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Manuel S.

Enverga University Foundation

Lucena City * Philippines

Name:_Rhay Lance Shedrick C. Parone______ Section: STEM12-B8__

Adviser:_Liana Xyrille Nahil_____________


A day in my life as Work Immersion Trainee, On my first day it was our orientation day, and it started in the
morning. Sir Noel was there to help us throughout the orientation. He made sure everything went smoothly. During
the orientation, Sir Noel gave us the keys to the rooms we needed to open. He assigned each of us specific rooms to
take care of.
Later in the afternoon, we went ahead and opened the rooms just like Sir Noel had told us to. We followed his
instructions carefully to make sure we did everything right.We also helped out by assisting people who needed to
borrow equipment, like tools. It felt good to be helpful and make sure everything was in order.
Overall, it was a productive day, and I'm looking forward to more days like this where we can learn and contribute.


Today was our second day. We started by opening the rooms, just like Sir Joel told us to do on the first day.
After that, we cleaned up and moved our things to another room. Later, we went to the Physics lab to wipe the tool
containers because they were a bit dusty.
In the afternoon, we reopened the rooms assigned to us and helped lend out tools to those who needed them. Our final
task was opening the machine shop, and Sir Noel helped us out.


Today, our morning started with cleaning the automotive room. We worked together to move big machines to
different spots, and surprisingly, we managed to lift them despite their heaviness. Alongside Attino, Steven, CJ, and
Sir Noel, I swept and wiped shelves to keep things tidy.

In the afternoon, we opened another room and tidied up Room 122. With no more tasks left, we spent time bonding
with fellow trainees, waiting for the day to come to a close.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Lucena City * Philippines


Today, we started our day at 10am because we had an exam to take care of first. Once that was done, we
headed to the room Sir Noel assigned to us and helped distribute tools. At noon, we took a break and
grabbed some food to eat.

In the afternoon, around 2pm, we cleaned up the machine shop and filled out our evaluation forms and
daily tasks. Since it was our last day, we took a picture with Sir Noel and said goodbye to the department
we were working in. We also had Sir Noel sign our Daily Time Record (DTR) to mark the end of our
training. Finally, we went to the BED build to hand in our daily tasks and evaluation forms, marking the
completion of our 4-day training as trainees.

These past four days as a work immersion trainee have been incredibly insightful and valuable. From the
moment I stepped into the workplace until the final moments of my last day, I've learned so much about the
real world of work and what it takes to be successful in a professional environment.

One of the most important lessons I've learned is the importance of time management and responsibility.
Waking up early, arriving on time, and staying focused throughout the day were crucial habits that I had to
develop quickly. Additionally, being assigned tasks and responsibilities taught me how to prioritize my
workload and manage my time efficiently.

Moreover, working alongside experienced professionals provided me with a unique opportunity to observe
and learn from their expertise. Whether it was assisting with tasks, asking questions, or simply observing
their work ethic, I gained valuable insights into the industry and various job roles.

Overall, these four days have been an invaluable experience that has helped me grow both personally and
professionally. I leave this work immersion with a deeper understanding of the workforce, enhanced skills,
and a newfound confidence in my abilities. I am grateful for the opportunity and look forward to applying
what I've learned in future work.

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