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lead a group of 4-8 people on a project, I need to inspire them.

That means having a clear

idea of what we want to achieve and saying it in a way that gets them excited. I have to show that I
really care about the project and explain why it is important. This excitement will help everyone feel
motivated and ready to work together.

It is important to involve everyone. I need to make sure everyone feels included and valued.
This means listening to what everyone has to say and working together. I also need to recognize what
each person is good at and make sure they know their contribution is important.

Supporting the team means helping them when they need it. I need to be someone they can
talk to and ask for help. If there are problems, I need to solve them quickly. This way, the team knows
they can ask for help and feel confident in overcoming challenges together.

It's also important to make sure everyone does their part. I have to tell everyone what needs
to be done and when. When someone does well, we celebrate it. If something goes wrong, we talk
about it in a helpful way. This way, everyone feels responsible for the success of the project.

Ultimately, being a good leader in a group project means inspiring, engaging, supporting and
holding everyone accountable. Seeing how well I'm doing these things helps me improve and keep
the team motivated and working well together.

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