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Term 2
Final Exam Revision

Teacher Hanen Ben Ghzayel

Al Munaie Girls School Cycles 1, 2, and 3.

• 1- Review term 2 grammar points

• 2- Review term 2 vocabulary

Match the sentences to the pictures.

1. I can see the plane.

2. I am ten years old and have brown hair.


3. The animal has a long body and no legs.


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Match the sentences to the pictures.
it grows from your head

the part of your body that you use to see

part of the plant that is colourful

things that grow that have leaves and flowers

The pencil is short.
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Match the sentences to the pictures.

land where there is a lot of sand

something you use to travel on water

when water falls from the sky

something that is big and can fly

it is long and has water in it
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Match the sentences to the pictures.
something that is above something else

the elephant is big

something below something else

a place where some animals live and people
grow vegetables

a tall bit of land that’s made from rock
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Match the questions to the answers.

4. How old is your best friend? A. No, he is tall.

5. Is your brother small? B. Yes, they are my favourite

6. Do you like cats?
C. She is ten years old.

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Match the questions to the answers.

Which plant is taller? I use my nose.

Is the cheetah fast? Yes, I can.

What do you use to smell? The sunflower is taller.

Can you jump high? They are red.

What color are the dinosaur spikes? Yes, it is.

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Match the questions to the answers.

Which dinosaur is your favourite? No, there weren’t.

Does the turtle have sharp teeth? I was at the park.

Where does the dinosaur scientist work? The T-Rex.

Where were you last week? No, it doesn’t.

Were there cars millions of years ago? She works at the museum.

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Match the questions to the answers.

Were there mountains millions of years ago? He studies fossils and writes books.

What does a dinosaur scientist do? Yes, there were.

What does the Pterodactyl eat? It eats meat.

Does the giraffe have a long neck? In the forest.

Where can you find bears? Yes, it does.

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Read the text and choose the correct word(s)

7. 10.
a. Me
7 ______ have brown hair. It is b. I
a. play
b. played
short. I 8 _______ my hair, it is c. She c. plays
nice. 9 ______ sister has long
brown hair. She likes to 10 ____ a. like
a. because
with her hair. We have blue eyes. b. likes b. or
My eyes are big 11 ______ my c. like’s c. and
sister’s eyes are small. 9.
a. Me
b. My
c. We

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Read the text and choose the correct word(s)

Millions of years ago, the dinosaurs (lived/ lives/ live) on planet Earth. At that time, there

were (many/ some/ no) cars, no houses, and no (mountains/ rivers/ people). The dinosaurs

had different shapes and sizes. Some (has/ having/ had) spikes. Others had wings. They could

(talk/ fly/ dance). The T-Rex for example was very big and scary. It had (small / sharp/ short)

teeth and it ate meat.

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Read the text and choose the correct word(s)

Ali and Salem go to a big school. They like their school (because/ or/ not) they have lots of

friends. They have fun with (him/ them/ her). In the classroom, they sit next (to/ in/ of) each

other. Ali and Salem (is/ are/ was) quiet in the classroom. They are good (students/ student/

study). They keep their backpacks on the ground and their books on the (desk/ board/ door).

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Read the text and choose the correct word(s)

In science class, we learned that our bodies (are/ is/ am) amazing. They do so many amazing

(thing/ things/ think)! We have organs inside our bodies. My lungs help me (breathe/ taste/

smell). My heart pumps blood. (His/ Her/ My) brain helps me think. We also have different

outside body parts. I use my (nose/ eyes/ tongue) to see, my ears to hear, and my hands (to/

on / of) touch. I love my body!

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Read the text and choose the correct word(s)

Mr. Ayman is a dinosaur scientist. (They/ He/ It) works at the natural history museum. He

studies (dog/ rabbit/ dinosaur) fossils and writes books (about/ in/ because) dinosaurs. On

Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays he goes (to/ of/ not) the museum. On Thursdays and

Fridays, he (goes/ went/ going) with his team to the desert to (looks/ looking/ look) for

dinosaur bones. His job is very interesting!

