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The Brain and

•Nervous System
•The Brain
•Brain Functioning
•Evolutionary Psychology
Communication in
the Nervous System
The Neuron
-basic unit
-variety of shapes, sizes,
Types of neurons
 Sensory neurons – afferent
 from the body to the brain
 Motor neurons – efferent
 from the brain to the body
 Interneurons
 connects sensory/motor activities
 Glial cells
 “glue” holding neurons in place
 raw material for Myelin Sheath
Parts of the Neuron
 Dendrites
 receives signals from neighbouring cells
 Cell Body
 signals interpreted – sent on
 Axon
 extended part of neuron
 where the nerve impulse travels
 Axon Terminals
 end points of the axon – connects to next cell
 Myelin Sheath
 white, insulating “jacket” on longer axons (for speed)
Neuronal Synapse
 microscopically small space
 between axon terminals and
 (sending neuron)
 receptor sites
 (receiving neuron)
Neuronal Synapse
 2 Types of Electrochemical Processes
1. Action Potential – activity within the neuron
 Polarization of the axon
 internal state – negatively charged
 external state – positively charged
 Depolarization
 when stimulated, the axon builds to a threshold,
then fires
 impulse is a constant strength: “all or none”
 membrane has sodium “channels”
 change causes positive ions to enter the axon
 when internal charge is positive, channels close
 axon returns to polarized state (refractory time)
Neuronal Synapse
2. Neurotransmitters – activity between
 when action potential reaches the end of the
axon, neurotransmitters are released into the
synapse and bind to receptor sites in the next
 reuptake - neurotransmitters return to the
sending neuron
 post synaptic potential
 excitatory - makes it easier to fire
 inhibitory - makes it harder to fire
Neurotransmitters and
 Acetylcholine
 neuromuscular, memory
 behaviour, anxiety
 Serotonin
 mood, sleep, activity level, appetite
 Dopamine
 movement, thought, emotion, pleasure
 Norepinephrine
 arousal, learning, memory, emotions, drives
Research on
 Serotonin - autism
 Dopamine - Parkinson’s disease

Neuropeptides - pseudoneurotransmitters
Neuromodulators - wide range effects
 Agonists
 facilitates action
 Antagonist
 opposes action

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