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1. What important roles does marketing play in our economy?

- The significant roles of marketing play in our economy, first marketing is the
process of developing, distributing, promoting products, providing products for
the people to address their need and services by a company. Marketing plays a
very important role that influence our daily lives, it is concept that gives
satisfaction to the costumer or consumer of what they need, and wants. Not just
customer that can benefit by buying these products but also the company or the
business owners because if a consumer identified the things that they need, the
business owners they can make profit in exchange of value and has big
possibility to achieve their desired goals, it can give ideas to create more
products and new innovations such as, mobile phones, appliances, furniture and
other products. Because generation by generation we need to improve our
products in order to increase the attraction of customers. As well as in our
economy to continue producing goods it can increase the economic growth and it
engages investors and trades from other country. Hence, that the poverty of our
country can be lessen.

2. In today’s generation do you think traditional marketing is still useful for the

- In my own perspective, traditional market is a form of information’s,

advertisements and promoting a product to fulfill the attractions of the audience
or customers by using these offline platforms such as print media and telephone.
In today’s generation traditional marketing is not useful for the market because
our marketing methods have evolved every year. Nowadays, we lived in a
modern world we’re using different gadgets that are very easy and convenient to
use. A lot of company and small business owners uses these online platforms, by
promoting and introducing their products through television, it appears on
websites, and even in social media. Online platforms have a massive impact for
this generation for it can benefit to the business of the people hence, they have
an opportunity to promote their products and business at low operating cost, can
get a chance to lead into greater revenue, can have a potential to increased
attraction to the audiences and existing customers that can be seen to the other
nation by buying it online.

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