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Read the text and choose the correct word(s)

Last week, I didn’t feel well. I (am/ was/ were) sick. I had a cold. My mom wrote my teacher a

sick (book/ read/ note). She told her that I needed to rest. I didn’t go to school for two (days/

day/ nights). I was coughing all night. The (doctor/ teacher/ sister) told me to sleep well and

drink a lot of water. Now, I feel so much better.

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Match the sentences to the words they are about.

school tree

1. I like my classroom. It is big. ________________________

2. It has green leaves and it’s brown. ______________________

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Match the sentences to the words they are about.

dinosaur breakfast

1. I like eating dates and drinking milk. ________________________

2. It has spikes and sharp teeth. ______________________

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Match the sentences to the words they are about.

scientist pen

1. I study dinosaur fossils and write books about them. _______________

2. I put it in my pencil case. ______________________

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Match the sentences to the words they are about.

tent board

1. My teacher uses it to teach us. _______________

2. I sleep in this when I go camping. ______________________

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Match the sentences to the words they are about.

hands feather

1. This body part is responsible for feeling things. _______________

2. It is lighter than a bowling ball. ______________________

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Read the text and write your answer on the line to complete the sentence.

On Mondays, I go to the library with my sister. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we

go to the park. At the weekend we go to the shops with our dad.

1. On Saturday, they go to the _________________.

2. What do they do on Monday?

A. go to the library
B. go to the shop
C. go to the park

3. What is the best title for this text?

A. What I Do in the Week

B. Shopping After School
C. Playing at the Park
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Read the text and write your answer on the line to complete the sentence.
Sarra and Lamis went to the mall yesterday. They ate pasta and had ice
cream. Their mom took them to the cinema. They watched an animated
movie. It was nice.

1. Yesterday, Lamis and Sarra went to the _________________.

2. What did they watch?

A. A scary movie
B. A TV show
C. An animated movie

3. What is the best title for this text?

A. A Day at the Mall

B. Watching a Movie
C. I Love my Siter
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Read the text and write your answer on the line to complete the sentence.
Last weekend, the weather was rainy. We had to stay at home. I thought it was
going to be boring. But we ended having fun. My family and I did so many
things. I tidied my room. My sisters helped my mum in the kitchen. It was a nice

1. The weather was _________________.

2. What did the sisters do?

A. Tidied the room

B. Helped their mom
C. Cooked food

3. What is the best title for this text?

A. A Boring Weekend
B. A Rainy Day
C. A Weekend at Home
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Read the text and write your answer on the line to complete the sentence.

Do you know that dinosaurs lived on Earth millions of years ago? They were
giant reptiles. Some of these dinosaurs had wings and could fly. Other dinosaurs
had sharp teeth and ate meat.

1. The dinosaurs lived on Earth _______________________years ago.

2. What could the dinosaurs that had wings do?

A. dance
B. swim
C. fly

3. What is the best title for this text?

A. Earth Millions of Years Ago

B. Dinosaurs that Could Fly
C. The Dinosaurs
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Read the text and write your answer on the line to complete the sentence.

Mr. Ali is my English teacher. I study English every day. Mr. Ali greets us with a
smile. He is very nice. His desk is in front of mine. On his desk, he keeps his laptop
and books.

1. On his desk, Mr. Ali keeps his ____________________and laptop.

2. Who is Mr. Ali?

A. My father
B. My English teacher
C. My math teacher

3. What is the best title for this text?

A. My English Teacher
B. I Love my Classroom
C. A Day at School
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Read the texts and answer the questions.

Text 1
My name is Noor and I am ten years old. I have blue eyes and short, brown
hair. I have big teeth. My sister, Ameena, has small teeth.

Text 2
At the weekend, I go to the park with my sister. We play games. Ameena is
funny and kind. She can run fast.

1. Paragraph 1 is about _____.

A. sisters running at the park
B. playing with Amena
C. how the sisters look

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Read the texts and answer the questions.

Text 1
The desert is big. You can see sand everywhere. The desert has different
animals like the fox and camel. Camping in the desert is very nice.

