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Many thanks to the families who went along to Chester FC last weekend to support John as part of his quest to run 740 miles in 21 days to support charities, including Alder Hey Hospital. We welcomed John with lots of applause as he ran onto the football pitch and even had enough energy to play a little game of football with the children. It was a lovely opportunity for the children to play a game of football on Chester FCs pitch. I tweeted a good luck message and got the following reply:


Many of you may be familiar with Sustrans and the work they do to encourage people to use their cycles. I have requested that their local officer, Sarah Diamond, supports us through a process of raising the profile of how we can get on our bikes and have fun. I have planned a series of events over the coming months, which I hope you will all enjoy and be able to support us with. These will begin in the Summer Term and I will give you more details nearer the time. There will be a Launch Assembly in which parents would be welcome to attend and meeting with staff/helpers, a Bike It Breakfast, where you will be able to cycle into school and have breakfast in the hall together. Two sessions have been organised to encourage our younger children to Ditch the Stabilisers and for the older children to practise some skills on the school playground. A Love Your Bike Day will give the children chance to learn some basic maintenance and they will be taught how to repair a puncture and finally we have planned a Friday school bike ride and picnic. I would be interested if any parents would be interested in helping with any of the above events. Most events will be opened to most children, but the more parent support we have, the more children can be involved. proud to present its next production Therese Raquin which is a Thriller set in Paris 1860 and is written by Emile Zola. If you haven't been to one of our plays before this one is well worth a watch; it has a gripping storyline! Bookings can be made with Mrs Stubbs in the School Office and tickets are also on sale in the Post Office. This play is suitable for children aged 8 upwards, Hope to see you there...!

Please find on the reverse side of this letter further information about events planned by the PTFA.

Our Thursday afternoon sessions offer a great opportunity for your pre-schoolers to play and meet new friends. Join us every Thursday from 1.15 pm in the school hall, we always have chocolate biscuits! We are also looking for donations of the following, dressing up clothes, babygym and play food. If you are able to donate please bring them into school. If you would like to help run the session please contact Nicole Wright 07976 905946, we are looking for a couple of people to help out on the occasional Thursday afternoon.

Many congratulations to Mrs S Evans who gave birth to two boys this week, Keegan and Corey. Both boys are doing well and Mrs Evans is very happy!


Can I remind you that the next Walk on Wednesday is Wednesday 21st March. Well done to all those children and parents who are taking advantage of the good weather and walking to school, rather than driving. Further to the flier which all parents should have received last week, I would like to remind you that the Ashton Hayes Theatre Club will be performing in just two weeks:

S You should have receiv ed a slip with your ap pointment ti me today. We will need to be very st rict with timings this time as the evenings are very bo oked up; I w ould be grateful if y ou could hel p us with this. If your appointmen t time is not convenie nt, please co ntact Mrs Stubbs in sc hool.



! Can!you!believe!that!its!March!already!and!Spring!is!on!the!way.!We!are! busy!planning!the!outside!play!area,!as!funded!by!you!wonderful!parents! through!the!PTFA!events.!!! The!next!PTFA!meeting!is!Thursday% 8th% March% at% school% at% 7.30% pm!to! plan!for!the!Easter!egg!trail!and!to!highlight!some!forthcoming!events.!! ALL!WELCOME!!

Meet!at!school!and!buy!your!trail!map!to!collect!eggs!around!the! village.! 3!per!child.! Return!to!school!afterwards!for!refreshments!games!and!activities.! Any!donations!of!cakes!would!be!very!welcome!!shopLbought!in!advance!or!homeLmade! on!the!day!!thank!you.!!Volunteers!needed!!!!!

We%have%several%exciting%events%coming%up:% %

% Fizz%Fashion%Show%%Wednesday%28th%March%7.45pm%%10pm%

The!affordable,!for!everyone,!ladies!fashions!are!brought!to!you!by!Fizz.!!!Fizz!will!present! their!latest!spring!summer!collections!of!clothing,!jewellery!and!accessories!at!prices!you! wont!believe!and!styles!to!suit!all!ages!and!all!sizes!!!You!will!then!have!the!chance!to! browse!at!your!leisure,!try!if!you!wish!and!buy!if!you!like.!!There!is!no!pressure!to!buy.!! Tickets%only%5%per%person%including%a%complimentary%glass%of%wine.% All!proceeds!from!ticket!sales!will!go!to!the!school!plus!10%!of!sales!on!the!night.! Enjoy!a!night!out!with!friends;!relax!with!a!complimentary!glass!of!wine,!whilst!at!the! same!time!supporting!your!local!school.! Tickets!are!on!sale!now,!so!dont!miss!out!and!buy!your!tickets!from!any!of!the!following:L! Either!pop!in!to!the!school!office!or!simply!return!your!tear!off!slip!sent!home! during!the!week! Whistles!Hair!Salon!via!the!lovely!Rachel!Colson! Ashton!Hayes!Community!Shop! Deana!Laidlaw!01928!740552!or!Karen!Liddle!01928!740663!! %


This%will%be%a%marvellous%family%event%to%celebrate%the%Jubilee.%% %Organised%by%several%community%groups%and%members,%including%Ashton%Hayes%Sports%and% Recreation%Association,%the%Parish%Council,%the%Community%Shop%and%the%PTFA.% Full%details%to%follow%but%events%will%include%picnics,%shows,%music,%live%entertainment,%childrens% games,%competitions%and%so%much%more!%%% %


And%of%course,%lets%not%forget%Hey%Day%on%Saturday%30th%June!% % Please%remember%%your%school%needs%your%support!!%

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