can distract her from
focusing on her studies and in social interactions Maria may feel self-conscious about her
abilities, leading to social isolation or reluctance to participate in activities that require
independent self-care.

Suggest modifications to the school environment that could support Maria’s independence.
*The modifications I can suggest is they can install adaptive devices in restroom facilities, such
as automatic doors and lowered sinks, and when it comes in cafeteria I can suggest that they also
need to have adaptive utensils and eating areas to accommodate students with limited arm

How can teachers and school staff be made aware of and trained to support Maria’s needs?
*The school may provide training sessions for teachers and staff on disability awareness,
adaptive devices, and strategies for supporting students with physical disabilities. They should
have open communication with Maria and her parents to understand her specific needs and
What policies could be advocated for within the school to ensure consistent support for Maria
and other students with similar needs?
*The policies to consider are creating an accessibility plan for the school, which means making
improvements to the facilities and regularly checking in on them.
* Establishing a disability support team to help out students with physical disabilities, giving
them resources and guidance they need.
* Creating an inclusive curriculum that promotes awareness about the people with disabilities
and making sure everyone feels included.

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