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Research Question 1
-What are the experiences that made you realized you are suffering from anxiety?


“I suddenly feel it, like I cry without reason, then I shake and get nervous,
and I don't know how to calm myself down. I don't know how to calm
myself down, and there are many reasons."
Felt Nervous "When I get too nervous, my hands and feet shake for no reason. 3
Negative thoughts come into my mind."
"When I stand in front of people and I can't speak continuously. Then I
think that other people are laughing at me."

"It all started when I was overthinking, crying, and feeling like I wanted to
die and disappear from this world. I don't know, so I just want to
disappear because there are so many problems and I don't know what
Thought of suicide the solution is." 2
"I found out that I have anxiety before; actually, I was not sure because I
just felt sad, and I gas lighted myself that I was just sad until I sometimes
thought of suicide and I couldn't open up to anyone."

Crying "When I couldn't handle my problems, every movement or even small

thing made me cry, and I told myself that I couldn't handle it anymore." 1

Research Question 1
-What are the experiences that made you realized you are suffering from anxiety?


"I suddenly feel it, like I cry without reason, then I shake and get nervous,
and I don't know how to calm myself down. I don't know how to calm
myself down, and there are many reasons."
"When I get too nervous, my hands and feet shake for no reason. 3
Felt nervous Negative thoughts come into my mind."
"When I stand in front of people and I can't speak continuously. Then I
think that other people are laughing at me."

"It all started when I was overthinking, crying, and feeling like I wanted to
die and disappear from this world. I don't know, so I just want to
disappear because there are so many problems and I don't know what
Thought of suicide the solution is."
"I found out that I have anxiety before; actually, I was not sure because I 2
just felt sad, and I gas lighted myself that I was just sad until I sometimes
thought of suicide and I couldn't open up to anyone."

Crying "When I couldn't handle my problems, every movement or even small 1

thing made me cry, and I told myself that I couldn't handle it anymore."

Research Question 1
-What are the experiences that made you realized you are suffering from anxiety?


"I suddenly feel it, like I cry without reason, then I shake and get nervous,
and I don't know how to calm myself down. I don't know how to calm
myself down, and there are many reasons."
"When I get too nervous, my hands and feet shake for no reason. 3
Felt nervous Negative thoughts come into my mind."
"When I stand in front of people and I can't speak continuously. Then I
think that other people are laughing at me."

"It all started when I was overthinking, crying, and feeling like I wanted to
die and disappear from this world. I don't know, so I just want to
disappear because there are so many problems and I don't know what
Thought of suicide the solution is." 2
"I found out that I have anxiety before; actually, I was not sure because I
just felt sad, and I gas lighted myself that I was just sad until I sometimes
thought of suicide and I couldn't open up to anyone."

Crying "When I couldn't handle my problems, every movement or even small 1

thing made me cry, and I told myself that I couldn't handle it anymore."

Research Question 1
-What are the experiences that made you realized you are suffering from anxiety?


"I noticed that I was always sad and quiet and wanted to be alone."
Feel sad and alone "When people leave me, I feel sad and alone because I'm not used to 2
being alone."

The point that hurts self "To the point that I hurt myself, I had already thought of cutting myself.
(Wrist slash) But before I cut myself, I thought about things like feeling embarrassed 1
and losing my dignity."
Overthinking "I know I have anxiety once I start overthinking about something that I
shouldn't overthink about. It's like we are in the present, but my mind is 1
already in the next year or next month."

Table 1: Experience that made respondents realize they suffer anxiety.

Research Question 2:
What are the symptoms that you are experiencing that lead you to believe that it is anxiety?


"Well, I get nervous when I am alone, and I am not sure if I can handle it
Nervous by myself because there is no one there for me to help me. My hands
and feet shake, and I don't know how to make it stop."
"My hands shake, and I feel nervous even though there's no reason to." 3
"I suddenly feel sad, and then I panic when I am extremely nervous, and I
feel like I am suddenly very sensitive."

"I can't sleep properly; it's like I'm going to have insomnia. I can't sleep
Can't sleep properly, and I'm always tired. When I wake up, I'm still thinking about a 1
lot of things; there are so many "what ifs" in my head that I can't focus."
"Everything seems fine around me, but when I stare off into
Crying space, it feels like something is wrong until I start crying." 2
"I always cry that's all."

Research Question 2:
What are the symptoms that you are experiencing that lead you to believe that it is anxiety?


"I feel lazy and sad, and I can't eat. I have experienced feeling like I
Sad don't belong in my circle of friends." 1
"I'm shaking to the point where my hands start to shake too, and I'm
Shaking slashing my wrist and crying at night." 1
"I am trembling, and whenever I cry, I think of all my problems, even if
Trembling they are already resolved." 1
"One of the symptoms of anxiety is when I stop doing whatever I am
doing and start fiddling with my fingers or with various objects like my 1
Fiddling phone case or bag. I also have difficulty focusing and find myself
constantly thinking about "what if" scenarios, causing me to lose focus on
the task at hand."

