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Dhathus and Its Functions |

Dr.Franklins Ayurvedic Centre

What is Dhathu?
Body is sustained and maintained by 7

Dhathus are the basic tissues of the body,

structures that make up the body.

Ayurveda distinguishes 7 fundamental tissues

that provides nourishment, development and
structure to the whole body
7 Fundamental Dhathus
1) Rasa - Plasma
2) Raktha - Blood
3) Mamsa - Muscle
4) Meda - Fat
5) Asthi - Bone
6) Majja - Marrow
7) Shukra -
Reproductive tissues
Dhathus and Its Functions
1) Rasa dhathu means fluids like chile, blood plasma, extra
cellular and cellular fluid lymph
~ Main function is nourishment
Influenced by kapha dosha.
2) Raktha dhathu is blood.
~ Main function is revitalization.
Influenced by pitha dosha.
3) Mamsa dhathu is muscle tissue.
~ Main function is to hold the skeleton together.
Influenced by kapha dosha.
4) Medo Dhathu is the fat or adipose tissue.
~ Main function is to lubricate cells and tissues.
Influenced by kapha dosha.

5) Asthi Dhathu is the bone tissue.

~Main function is to provide support to the whole body.
Influenced by vatha dosha

6) Majja Dhathu is the marrow inside the bone, brain and

spinal cord.
~Main function is to fill the bones and the joints.
Influenced by kapha dosha.

7) Shukra dhathu is the male and female

reproductive tissues.
~Main function is to help in reproduction.
It is influenced by kapha dosha.
Ojas gives strength and aura to the body.
Ojas is responsible for the immunity power of
the body.
The Dhathu Formation Process

The formation of 7 dhathu is a cyclic process

in the body.
After the digestion of food, rasa dhathu is
formed first.
The raktha dhathu develops from it.
Each dhathu is thus formed respectively.
Increased Dhathus
Increase in rasa dhathu leads to the weak digestive fire strength,
excessive salivation, laziness, heaviness, increased coldness, white
discoloration of skin, debility in organs, cough, cold, asthma and
increased sleep.

Increase of raktha dhatu leads to the diseases such as herpes,

spreading skin diseases, is eases of the spleen, abscesses, gout,
bleeding diseases, abdominal tumors, jaundice, loss of digestive
strength, fainting, dizziness, red discoloration of skin, eyes and

Increase of mamsa dhathu may cause cervical lymphadenitis,

tumors, increase in size of the cheeks, thighs, abdomen, over
growth of muscles of the neck and other places of the body.
Medo dhathu increase causes fatigue, difficulty
in breathing even after little work, Drooping of
the buttocks, breasts and abdomen.
Asthi dhathu increase may cause overgrowth of
the bones and the formation of extra teeth.
Majja dhathu increase may produce heaviness
of the eyes and the body and increase in the
size of the body joints. It may cause ulcers
which are very difficult to cure.
Shukra dhathu increase may lead to excess
sexual desire and to the formation of seminal
Decreased Dhathus
Reduction of rasa dhathu causes dehydration, malnutrition,
nervousness and dislike to loud sounds. It may cause
narrow-mindedness, palpitations, cardiac pain and
exhaustion even with the slightest exertion.

Reduction of raktha dhathu causes symptoms of anaemia,

roughness, cracks, dullness, and skin Dryness.

Reduction of mamsa dhathu directly causes weakening of

limbs, emaciation of the buttocks, neck and abdomen.

Reduction of medo dhathu causes slimness of the body,

cracking of the joints, exhaustion, sleepy eyes and thinness
of the abdomen.
Reduction of asthi dhathu shows symptoms like
falling of hair of the head, beard, moustaches,
and also the falling of nails and teeth.
Reduction of Majja dhathu may causes emptiness
of bones, slimness, weakness, and lightness of
the bones.
Reduction of shukra dhathu causes general body
weakness, Dryness of mouth, pallor, weariness,
sleepiness, impotency and non-ejaculation of
semen or non-ovulation.
The 7 dhatus are the seven tissues of the body.
These are the structures that make up the body.

When a dosha enters a dhatu, a proper

understanding of the dhatu helps the practitioner
predict the symptoms that will manifest and provides
clues to the best treatment.

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