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Pathfinder Basic Staff

*Camping & Outdoor Education
*Objective: To develop an awareness of basic
camping and outdoor skills necessary for
outdoor leadership
* Camping – [adj.] of, relating to, being, or displaying camp.
* Outdoor – [adj.] done, used, or located outside a building.
* Education – [noun] the action or process of educating or being
* Educate – [verb] to train by formal instruction & supervised
practice especially in a skill, trade, or profession.

* This is a kind of training that deals with displaying or putting up

a camp outside the house/building.

What is Camping & Outdoor

* 1. Philosophy of camping
* 2. Basic camp planning
* 3. Types of camping
* 4. Basic components of good camping
* 5. Nature Study

This study explains about…

1. Philosophy of Camping
Philosophy of Camping
The real learning takes place in the outdoors.

*A. Recreation in the Open Air. “instructive, recreation, in the

open air, the contemplation of the works of God in nature will
be of the highest benefit”—Message to young people.
Philosophy of camping
*B. Benefits to the individual
*Self-respect and self-confidence
*A pride in one’s ability
*A feeling of at- homeness
*A respect for the dignity of work
*Pride in good health and physical fitness
*A new and more realistic sense of values
* A feeling of community.
Philosophy of Camping
*C. Benefits of camping Activities.
*Developing lifetime hobbies/vocation
*Encourage one to try to improve one’s
*Having just plain fun
*Developing a wholesome curiosity
* Balance work, play, rest
* Wise use of leisure time
* Enjoy simple pastimes
* Appreciation for serious programs
*Some Quotations:
The more quiet and simple the life of the child
-the more free from artificial excitement and
the more in harmony with nature,- the more
favorable it is to physical and mental vigor and
to spiritual strength.”

- education, p.100-101
Philosophy of Camping
*D. Spiritual Values in Camping
*Closeness to Nature
*Experience of harmony and order
*God’s great creativity
*Cooperative fellowship
* Four points of Philosophy of Camping

* A. Recreation in the open air

* B. Benefits to the Individual
* C. Benefits of Camping Activities
* D. Spiritual Values in Camping
2. Basic Camp Planning
*Look at factors that relate to individuals, unit , and
club planning:

* 1. Planning a campout
* 2. Program planning
* 3. Guidelines for a good campout
* 4. Basic hiking List
* 5. Country Code

Basic Camp Planning

*1. Planning a Camp:
*Pathfinder committee
*Notify church Notify parents
*Club plan Unit plan Program Site plan Permission

Basic Camp Planning

*a. Club Planning:
*1- Go for a reason
*2- Transportation
*3- Tents
*4- General gear
*5- First-aid kit
*6- Camp personnel
*7- Food
* 8- Plan meeting around a theme

Basic Camp Planning

*b. Unit and Individual Planing
*1- Menu
*2-Correct wearing apparel
*3-Sleeping bag and ground cover
*4-Personal first-aid kit
*5-Backpack packed properly
*6-Cooking utensil
* 7-Arrange items for campfire
* 8-Chaplain’s duties

Basic Camp Planning

*2. Program Planning

*Make already a printed program or a list of timed schedules

ahead of time prior to actual camping days.

Basic Camp Planning

*3. Guidelines for a Good Campout
*Insist on absolute consideration for the other person
*Everyone will take part in all activities
*Campers and staff recognize that God is with us
What to bring
Hiking clothe, change of clothing
Food as listed, eating and cooking gear
Sleeping bag, ground cover, compass,
Bible, notebook, pen, first-aid kit
Personal toiletries
Cooking arrangements
*Most easily done on a portable stove
*Cook in pairs or by unit but campers should pack own
On the go
a- Time your hiking to arrive at suitable campsites
Easy going 4.8 km/hr
Easy scrambling 3 km/hr
Rough country 1.6 km/hr
For every hour over five hours allow one hour
for fatigue.