Table 2: Symptoms they experience that made them think they have anxiety.

Research Question 3:
When did you start experiencing anxiety?


"Actually, we sometimes don't know when it started because we can't pinpoint
an exact moment. But maybe it was during the year 2020 pandemic because of
family, love life, and school problems."
"It started during the lockdown. I wasn't used to staying at home all the time,
and I kept thinking about everything." 5
"Maybe it started because of the pandemic. We were all locked down, and we
Pandemic couldn't talk to our friends."
"During the quarantine for the Covid pandemic, I didn't go to school anymore,
and I was far away from my friends."
"It started when I was harassed during the Covid pandemic. I felt like it was
going to happen again, and I wanted to be alone."

When love once left "It started when my boyfriend left me. I had a lot of questions for myself, like
why he left me and what was the exact reason for it. So many thoughts came 1
into my mind that I couldn't answer alone, and I knew only he could answer

Research Question 3:
When did you start experiencing anxiety?


"It started when I started working. Before that, I was careless about myself and
my family. But when I started working, I felt like I had to carry all the problems
of my family, especially when my parents got sick. I felt like I couldn't handle it
When started working all, and that's when it started. I feel pressured now, and there's not a day or 1
night that I don't cry, even when I'm at work or eating. Sometimes, I even think
about suicide, but I haven't done it yet because I still think about the reason
why I'm doing it."
"Last year, in May."
"Last year 2022, because there came a point when my academic and family 2
Last year problems were piling up, and I was getting stressed."

Shifted from online to face "I can't really say exactly when it started, but maybe when we suddenly shifted
to face class from online to face-to-face classes. I was worried about how I would handle it, 1
and if people would still like me or not."

Table 3: When they started having anxiety

Research Question 4:
•Do you ever worry about simple things that you shouldn't worry about?


"Yes, I worry about simple things that I shouldn't worry about. It's a big
deal for me when I've given my best, but it still feels insufficient, like something
is missing."
"Yes, for example, with grades, you don't need to worry if you know you're
doing your school work. You don't need to worry about passing."
"Yes, I often feel like everything is my fault even if I haven't done anything
wrong. For instance, in school group projects, even if I'm not the leader, I blame
myself if something goes wrong. I tend to blame myself for everything, and
even when I've given my best, it still feels insufficient."
"I worry about small things, even if they don't bother other people."
"Yes, I'm afraid of disappointing people, so I tend to make small things a bigger
deal than they should be." 10
Yes "Yes, I get bothered by small things."
"Like with grades in modules, even if I've done everything right, it's still marked
wrong by the teacher."
"Yes, I tend to think of the worst-case scenario and gaslight myself when
something goes wrong."
"Yes, I worry about small things sometimes, but I try to handle them well."
"Yes, I worry about simple things that I shouldn't worry about."

Research Question 5:
•How does anxiety affect your studies?


"I can't focus on my studies because I focus more on my problems and
then I neglect my studies. It's just that I break down more and then when
it comes to my activities and tasks, I can't do them anymore because I
break down often."
"You can't focus on your studies because instead of focusing on your
studies there are things that you shouldn't be thinking about. What’s
happening is you can't focus because there is obstacle in your thinking
that bothers you."
"Because you will cry and cry, you sleep. It's like a problem because you
have a lot to do and then it becomes a problem because of course you're
tired, you'll cry, you'll blame yourself instead of doing it. Sometimes I do it
Lack of focus together, crying while doing it. It get affected. The things that I need to do
are increasing." 8
"Sometimes when there are recitations or reports coming up, it seems
like I can't focus or I can't study the topic I'm being asked to do."
"I couldn't focus then, I wasn't really focused then I always left people."
"I can't focus when the teacher is doing discussion, when they have
class, I can't listen properly because I'm alone, and I’m not used to being
alone at home."
"It's like you're not yourself when you're at school, like when the teacher
asks you questions, sometimes you don't hear it, it's like you're staring or
you're looking into the distance(lack of focus)."
"Sometimes I can't focus, when I'm going to answer then it seems to
disappear because I'm thinking more about what's happening to me."

Research Question 5:
•How does anxiety affect your studies?


Breakdown "I can't do my assignments because I suddenly have a breakdown and
then I just sleep on them because that's what calms me down." 1
Stop whatever doing "Usually when I have an anxiety attack, I stop whatever I'm doing and I
have a lot of time to do my work, but when I have an anxiety attack, I feel 2
like I'll stop and then I'll walk away from him and just look at them. too
much but I won't do them."

Table 5: How anxiety affects their study

Research Question 6:
•Who is the person you talk to about your problem that you also want to listen to you? Why?


