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1. Perform around 20-30 minutes of
moderately intense physical activity on
most days of the week. It can an
accumulation of minutes for each day.
2. Eat a healthy breakfast everyday.
3. Manage stress effectively.
4. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.
5. Perform simple flexibility exercises
involving all joints of the body.
6. Eat a healthy diet that is rich in whole-wheat
grains, fruits, and vegetables and
is low in saturated and trans fats.
7. Do not use tobacco in any form and avoid
second hand smoke.
8. Maintain your recommended body weight
through adequate nutrition and
9. Have at least one close friend or relative in
whom you can confide in and to
whom you can express your feelings openly.
10. Be aware of your surroundings and take
personal safety measures at all

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