Basic Camp Planning

When you come back
*A- Sort out your pack into:
* (1) What you actually used
* (2) What you could used from your observations
* (3) What you know you will never use ( discard it)
B-Next time look after the ounces and the pounds will
look after themselves
C- Be thankful
D- The benefits of such an experience will be felt long
after the scars have
Check out the website www,

Basic Camp Planning

* 4. Basic Hiking List

* Food
* Clothings
* Personal ex. Bible, pen, notebook, pocket money
* friendliness
* 5. Country Code

* Contact the local police station if undertaking an expedition in

unopulated areas or for lengthy period of time

* Ask permission to use private property before expedition

*A Good Pathfinder Will

*Be conservation-minded
*Be careful with fire
*Be clean in the out-of-doors
*Be considerate of property

Basic Camp Planning

* Factors are related to Basic Camp Planning :
* 1. Planning a campout
* 2. Program planning
* 3. Guidelines for a good campout
* 4. Basic hiking List
* 5. Country Code
3. Types of Camping
a- Site camps---”Static”
- steady in one place or location

b- Traveling camps
- moving from one place to another

Example of Site Camps:

- Family Retreat Camp

- Pathfinder/Masterguide Camporee

* Make sure there is a purpose in any campout

*Examples of Travel Camps
* Hiking Camps Mini-bus Safari
* Canoe Camps Car Safari
* Bicycle Camps Bus tour
* Ski Camps

* Before undertaking any travel campout

make sure that a reconnaissance trip has been


* A. Site Camps
* B. Traveling Camps
4. Basic Components of Good
* a. Select a site
* b. Water Supply
* c. Firewood
* d. Sanitation
* e. Camps and Shelters
* f. Fire Building
* g. Outpost Cooking

Basic Components of Good


* High, dry ground is paramount importance,

* Careful consideration of natural drainage ex. Rivers
* Avoid gullies, or dry stream beds

Basic Components of Good

* You can bring your own water
* Not every springs are safe to drink
* Running water sometimes are polluted
* Stagnant water sometimes are safe for the disease germs die out on
* Wells which are constantly used are safe for drinking
* Boiling the water destroy disease germs

*Basic Components of Good


* It is well to know what sorts of wood, native to your are

* Most satisfactory for cooking & night fires

Basic Components of Good


* Latrine [improvised toilet] must be far enough away that it cannot

make your camping spot unpleasant, and yet close enough to be

* Satisfy yourself that your water supply is absolutely protected.

Basic Components of Good


* Determine whether you need shelter from rain, cold, heat,

sunshine or insects, or a combination of several of them, & plan
* Don’t pitch under/near a dead tree as limb may fall.
* Don’t pitch base on steep slope or cliff there may be landside.
* Avoid dry stream beds which might be flooded for sudden storm.

Basic Components of Good

* Five main survival use of fire;
* Keeping warm
* Cooking food
* Purifying water
* Drying staffs
* Signaling for help
* 1.) Fireplaces
* Best places to light a fire is on a bare ground
* Good places to light a fires are against rocks & boulders, on sand, and
near water edge.
* 2.) Firewood & Kindling
* Best firewood is dry standing wood & dead branches
* Bolo & Axe are important for cutting wood
* Softwood is easier to light
* Hardwoods are slowly to burn & ideal for camp fire that last all night.
* 3.) Light a fire
* Four steps in lighting a fire;
* Start a flame or spark
* Apply it to tinder [very tiny piece of wood or anything that easily flamed]
* Use the tinder to ignite kindling [bigger piece of wood than tinder]
* The kindling to set log [biggest piece of wood]
* 4.) Start a fire
* Easiest way to start a fire is with a match or cigarette lighter.
* Tinder is highly flammable material used to catch a flame.
* Magnefying lens - the concentrated rays of sunlight through any convex
lens [cameras, telescopes or binoculars] with 50mm or more diameter
can create fire.
* Flint or Steel – flint [type of stone that produces spark], steel [hard
material made up of iron & carbon].
* You may create fire by bringing the steel down to the side of the flint &
allowing the spark to fall into the nest of dry or fibrous tinder, then
nursing the flame by blowing or fanning.
* Friction – it involves rubbing wood together to spark which
ignites punk [wood powder produced by friction of wood against
wood which will produce spark].
* Example: making fire through bamboo
* 5.) Types of Fire
* a. Stone or Green logged [fresh wood] fireguard style
- Usually done for cooking
* b. Fork stick style
- The base of fork stick is supported by log and hold down by a stone
- The container is hung over the fire from the fork.
* c. camp fire style #
- The woods are arrange in hashtag sign or sharp sign look. #
* d. lazy man’s camp fire +
- The woods are arrange like street intersection. +
6.) Extinguishing Fire
* You throw water on fire to stop hissing
* cover it thickly with earth
* DO,s & Don’ts of Fire Making
-Do clear a circle of one meter radius for your fireplace.
-Don’t light fire on grassy land
* g. Outpost Cooking
* 1. Baking
* Camp bread making, [ingredients. Flour, sugar, margarine, water, cooking oil]
* Use bamboo stick to attach the dough [uncooked or raw form of bread]
* 2. Boiling
* Ex. Boiling egg inside the plastic bag.
* Put cooking oil on the outer surface of plastic bag to avoid fire consumption
* 3. Frying
* Ex. Fried egg on box-formed paper
* Put cooking oil on the surface of the box-formed paper to avoid fire
5. Nature Study
* a. Importance of the Nature Study
* b. Thoughts from the Spirit of Prophecy on Nature Study
* c. Objectives of Nature Study
* d. Nature Games Suitable for Sabbath
* e. Some Nature Study Methods
* f. Pointers on Leading a Nature Field Trip
* g. Notes on Running a Nature Walk
* h. Making Nature hikes Interesting to Pathfinders