"My friend, because i feel comfortable on felling them what i feel, and i
feel better every time i talk to them and open it up with them my
problems. They always there for me, and they always understand my
"I preferred to open up to my friends, rather than open it up to my family.
The reason why i mostly open it to my friends because we always
together at school, we spend more time together at school and mostly we
have same situation that's why i think they can relate on what i fell, so i
prefer open it up to friends."
"Mostly, I don't share my problems to others. I can open thought maybe
to my close friends and my cousins, but if it's personal i mostly solved it
by myself."
"My friends way back in High School, they talk to me because that time i
Friends was at my province, then when i came back here in Manila we meet up
and got a chance to unwind, then i forget my problems and it lessen my 7
anxiety to."
"My friends, I express my problems and they gave advice, because if I
open it to my family, mostly they'll say I lied or else I am just creating a
"My friends and classmates, because they are the only persons who's
willing to listen on me without any hesitation and no judgment received
from them."
"I have two people that I open up with. First is my best friend, she's that
kind of person that when you need her she's always there to comfort me
every time I feel down and overthink in everything or sometimes I
mumble a lot. She's always there willing to listen and reassuring me that

every time will be ok. Second is my partner, he always comfort me and
telling me that everything is going to be ok, that I don't need to force
myself, with the two of them I find comfort.

Research Question 6:
•Who is the person you talk to about your problem that you also want to listen to you? Why?


"To be honest i love to be alone, coz i fell crowded makes me fell worst. I feel
that opening it to others it doesn't help solving my problem. But it's okay with
Wants to be alone me opening it to others also; i have someone that i want to share my problems
to but only non-important problems and randomly thoughts. I don't share 1
personal problems because for me it’s different and i feel they can't help me,
but instead they can make it worse."
"My girlfriend, because to her i expressed myself and what i feel. I feel better
Partner every time i open up to her, and at the same time I ask advice from her if what's 1
the best thing to do."
Don't have someone to "I don't have someone to talk to that time. I mostly stay at home. I don't want
talk to go out so that's why I overcome it alone." 1

Table 6: Person they talk to about their problems.

Research Question 7:
•Can being alone be an effective self-help technique for managing your anxiety?


Yes "Yes, I like to be alone because that's where I find comfort and peace of
"Yes, it's effective, but sometimes I also want to have someone with me."
"Yes, I like to be alone to not be a burden." 4
"Yes, maybe too much. When I'm alone, I don't feel any pressure, and I
can handle my emotions by myself."

No "It's not helpful because it can worsen your depression if you don't have
anyone to talk to. It's better to have someone to talk to and release your 1
problems to."

Research Question 7:
•Can being alone be an effective self-help technique for managing your anxiety?


"It depends on the situation. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It's better to
have someone with you that you can confide in."
"It depends because when you're alone, it feels like your problems are
increasing, but there are times when you need to be alone to refresh your
mind. There are times when I can handle my problems alone, but there
are also times when I need someone to talk to and get advice from,
Sometimes especially when I reach a point where I don't know what to do anymore.
Sometimes, I prefer to be alone because I feel like even though people
are listening, they might just be talking about me behind my back." 5
"Sometimes yes, sometimes no. When I'm alone, I feel like nobody wants
to listen to me, but there are also times when I just want to be alone."
"Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Being alone can hurt yourself, but
having someone with you can help and advise you about your anxiety."
"Sometimes, when I'm alone, I can teach myself to calm down and reflect
on myself about what my next step should be. I can take a deep breath
alone without anyone else."

Table 7:

Research Question 8:
•What are the coping mechanisms you use that calm you down and make you feel better when you are having an attack of


"I just sing at home, eat like that, talk to my friend to relax, and relax
myself just to lose him."
Sing "What do I sing and then amuse myself by playing the guitar, and how 2
does it calm me down."

"Those who watch k drama, Tik Tok or online games to get my mind off
the problem of inhaling and exhaling."
Watching videos "What do I do when I have anxiety? I just watch TV and go to sleep. That 2
way, I calm myself down."

"Crying is what I really want; I want to let it out when I cry while I really
cry, and I will just cry all the time so that all the plagues can come out,
but I also want to cry with a sound because when there is no sound, you
Cry are hiding it as if it is just accumulating there. I'm going to kill myself 1
because I've tried that, and that's why I learned to let it out when you feel
it. I cried without a sound; the pain in your chest will make you mentally
block, and then you want to commit suicide. You're only positive, and
that's how life is. I don't really have a hobby like singing; even when I
cook, I cook, but food is not really my stress reliever."

