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Network Analysis

General Overview of networks using an example

What is a Network?
Network analysis is a generic term covering several types of techniques which represent planned
relationships among activities required to complete a project. It is a graphic or pictorial view of
the various events and activities concerning a project, presented in cycles and arrows. Network
Analysis is useful for describing elements in a complex project for the purpose of planning and
control, coordination and decision-making.

Networks are of most value where projects are;

a) Complex or simple
b) Large – A large project normally has heavy capital investment, high professional level of
personnel, for example when a simple pit latrine is built, a brick layer can design and build
it, however when building a shopping mall, An architecture may be used to design it.
c) Where restrictions exist. In terms of time (project duration), and resources (land, labour
and capita).

Different techniques of networks include;

1. Critical path scheduling (CPS)
2. Critical Path Analysis (CPA)
3. Critical Path method (CPM)
4. Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
5. Program evaluation and review technique with cost (PERTc)

Basic Concepts of a Network

1. Network
It is a series of related activities, which result into some product or service, which in turn
contribute to the goal of a project.

2. Activity
This represents some action necessary to complete a particular part of the overall project. Each
and every activity has a starting time and an end time e.g.

Start activity end

3. Event
Represents the start or completion of some activity. An event cannot be accomplished until all
the activities preceding it have been completed. It is a performance milestone or target.

4. Time
Estimated times from start to completion of an activity. Time is most often expressed in weeks
or months. For week-days estimate the number of days required to complete the activity divided
by the number of working days per week.
E.g., 10 working days = 10/5 = 2 calendars weeks

5. Path
It is a set of nodes connected by arrows, which begins with the initial node of the network and
ends with terminal node.

6. Critical Path
It is the most time-consuming chain of activities and events in the network.

7. A Dummy
Two activities with identical starting and ending events. It is a non-existent activity.

8. A Float
Activities with some spare time in a network. It is represented by an arrow line, which is broken.
It takes no time to perform, and uses no resources. It is inserted into a Network to maintain logic.


Critical path method (CPM)

Steps in Critical Path Method

1. Draw a CPM Network.
2. Provide an overview of the project by analyzing the paths through the network.
Determine the length of each path and identify a critical path. How much to completion
the project is expected to take
3. Compute the earliest finish of each activity
4. Compute the latest finish of each activity
5. Compute the slack for each activity
6. Compute the earliest start (ES) and the latest start (LS) for each activity

A company has developed a robot called RAMOV to replace labour so that production
costs are reduced. Given below are 2 tables of activities and events respectively.


a. Design RAMOV - 20

b. Build prototype unit a 10

c. Perform test of prototype b 8

d. Estimate material cost c 11

e. Refine RAMOV design cd 7

f. Demonstrate ROMOV to e 8

g. estimate labour cost d 12

h. Prepare technical proposal e 13

i. Deliver proposal to customer h 5


1 The project has begun

2 The RAMOV design is competed

3 The Porotype unit has been built

4 The prototype tests are competed

5 The material costs estimates are completed

6 The RAMOV design refinement is competed

7 The technical proposal and the labour cost estimates are completed

8 The RAMOV unit has been demonstrated to customer and the proposal has been
delivered to customer

Draw the Critical Path Method (CPM) Network

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