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The Teaching Profession

Chapter 1: Activity 5
Name: Keian Hannah G. Fetalver Date: March 19, 2024
Course: BSED ENGLISH Year Level: 3rd Set A

Directions: Study the topic: The Teacher as a Community Leader and Social Advocate. Then,
reflect and write your answers to the following questions:

1. How can we engage teachers to be good community leaders?

- We can appreciate their skills and encourage them to share their knowledge not just
inside the classroom but also in the community where they belong. We can engage
them to be good community leaders by allowing them to connect with local
organizations and take part in community charity work.

2. What forms of advocates should a teacher participate in the community?

- Teachers can join organizations or groups that advocate concerns such as
education, children's rights, and community growth. They can also give their
time to help in planning community-benefiting activities or programs, for
example, tutoring sessions or seminars. Also, teachers may speak out
about major issues at community events or send letters to lawmakers that
advocate for good change.

3. Can you identify teachers who are good community leaders and advocates? Set an
interview with them. What are the things they do to serve the community?
Yes, I know teachers who are good community leaders and advocates from my old
high school. They have a club that is designed to help our brothers and sisters from
Indigenous communities. They have done so much for them. Every month, they
conduct this activity, wherein they plan to go over the mountains where most of the
indigenous people reside. Their club focuses on helping those who are in remote
areas. They give them the necessities that they need and entertain the children
there. This organization has been going on for many years, and it has helped a lot of
people, especially the Mangyan people.

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