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Physical abilities capacity to do tasks demanding stamina, dexterity, strength, and

similar characteristics.
Flexibility factors
- Extent flexibility. – it refers to ones ability to adapt every types of factors
or significant changes in the organizations.
- Extent flexibility is the extent to which a person can cope with organization
to adjust the scope, or requirements of a project or job in changing the
circumstances such goals or constraints. Which it is important in order to
expand and meet the objectives of the business. not just the viewpoint of
the organization but also the benefits of the workers they could enhance
their skills.
Example. Construction Workers that work in a Project based or contractual
- Since it is a temporary work people need to seek other job opportunities to
sustain or fulfill their necessities and in order to earn enough money to live
- Teacher or Educator: Educators often need to adjust their teaching
methods, materials, or curriculum based on the learning needs of their
students and evolving educational standards.
- Healthcare Professional: Healthcare workers must be flexible in managing
patient care, especially during health crises like pandemics, where roles and
responsibilities may change rapidly.
- Software Developer: Developers must be open to changing project
requirements, technology stacks, or software features to meet evolving user
needs or market demands.
- Retail Manager: In the retail sector, flexibility is crucial to adapt to changing
consumer preferences, inventory fluctuations, and seasonal trends
Dynamic flexibility
- This refers to the ability to move the muscles and joints to achieve the wide
range of motion of your body during physical activities.
Professionals’ dancer
Ballet dancer

- Leaps and Jumps: Dancers often perform high jumps and leaps during a
routine. Dynamic flexibility allows them to extend their limbs and arch their
bodies gracefully in mid-air.
- Turns and Twists: Dancers execute rapid spins and rotations. Dynamic
flexibility helps them maintain balance and control while changing
directions and body positions.
- Floor Work: In contemporary dance, dancers may transition from standing
to the floor seamlessly. Dynamic flexibility allows them to bend, twist, and
flow into various floor-based movements.
- Partnering: Some dance styles involve intricate partnering work. Dynamic
flexibility helps dancers adapt to their partner’s movements and maintain a
connection while adjusting their body positions.

- Dynamic strength – the ability of one’s individual that generate force
rapidly during high velocity movements. It involves quick and powerful
construction of muscles to perform activities that requires speed,
acceleration and force production.
Construction Worker: Construction workers often need dynamic strength to lift
heavy materials, operate power tools, and perform tasks that require explosive
force, such as digging, hammering, and carrying heavy loads.
Firefighter: Firefighters require dynamic strength when responding to
emergencies. They must carry heavy equipment, break through obstacles, and
perform physically demanding tasks in high-stress situations.
Professional Athlete: Athletes in sports like sprinting, gymnastics, and basketball
rely heavily on dynamic strength to excel in their respective disciplines. For
example, basketball players need explosive strength for jumping and sprinting.

Personal Trainer: Personal trainers may demonstrate exercises and assist clients in
performing dynamic strength training routines, ensuring proper form and
Military Personnel: Soldiers and special forces personnel need dynamic strength
for various tasks, such as carrying heavy gear, climbing obstacles, and engaging in
physically demanding combat situations.
Track and Field Coach: Coaches in track and field sports help athletes develop
their dynamic strength through specific training regimens aimed at improving
speed, power, and agility.

Trunk strength - referred to as "core strength," describes the physical power and
stamina of the muscles in the hips, lower back, and abdominal areas. For
stability, balance, and power during various physical exercises, a strong trunk or
core is necessary.
Example job or work.
Yoga instructor - Strong trunk muscles are essential for a yoga instructor to be
able to demonstrate poses, give precise instructions, and support pupils. It not
only improves their own practice but also the security and efficiency of the yoga
classes they instruct.
Balancing Poses: Yoga includes a range of balancing poses that require a strong
core to maintain stability and prevent falling. Poses like Tree Pose or Warrior III
rely heavily on trunk strength.
Control and Alignment: Instructing students to maintain proper alignment in
poses and transitions is essential. A yoga instructor’s own core strength sets an
example and helps demonstrate correct alignment.
Transitions and Flow: Yoga sequences often involve fluid transitions from one pose
to another. A strong core allows instructors to move gracefully between poses and
demonstrate smooth transitions.

supporting Students: Yoga instructors may need to provide physical support or

adjustments to students during class. Trunk strength helps them provide support
while maintaining their own stability.
Wildland fire fighter- Wildland firefighters are responsible for combating wildfires
in natural environments. They face physically demanding and often treacherous
- Carrying Heavy Gear: Wildland firefighters need to carry heavy gear,
including backpacks filled with firefighting tools, water, and protective
equipment. A strong core helps distribute the load evenly and maintain
balance on uneven terrain
- Hiking and Climbing: Wildland firefighters often traverse steep and uneven
terrain, requiring balance and stability. A strong core helps them maintain
proper posture while navigating challenging landscapes.

