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Field Experience Report #3

Cecilia Pena

In our tutoring sessions, I set aside a few minutes to review word problems and fractions. I
have her work at least 4-word problems each time I see her. The word problems consist of real
world problems that have a mixture of steps to solve them. The word problems contain adding,
substracting, multiplication, division, and sometimes all the operations. This allows Alicia to
dissect the problem step by step and to recognize words that lead to a specific operation at each
step. We underline important key words that have mathematical meaning in the problem and
figure out what they mean. We have also started a fraction interactive notebook so that she
may use to review or study for an exam. Fractions are “scary” for Alicia and this book seems to
give her comfort when working on fraction problems. We have just started to work on finding a
common denominator, and she often refers to her interactive notebook to refresh her memory
on the steps to find it. I have found that she is a visual learner, and the notebook is a necessity
until she fully comprehends the concept of finding the common denominator. She is a bright
student, and this is just a stumble in her future success.

The classroom that Alicia is in is diverse. The teacher teaches fourth, fifth, and sixth grade
students. The students come from various backgrounds, parenting styles, and cultures. Mrs.
Sauer is a patient and excellent teacher that caters to her students’ needs and is sensitive to
them. She must ensure that each child is learning in a way that is best for that student and with
the various grade levels can be challenging. I am learning that Montessori teaching is special,
and it takes a special teacher to be able to organize the content of each grade level, gender, and
learning style.

Classroom Background Data Form

Your name: ______________Cecilia Pena________________________________________
District: __________________Waco ISD__________________________________________
Campus: ______Lake Air Montessori____________________________________________
Teacher/ Supervisor Name: __Mrs. Alice Sauer____________________________________
Teacher/ Supervisor email address: ____alice.sauer@wacoisd.org___________________
Grade level/s: 4th, 5th, 6th ______________________________________________________
Subject/s: __ Math/Science______________________________________

Number of students in the class Males- ___21___

Females- __26___
Approximate age range 9 – 12 years old
Describe the general instructional levels There is a variety of learners in Mrs. Sauer’s
represented by the students in this class. classroom. She has 7 gifted, 2 -SPED, 4 -504,
(Advanced, average, remedial, mixed…) the room consist of low average students.

Describe the learning modalities you observe The learning modalities that occur in this
most frequently in the classroom (visual, classroom is mostly kinesthetic/tactile.
auditory, or kinesthetic/tactile)
Number of students in language categories English proficient- _____42____

Limited English Proficient (LEP) - __4_______

Number of students with exceptionalities ADHD- _5______
Blindness or visual impairments- ___7___
Wears glasses - ____7___
Deafness or hard of hearing- ____0_____
Cognitive disability- _____0____
Emotional disability- ___2______
Gifted- ______7__
Learning disability- _____3____
Physical disability- ___2______
Ethnic Distribution African Am- ___4____
Hispanic- __34_____
White- ____7___
Native Am- ___0____
Asian/Pac. Islander- ___0____


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