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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Sarrat District
S.Y. 2023-2024
Name: __________________________________________________ Score: ___________
Direction: Read each item and write the letter with the correct answer.
1. Which of the choices below does NOT define summary?
A. Identifying the topic sentence.
B. A long description of the text or passage.
C. Can be written simply by synthesizing the topic.
D. A short description of that gives the main points of a text without giving examples or details.
2. What do you keep in mind when you summarize?
A. All the details of a text. C. The answers to how question.
B. The description of a text. D. The answers to the (5) Wh’s and How questions.

Eric was very excited and confident that he was going to win the soccer match because he is
one of the best goalies. During the game, he tried hard and worked with his team, but nothing went
his way. The other team worked harder and scored more points than Eric's team.
Which sentence best goes with this short story?
A. They were excited. C. Eric's team was defeated.
B. They won the victory. D. After the game, Eric's team got pizza.
4. Angie is spending her summer vacation at her aunt and uncle's Mango Farm so she can
experience something different from her urban life. The first chore her aunt assigned to her is to
sweep the dried leaves of the mango trees at 6 o’clock every morning. This is a big help for her aunt
and uncle. It doesn't take Angie long to learn that sweeping is enjoyable chore to do, especially when
you love doing it.
Which statement best summarizes the passage?
A. Angie sweeps the leaves and learns how enjoyable it is.
B. Angie goes to Mango Farm and does a bunch of chores.
C. Angie goes to live on a farm and quickly wishes she is back home in the city.
D. Angie visits her family in the Mango Farm and gets a quick introduction to farm life.
It was beginning to get dark. We were still not home yet. I bet Dad is going to be mad at us, I
thought I yelled at my brother to ride his bike faster, but it was difficult to ride a bike uphill. I was so
tired that every muscle in my legs were burning. My brother finally got off his bike and sat down. I
stopped and went back to help him. Suddenly, there was a car coming toward us. I could see
headlights. It was Dad. He had come to look for us, since we were so late getting home. I knew I was
going to get into trouble, but at least we were safe. Dad picked us up and took us home.
What is the BEST summary of this passage?
A. Dad came looking for them. Two boys were late getting home. He took the boys home.
B. Two boys were late getting home. Dad came looking for them. He took the boys home.
C. The two boys were got into trouble and got lost. Their dad got mad and sent the police to find
D. Two boys got into trouble. They were very late getting home. They could not ride their bikes
The Ant and the Grasshopper
Aesop’s Fable

In a field one summer day, a grasshopper was hopping about, chirping, and singing to its heart's
content. An Ant passed by carrying an ear of corn. It was a very heavy load, but he did not stop. He was
taking the corn to his nest.
"Why not come and chat with me?" said the grasshopper, "The day is too nice to be working so
"I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "I think you should be doing the
"Why worry about the winter?" the grasshopper said, "We have plenty of food now."
The ant was tired from his work, and he thought it would be fun to join the grasshopper. But he
went on his way and continue working until he had filled his nest with corn.
Winter came as it always does, and the grasshopper had no more food to eat. He was dying of
hunger while the ants were eating every day from the corn they had stored away. Then the grasshopper
knew that it is best to prepare for the days ahead.
6. Which statement BEST summarizes the story?
A. The Grasshopper is not worried even though she had no food for winter.
B. One summer day the Ant gathers an ear of corns for the upcoming winter.
C. The Grasshopper is dying of hunger while because she had no more food to eat.
D. The Ant work hard so he has something to eat when winter came while the Grasshopper is
enjoying the summer.

7. Girah is a good singer. She always sings in front of her family. One day, there is a singing
contest in her school. Her teacher tells her to sing as the representative their class but she was shy
because she is not confident to sing in front of a crowd. So, her teacher told her to overcome her fear
and practice to sing in front of her classmates. The day of the contest, everybody was excited to
witness Girah singing. And she did her best and won the contest.
What is the BEST summary of this passage?
A. Girah is afraid to sing in a crowd.
B. Girah won the contest, and everyone is happy for her.
C. Girah loves to sing in front of her family but doesn’t want to sing in a crowd.
D. Girah is a good singer, but she is afraid to sing in crowd but she overcome it and won the contest.

8. What would you choose if you have a beautiful voice?

A. dance B. play C. sing D. swim

9. Chloe have a flexible body. She can bend and split. What would you choose if you are Chloe?
A. dance B. gymnastic C. sing D. swim

10. Jerick loves to play guitar. What would you choose if you are Jerick?
A. be a dancer B. be a painter C. be a musician D. be a gardener

11. Which of the sentences below is an opinion.?

A. Jesus was born in a manger.
B. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus.
C. It’s only during Christmas that Filipinos should love and joy.
D. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December in the Philippines.
12. Which of the sentences below is an opinion.?
A. Dr. Jose Rizal is our national hero.
B. I have a feeling that tomorrow will rain.
C. There are 26 letters in English alphabet.
D. Valentine’s Day is celebrated every 14th day of February.

