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Tezar Samekto Darungan, MMedEd

Medical Education Unit
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
Reflection : a metacognitive process that
occurs before, during, and after situations
with the purpose of developing greater
understanding of both the self and the
situation so the future encounters with the
situation are informed from previous
dr. Tezar Samekto Darungan, MMedEd
Medical Education Unit
Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
Experential learning learning occurs by
The experience must be interpreted and
integrated into existing knowledge structures
to become new or expanded konowledge
Kolb experential learning cycle
A good clinician appropriate skills dan
knowledge but also establish and maintain a
therapeutic relationship with patientsand
their carers
Recognition and understanding of the
personal belief and value systems of the
involved individuals.
Messiness heart of proffesional expertise
Quickly make desicions that are appropriate
to these complex circumstances reflection
on action
active process, internally motivated
process you engage in to understand/make
sense of what is happening. Do as soon as
possible experience
Can generate new knowledge or insight
Response to an experience and results in
No performance criteria
Because your proffesional body tells you to
It can help you to recognise personal values
and belief and gain greater self-awareness,
which than inform your practise
It helps you to identify areas of development
Turning experience into learning so that
learning becomes a lifelong practise
Enabling you to identify and evidence your
learning and be used as portofolio of
personal and proffesional development
Identify a learning experience/critical incident
Find a way to structure/think about this
Find a way to record/articulate the
Develop an active/next step component
Identifying the learning experience starting
point for reflection
Critical incidents
Something exciting, challenge, makes you
feel uncomfortable
Something went well or went bad
Gain the depth of analysis.
Reflection model :
- Kolb Model
- Gibbs Models
1. what happened?
2. what were you thinking and feeling?
3. what was good and bad about the
4. what sense can you make of the situation?
5. what else could you have done?
6. if arose again, what would you do?
Atkins and Murphy :
1. Describe a critical incidents, including thoughts
and feelings, significant moments, key features
2. Identify, whay you should have felt this way?
For how you felt or think of times when this has
happened to you before? How does this link to
your existing knowledge?
3. Can you recall anything you have read that
could account for why you felt as you did?
4. Does this help to explain the experience? Can
you think of alternative ways of thinking or
behaving based on this understanding?
5. what have you learnt from this experience?
Identify any actions you need to take to help
you in future situations
Reflection can be articulated in many forms
Results in portofolio
A quick resume to who you are, a summary to
your experience, evidence that you have
engaged in a continous process of personal
development, where you have identified gaps
in your learning and taken steps to address
For reflection to mean anything, it must result
in some kind of action.
Need to ask : how will this change how I do
things in the future?
Planning, setting realistic objectives, claryfing
what is expected, identifying source, your
attitude, seeking support
PBL incorporates reflection several times
throughout the process and the completion of
problem (what they have learned, how well they
collaborated with the group, how efectively they
directed their learning)

a. Review the group process and their own

personal development
b. Understanding how their learning dan problem
solving skills can be reapplied
c. Relate new knowledge to prior understanding

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