Text 2
Camping is my family’s favourite activity. Every spring, my family and I drive
to the mountain and put up a tent. We gather around and talk. It’s really

1. Paragraph 1 is about _____. 2. You can read paragraph number

A. The family’s favourite activity _________ to learn about the desert.
B. Camping in the mountain
C. The desert

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Read the texts and answer the questions.

Text 1
I was born ten years ago. I started school four years ago. I learned to read
six years ago. What about you?

Text 2
Amanda has one sister called Anna. Amanda was born in 2015. Anna was
born in 2018. Both sisters love reading books. They would sit together in the
library and read stories together.

1. Paragraph 2 is about _____. 2. You can read paragraph number

A. Anna and Amanda’s hobby _________ to learn about when I was
B. When I was born born.
C. When the sisters learned to

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Read the texts and answer the questions.

Text 1
When dinosaurs lived on Earth millions of years ago, there were no cars.
There were no houses. There were no people.

Text 2
When dinosaurs were around. Earth was different that it is now. There were
big mountains. There were long rivers. There were green and lush forests.

1. Paragraph 2 is about _____. 2. You can read paragraph number

A. Things you could find on Earth when the dinosaurs _________ to learn about nature
were alive millions of years ago.
B. Things that weren’t on Earth millions of years ago
C. The different dinosaurs

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Read the texts and answer the questions.

Text 1
I love going to the safari park. My dad drives us to the park every month.
My brothers love stopping for burgers on the way. We have so much fun!

Text 2
At the safari park, you can learn a lot about wild animals. Animals like the
cheetah, the elephant, and the giraffe usually live in the jungle. The chetah
is very fast. The elephant is big. The giraffe has a long neck.

1. Paragraph 1 is about _________________. 2. You can read paragraph number

A. Where we go every month _________ to learn about wild animals
B. The safari park animals at the safari park.
C. Giraffes

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Read the texts and answer the questions.

Text 1
I love watching horse races! My favourite horse is called Grey. It is very fast.
It always comes first in competitions. Grey has strong legs. It can run long
distances without getting tired.

Text 2
My favourite cartoon is about animal Olympics. The animals compete in a
race to see who comes first. The cheetah was first. The camel was second.
The elephant was third. The giraffe was fourth. The tortoise was last.

1. Paragraph 2 is about _________________. 2. You can read paragraph number

A. Horse races _________ to learn about the horse
B. Wild animals Grey.
C. A cartoon about animals racing

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Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

big tall road

small boat car

What does your house look like?


How do you get to school?


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Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

fast small legs

race cat slow

How fast is the tortoise?


Can you name two fast animals?


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Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

fast long legs

tail elephant slow

What does the giraffe look like?


What is your favourite wild animal?


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Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

books in Next to
pencil case ruler desk

What do you have in your backpack?


Where do you put your backpack when you’re in the classroom?


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Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

books read classroom

pencil case light desk

What can you do with a pencil?


What’s something that’s heavier than a pencil?


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Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

scary quiet classroom

teacher small big

How many boards do you have in your classroom?


Do you like your classroom? Why or why not?


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Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

school sister balloon

race garden cycling

Where do you play football?


What other games do you play?


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Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

smell touch breathe

five body fingers

How many senses are there?


What can you do with your hands?


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Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

tongue touch breathe

five heart lungs

With which body part can you smell?


Which body part helps us to breathe?


3/6/2024 Teacher Hanen Ben Ghzayel | Al Munaie Girls School 41

Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

girl dance fun

jump park football

What is the girl doing?


What do you do at the weekend?


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Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

girl smile yawn

laugh funny joke

What is the boy doing?


Why do people laugh?


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Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

morning sleep yawn

nice tired bed

What do you do when you are tired?


Do you like waking up early? Why or why not?


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Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

salty nice tasty

rain sweet sound

What do donuts taste like?


Do you like the smell of flowers? Why or why not?


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Look at the image. Answer the questions by writing complete sentences.
Use the words in the box to help you.

salty nice tasty

rain sweet music

What’s your favourite sound?


Do you like the taste of fish? Why or why not?


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I believe in you ☺

T Hanen Ben Ghzayel | Al Munaie Girls School

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