13. Can you identify what text is this? The fastest land-dwelling creature is the cheetah.
A. evidence B. fact C. opinion D. reason

14. Apples taste nicer than bananas. What text is this?

A. evidence B. fact C. opinion D. reason

15. A prison is one of the worst places in the planet. What text is this?
A. evidence B. fact C. opinion D. reason

Below is a time-order text type. Read and understand the selection.

A Day at the Park

Jaidee loves going to the park with his friends on Saturday. He always plays on the swing when
he gets there. Also, Jaidee and his friends climb on the ropes. They get excited when the ice cream man
came. They have to wait in the line to get some. After they finished eating their ice cream, they usually
play tag. Jaidee love to run around and catch his friends. They run very fast! Another game they played
was Hide and Seek. After Jaidee count one to ten. He has to find all his friends. He look for his friends
under the slide and behind the benches. It was easy for him to find them all. After the game, their moms
tell them it was time to go home. It has been a busy day for all of them.
16. Why do you think the story is entitled A Day at the Park?
A. because they live at the park C. because it has been a busy day for them
B. because Jaidee loves going to the park D. because they run fast around the park

17. Jaidee and his friends love to play at the park. Why do you think they love to play at the park?
A. The park is dark. C. The park is dangerous.
B. The park is peaceful. D. The park is beautiful and spacious.

18.Saturday is the best time to play at the park. Why do you think so?
A. It is weekend. C. There are many people walking.
B. There are many children playing. D. There are many foods to eat.

19. Why did Jaidee loves going to the park?

A. Jaidee loves going to the park because it was his birthday.
B. Jaidee loves going to the park because he can do what he wants.
C. Jaidee loves going to the park because he can play with his friends.
D. Jaidee loves going to the park because he can watch children playing.

20. If there is no education, then _______. What is the appropriate answer in the blank?
A. people know how to read and write. C. everyone has its own business and work.
B. unemployment and poverty increases. D. children grow with discipline and respect.

21. Is it important to maintain proper hygiene like washing your hands or taking a bath? Why?
A. No, because it makes you sick.
B. Yes, because it can strengthen your body.
C. No, because it just a waste of time doing it.
D. Yes, because it lessens the transmission of the germs and viruses.
22. It’s your birthday and your parents gave you a gift. How would you express your feelings?
A. I will ignore the gift they gave.
B. I will hug and kiss them and say my thank you.
C. I will just say thank you to them for giving me gift
D. I will give it back to them because it’s not what I want.

23. His Excellency Rodrigo R. Duterte is __________. What statement with facts supports the sentence?
A. the 16th President of the Philippines. C. the latest President of the Philippines.
B. the best President of the Philippines. D. the strictest President of the Philippines.

24. Dr. Jose Rizal is our __________. What is the correct statement that supports the
A. best writer C. greatest doctor
B. national hero D. first President of the

25. It is good to have pets because_________. What is your opinion on the statement?
A. most of people have dogs. C. for some, it’s just a waste of
B. for some, pets are stress reliever. D. for some, pets are not good for

26. Your English teacher assigned you to read a short story. You went to the School library
and you saw
that the books were not properly classified. How would you classify the books?
A. I will classify them with their color.
B. I will classify them by its thickness.
C. I will classify them according to size.
D. I will classify them according to subject.

27. As a grade five learner, how will you help in maintaining the orderliness of the school
A. I will tell the learners to arrange the books after using.
B. I will tell the learners to disarrange the books after using.
C. I will tell the learners to tear and fold the pages of the books.
D. I will tell the learners that the library is for the Grade Five learners only.

28. You had your summative test in English and you got a low score. How would you
improve your low
grades in English?
A. First, write your weaknesses and play after.
B. First, know your strength and weaknesses only.
C. First, know your weaknesses then be patient to read and learn more.
D. First, read and read even if you can’t understand what you are reading.

29. Your mother saw your low grades. She was disappointed but she told you to study harder. How would
you describe your mother?
A. A mother’s loves are unconditional. C. A mother is devoted to her work only.
B. A mother only cares for her children. D. A mother cannot understand her children.

30. A strong typhoon hit your barangay and some of your neighbors were badly affected. What can you do
to help your neighbors who were affected by the typhoon?
A. ignore them. C. let the other people help them.
B. don’t give them anything. D. give them food or used clothes.
31. It is Saturday and you see you mother doing a lot of household chores. What will to help her finish the
household chores?
A. I will keep on playing.
B. I will go out and with my friends.
C. I will help my mother by doing the other household chores.
D. I will let my mother do all the household chores because I am busy playing with my cellphone.
32. The PAG-ASA announced that we will be experiencing extreme heat this summer season. We are
advised to use umbrella when going outside. Why do we have use umbrella when we go outside during
A. To freshen our body. C. To have something to carry.
B. To make others use umbrella too. D. To protect our skin from the heat of the sun.

33. Bomitog Elementary School have a sunflower plantation. It is very hot! What would be the result if they
don’t water the sunflower plants?
A. the plants will flower C. the plants will die
B. the plants will grow well D. the plants will bear fruits

34. Magsaysay was elected President of the Philippines in 1953. He became a well-loved and trusted
President because he championed the Filipinos. If he were alive today, he could have done a lot of
good to Filipinos. What facts mentioned in the paragraph?
A. He championed the Filipinos.
B. He could done a lot of good to Filipinos.
C. He became a well-loved and trusted President.
D. Magsaysay was elected President of the Philippines in 1953.

