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Primary Secondary
Consolidation Consolidation

Time Dependent

Very Slow;
Due to Expulsion
of Pore Water Take Years

Due to Plastic
Readjustment of
Soil Molecules
Primary Consolidation

Primary Consolidation

The change in volume of the soil caused

by the expulsion of water from the void
and the transfer of load from the excess
porewater pressure to the soil particles
DOC When Settlement is Given

% = 100

U : degree of consolidation
H : ultimate consolidation settlement when degree of
consolidation 100%
h : settlement of soil after time t
DOC When Void Ratio is Given

% = 100
0 100
U : Degree of consolidation
0 : Void ratio at the center of soil at the beginning of consolidation
100 : Void ratio at the center of soil after completion of consolidation
e : Void ratio after time t at the center of soil

At t = 0, e = 0 , U = 0
At t = , e = 100 , U = 100%
Degree of consolidation is
correlation between void
ratio (e) with a certain
compacted layer at t time
and z depth.
DOC When Excess Pore Pressure is Given
% = 100

U : Degree of freedom
0 : initial excess pore pressure at the beginning of test (t = 0)
: excess pore pressure after the time t

At t = 0, 0 = , U = 0
At t = , = 0, U = 100%
DOC When Excess Pore Pressure is Given
Average Degree of Consolidation
The average degree of consolidation for the entire depth of the clay layer at any
time t

1 2 =
() 2 2
2 0
= =1 = 1 2

U : average degree of consolidation

() : settlement of the layer at time t
: ultimate settlement of the layer from primary consolidation

(Braja M. Das)
Average Degree of Consolidation
The values of the time factor and their corresponding average degrees
of consolidation for the case where 0 is the same for the entire depth
of the consolidating layer

% 2
60%, = ( )
4 100

> 60%, = 1.781 0.933 log(100 %)

Average Degree of Consolidation

Variation of average degree of consolidation with time factor, Tv (0 constant with depth)
(Braja M. Das)
Contoh Kasus

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