Static strength - Static strength is the capacity to apply force against resistance
without significantly changing the length or location of muscles.
Professional welders
- Welders are skilled professionals responsible for joining metal parts
together by using various welding techniques, such as arc welding or gas
Holding Welding Equipment: Welders often need to hold heavy welding
equipment, such as welding torches or welding guns, for extended periods while
precisely directing the weld. Static strength in the arms and upper body helps
them maintain steady control.
Position Maintenance: Welding requires precision, and welders must hold
specific positions to create clean and accurate welds. Static strength helps them
maintain these positions, reducing the risk of inaccuracies or defects.
Overhead Welding: In some cases, welders need to perform overhead welding,
which demands not only static strength but also endurance to keep the welding
tool steady for extended periods.

static strength is essential for welders to create strong, reliable welds and ensure
the quality and integrity of the metalwork they produce. It enables them to
maintain control and stability while working with heavy equipment and materials.
- Statuesque living statute performer
Living statue performers are artists who entertain crowds by impersonating
statues, remaining perfectly still for extended periods, and surprising spectators
with sudden movements. Static strength is an essential aspect of their work for
the following reasons:
Maintaining Stillness: Living statue performers must hold a motionless pose for
extended periods, sometimes for hours at a time. Static strength in various muscle
groups, particularly in the legs, core, and upper body, is necessary to stay in
position without moving.
Balance and Posture: These performers often create intricate and artistic poses.
Static strength enables them to maintain balance and perfect posture, even when
posing on one foot or in challenging positions.
Explosive strength - is the capacity to produce the most force in the shortest
possible period. When performing tasks that need for fast and powerful motions,
it entails quick and forceful muscle contractions.
- Explosive strength is characterized by the capacity to accelerate quickly and
generate significant amounts of force in just a small amount of time. It is
necessary for actions requiring explosive movements, such as jumping,
running, throwing, and fast carrying heavy objects.
Olympic Weightlifter: Olympic weightlifters need explosive strength to lift heavy
barbells from the ground to overhead positions (clean and jerk and snatch) as
quickly as possible.
Military Special Forces: Special forces personnel need explosive strength for
dynamic entry techniques, swift physical actions, and quickly scaling obstacles
during missions.

Martial Artist: Martial artists need explosive strength for explosive strikes, kicks,
and takedowns, which are crucial in combat sports like boxing, kickboxing, and
mixed martial arts.

Body coordination- Body coordination is the capacity of an individual to

effectively and expertly control their actions of their bodies, which frequently
involves numerous different muscle groups.
- That your brain, muscles, and senses work together smoothly to help you
move and do things without tripping, stumbling, or making mistakes.
Pilot: Aircraft pilots need excellent hand-eye and overall body coordination to
control an aircraft safely, especially during takeoff, landing, and turbulent
Surgeon: Surgeons must possess exceptional hand-eye coordination to perform
delicate surgical procedures accurately.
Dancer: Professional dancers must have exceptional body coordination to perform
intricate dance routines, maintain balance, and express themselves through

BALANCE - keeping different aspects of work and personal life in balance. In order
to maintain a balanced and satisfying lifestyle, it involves handling time,
obligations, and priorities.
- Work-Life Balance: This concept pertains to achieving equilibrium between
one's professional and personal life. It involves managing time and energy
to ensure that work commitments do not overshadow personal well-being
and leisure.
- Balance in Decision-Making: In decision-making, balance can involve
considering various factors and viewpoints to make well-rounded and
informed choices.

Example work. Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) are financial professionals who
provide a range of accounting services to clients, including tax preparation,
financial planning, and auditing
Balancing Financial Records: CPAs are responsible for maintaining accurate
financial records for individuals or organizations. They must ensure that debits
and credits match, maintaining the financial balance in accounts.
Time Management: CPAs often have busy schedules, especially during tax season.
They must effectively manage their time to meet deadlines and serve multiple
clients without sacrificing the quality of their work.
Event planner- Event planners create memorable experiences for their clients by
effectively balancing the diverse aspects of event planning, from budgets and
logistics to creativity and client satisfaction. Their ability to maintain equilibrium in
these areas ensures the success of the events they organize.

Stamina – ability to endure and maintain sustained periods of physical or mental

work. It encompasses the capacity to sustain vigor, strength, and concentration
over a lengthy period of time, despite exhaustion or difficult conditions.
Long-Haul Truck Driver: Long-haul truck drivers spend extended hours on the
road, requiring physical and mental stamina to maintain focus, adhere to strict
schedules, and handle the demands of long-distance driving.
Nurse: Nurses work long shifts and must have the stamina to provide care to
patients, including tasks that require lifting and moving patients, administering
medications, and staying attentive to patients' needs.
Teacher: Teachers need mental and emotional stamina to manage classrooms,
engage with students, and deliver effective lessons over the course of a school day
and an academic year.
Farm Laborer: Farm laborers engage in physically demanding tasks like planting,
harvesting, and tending to livestock. Stamina is required to work long hours in
various weather conditions.

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