35. In 1639, the Chinese began a rebellion in the Philippines, but it was crushed by Spanish-Filipino
troops. This could have been prevented if only the Filipinos were a little friendly to the Chinese.
What was the writer’s opinion about the Chinese rebellion?
A. It was crushed by Spanish-Filipino troops.
B. Filipinos were a little friendly to the Chinese.
C. The Chinese began a rebellion in the Philippines.
D. This could have been prevented if only Filipinos were a little friendly to the Chinese.

36. Forests are very useful. They supply lumber which is used for building houses, schools and offices.
Some forest trees give materials for making pulp, paper, wallboard and furniture. Why do we have to
protect our forests?
A. We should protect our forests because it causes forest fire.
B. We should protect our forests because it makes the environment dirty.
C. We should protect our forests because it supplies lumbers for furniture.
D. We should protect our forests because it makes our environment hotter.

37. Your teacher assigned you to make a poster slogan about conservation of forests. What could be the best
title for your poster slogan.
A. Cut Trees! C. Climate Change!
B. Burn Forests! D. Don’t be cruel, preserve forests!

38. Online games are very popular and rampant nowadays and some of our millennials are addicted to it. Is
online game a problem and a concern on most families?
A. Yes, because children who are playing online games are smart.
B. Yes, because children who are playing online games contribute to poor sleep and academic
C. No, because children who are playing online game are irresponsible.
D. No, because children who are playing online games are addicted to an extend they forget to study.
39. Rham Jay played under the sun he got flu. The next day he came to school not wearing a facemask. His
teacher sent him home. What is your stand on the action made by the teacher?
A. I agree, because he might spread the flu.
B. I agree, because he will have plenty of time to play.
C. Disagree, because having a flu is not a big deal.
D. Disagree, because his classmates will miss him.

40. Maria is washing her clothes. After washing her clothes she used the water in watering their plants.
Do you think Maria did the right thing?
A. Yes,because water can’t help the animals and plants live.
B. Yes, because without water, people and all the living creatures will die.
C. No. because we are having water shortage
D. No, because water is one of the least important substance on earth.

41. Armin loves to eat hamburger. He thought that eating hamburger is healthy for his body. What is your
best opinion on this?
A. I am not sure if it is healthy or not.
B. I agree, that eating hamburger is healthy food.
C. I agree, because when I eat, my stomach is full.
D. I disagree, because hamburger is high in saturated fat and cholesterol.

42. There are lots of plastic bottles scattered in your backyard. What is the most important thing you should
to do lessen the scattered bottles?
A. I will put it the garbage bag.
B. I will ignore the scattered plastic bottle.
C. I will let my mother do what she wants to do with the plastic bottles.
D. I will recycle the plastic bottles by making pencil holder and pots for the plants.

43. Which of the following evidence is a fact about President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr?
A. He is the 17th president of the Philippines.
B. He is the most handsome president of the Philippines.
C. He is the most dedicated president of the Philippines
D. He is the only child of the former President Ferdinand E. Marcos.

44. Which of the following evidence supports an opinion about online class?
A. An online classes allow you to be more independent.
B. Online classes bring education right in your home.
C. Online classes is a course conducted over the internet.
D. Online class is more convenient than face to face classes.

45. How is fact differ from opinion?

A. Fact is based from evidence while opinion is just a belief or guess.
B. Fact is not proven to be true and opinion is what you believe.
C. Fact is what sometimes happen while opinion is just a guess.
D. Fact is what you believe and opinion is what you believe.

46-48. Express your opinion about the issues presented in the article by answering the questions that follow.

“Do you have a bully classmate? What do you feel about him/her? Do you treat him/her nice or not?

49-50. Give your opinion on this. Christmas is the best holiday of the year. Christmas is the best holiday of
the year.

1 2 3
Neatness Overall appearance is Overall appearance is Overall appearance is
not neat. quite neat. neat.
Accuracy Has more than 2 Has only 2 grammatical No grammatical error in
grammatical error in error in sentences. sentences.
Creativity Can’t express his/her Can express his/her Can express his/her
opinion at all opinion quite creative. opinion creatively.

Prepared by:
Teacher I

Checked and Verified by:


Master Teacher I Master Teacher I
Grade 5 LR QA Grade 5 LR QA

Approval Recommended:

School Principal I/District LR Chairperson

Public Schools District Supervisor


1. B 11. C 21. D 31. C 41. D

2. D 12. B 22. B 32. D 42. D
3. C 13. A 23. D 33. C 43. A
4. D 14. B 24. D 34. D 44. C
5. B 15. B 25. B 35. D 45. A
6. D 16. B 26. D 36. C
7. D 17. D 27. A 37. D
8. A 18. A 28. C 38. B
9. D 19. C 29. A 39. A
10. C 20. A 30. D 40. B

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