Nature Study
* a. The Importance of Nature Study
* “…through the creation we are to become acquainted with the
Creator. The book of nature is great lesson book….In these lessons
direct from nature, there is simplicity and purity that makes them
of the highest value.”
- [Christ’s Object Lesson, p. 24].
* b. Thoughts from the Spirit of Prophecy on Nature Study
* “In His teaching from nature, Christ was speaking of the things
which His own hand had made, and which had qualities and powers
that He Himself had imparted. In their original perfection all
created things were an expression of thought of God....The is now
marred & defiled by sin. Yet even in its blighted state much that is
beautiful remains. God’s object lessons are not obliterated; rightly
understood, nature speaks of her Creator....”
- [Christ’s Object Lesson, p. 18].
* c. Objectives of Nature Study
* To help the Pathfinders to develop inquiring minds, powers of
accurate observation, and soundness of inference; to help them to
discover the meaning of what they see, and to derive pleasure not
only from the search, but from the resulting discoveries.

* To develop character. “They need to be brought into close contact

with nature….Thus the mental powers will be strengthened, the
character developed, the whole life ennobled” [COL, p. 25]
* d. Nature Games Suitable for Sabbath
* 1. Sabbath Song Nature Hike
* Ex. Divide into groups & look for nature items reminds of hymns/chorus
* 2. Variation
* song leader point out the nature items & sing the song suggested by it
* 3. Sabbath Bible Nature Hike
* Compare Bible text & objects in nature that brought the text to mind
* 4. Creation Week
* Collect specimen that were created on the day of Creation they are
* Nature Identification
* Take specimen & match it to plant, tree, shrub, et. From which it came.

* Nature Matching Game

* Expert’ Identification & discussion of the materials taken from nature
* e. Some Nature Study Methods
* All nature study should be an adventure
* There must be an element of thrill of discovery in it
* Practical observation, investigation, or experimentation should be
* f. Pointers on Leading Field Trip
* 1) Why Have a Field Trip
* To promote love of God through nature
* 2) Before the Trip
* Know the area & route thoroughly
* 3) Conducting Trip
* Begin on time
* 4) After the Trip
* Show photos or videos taken on the trip
* Notes on Running a Nature Walk
* 1) Decide on the area of study.
* 2) Determine the best are & time of the day for this particular study.
* 3) Visit the area of intended study before walk.
* h. Making Nature Hikes Interesting to Pathfinders
* The golden rule for making nature hikes interesting is to have an
* Ex. Have a hunting party, -- (Cameras instead of guns).
* Photograph natural objects & have an exhibition later w/ prize for the best photo

1. Philosophy of camping
2. Basic camp planning
3. Types of camping
4. Basic components of good camping
5. Nature Study

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