Research Question 8:
•What are the coping mechanisms you use that calm you down and make you feel better when you are having an attack of


"Listening to calming music, like K-pop music, which calms you down
when you have a problem."
"Hhm, first is listening to music, but the beat is slow, or sometimes I want
Listening music to go faster, usually listening to RnB or pop or reading Croxocy to calm 3
me down."
"Maybe I'll watch and listen to music because that's how I relax."

"Just sleep that's all."

"Maybe I just sleep when I cry; maybe because someone sees me, I hide 2
Sleep it from them."

Table 8: Coping mechanisms that calms them down and make them feel better when they have anxiety attack

Research Question 9:
•Do you think it is important to have motivation especially in this situation you are experiencing?


"Of course, if you're already having a breakdown and you can't find any
motivation, you'll just have an even bigger breakdown. When I have a
breakdown, I need motivation to boost my confidence in areas where I'm weak
and to lift me up to be more than what I currently am. Yes, of course. When I
have motivation, I become stronger."
"Like inspiration? I think it's important because if you have inspiration, you
won't think about the things that brought you down before. Having good
inspiration is important because it makes you think about things that can help
you grow and be inspired every day."
"Yes. With motivation, we can establish goals and have direction towards where
Yes we want to go. Motivation is really important because we need to have a
reason for our actions and live our lives with purpose. We really need 10
motivation; that's one of the major things that can help us do better with what
we're doing, especially during times when we're feeling like this. Of course, you
need to motivate yourself and tell yourself that it's not always going to be like
this. It's a part of life to have breakdowns and to feel like you're drowning, but
it's not always going to be like that. These kinds of things can really help,
especially for those who are going through such situations.
"I think yes, because everyone needs motivation, but sometimes I also need
motivation because sometimes I feel down about myself and lose interest in

Research Question 9:
•Do you think it is important to have motivation especially in this situation you are experiencing?


"Of course, I need motivation so that I can rebuild myself again and regain my
former confidence."
"Yes, it is important because it will really help me overcome my problems."
"Yes, you need someone to be with so that they don't call you crazy, because
when you have something like that, sometimes you'll just be overwhelmed and
suddenly burst into tears."
"Yes, because once you have motivation, it's like you have a purpose in life,
something to fight for, something you believe in or stand for, or a source of
"Of course, everyone wants motivation because it really helps a lot, especially
when there are many problems."
"Yes. When I lack motivation, I feel like I have no will to continue. But if I have
something to look forward to, like meeting my friends or going out."

Table 9: Importance of motivation to them during a devastating situation they're in.:

Research Question 10:
•For you, what is the reason why you want to overcome it, fight and stand again in every pain that we experience in our


"Of course, my mom She's my inspiration; she's the reason why I don't
give up on things when I'm weak because if I'm tired, my mom is even
Parents more tired. If my mom can do it, so can I." 2
"For my parents, they are the ones who depend on me, and I am my
family's only hope, so I really have to work hard."

"She's not the only one around you all the time; there are people who you
can focus on too; she's not the only problem you have, and you're not the
only one experiencing that. Just imagine that there are many people like
that. In life, you don't need to get depressed and down; sometimes you
also have to fight to start a new beginning."
"It's a lesson in life so I can learn more, deal with my problems, learn to
be independent, or face all my problems so that if people can't calm me
down, I will do it myself."
"To be a better me so that I can be a better me next time and grow more, 4
to be mature."
Independent "I want to overcome it because, honestly, it's like a burden in my life. As if
instead my life is going on and it suddenly comes to a stop, as if I can't
seem to handle it. I have to learn to overcome and fight it so I'm not
always very dependent, because when I have an anxiety attack, I usually
become too dependent. Because in life you don't always have someone
with you, sometimes you just have to rely on yourself, so I want to
overcome it alone, even though I am lonely."

Research Question 10:
•For you, what is the reason why you want to overcome it, fight and stand again in every pain that we experience in our


Dreams "Maybe you will think that you have a dream, and then you will use what
happened as a lesson to motivate you to live. The crying is because it's
like you're doing it to get it out. Before, I was really just harboring it;
maybe that's why you're thinking about things, then you blame yourself
for their uselessness. Then, as if you had always been here, you blamed
yourself for being useless in the world. That crying seems to be telling
you that you have a dream; you're not really like this; he just became a
part of your life. Maybe just think about your dreams and what your
parents did to you, then think that your family is also there for you, even if
sometimes they are one of the reasons why you became like that, but
let's think that they can still help because they are our family." 3
"In the dream, when there is something like that, just don't mind it so it
doesn't get worse. You have to fight it for your family too, and you have to
work hard to avoid that."
"Because one of my dreams is to graduate, I think that I have to fight
because I have a dream for my family and have promised my mom to

Motivation "Of course, I have to go back to the way I was before, when I was happy,
because I will go to school, and then face-to-face classes will be back 1
again. Of course, it is difficult if we have problems socializing with people
again because we will not have proper communication."


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