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Fundamentals of Reading Skills

Sir. Enzo
What is Reading?
1. Reading is defined as a cognitive
process that involves decoding
symbols to arrive at meaning.
2. Reading is an active process of
constructing meaning of words.
Reading Process
• The three stages of reading.
1. Pre-reading
2. While-reading
3. Post-reading
Pre- reading
• It aims to induce the readers’
motivation to read and to active their
schema or background knowledge.
• In the while-reading stage, you may
reread the text until you fully
understand its meaning. It includes
getting the meaning of words through
context clues, predicting, inferencing,
monitoring comprehension,
annotating the text and reflecting.
• It is your understanding on the text
you’ve read. This includes reflecting,
summarizing, paraphrasing, drawing
conclusions, making graphic
organizers, and journal writing.
Basic Reading Skills
1. Rapid Reading- aims to locate
specific information or main ideas
in a very short span of time.
a. Skimming
b. Scanning
c. Locating main idea
- It
is a type of quick reading which
aims to get the main idea and to
get an overview of the material. It
focus on the first and last part of
the paragraph; they usually contain
the main idea of the text.
- It is a quick reading strategy
which aims to get the specific
information from a given text.
Locating the main idea
-itinvolves the identification of the
central passage of a reading
selection. The main idea can be
found at the beginning, middle, last
part of the paragraph and it may
also be implied or not directly
2. Previewing
• is a skill wherein a reader looks
over a material and focuses on the
information he/she finds relevant.
It allows the readers to set purpose
and link the content of the material
to their background knowledge.
3. Literal reading
• involves the understanding of ideas
and facts that are directly stated in
the printed materials. It includes
note-taking, paraphrasing and
4. Inferential Reading
• refers to the process of deducting
facts and ideas not directly expressed
in the text. It is also known as
“reading between the lines.”
4. Critical Reading
• refers to the close and thorough
evaluation of the claims in the
text in terms of relevance,
validity and logic.
Types of Reading
• Developmental- to develop the
students’ reading skills.
• Pleasure- to provide enjoyment and
• Functional- designed to help students
learn basic functional reading ability.
• Remedial- aims to correct the effects
of poor teaching and poor learning.
Purpose of Reading text
• to be informed

• to be entertained
• to be inspired

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