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for our online sessions

Hello and Good-bye!
At the beginning of the session:
Hi, teacher.
Hello, everybody/classmates.
I’m sorry I’m late.

At the end of the session:

• See you next class.
• Have a great day, everyone!
I have a question.
What does “early” mean? (definition)
How do you pronounce “early”?
How do you say “tarde” in English?

• I don’t know.
• I don’t understand.
• Can you repeat the instructions?
Technical issues
Can you hear me?
Can you see me? I can’t hear you.
I can’t see you.

microphone/ca I have problems
mera isn’t with my
working. connection.
Group activities

Let’s go to the breakout rooms.

Take a screenshot.
Turn on your microphone and camera.
You have 10 minutes for the activity.
We are back in the main room.
Group activities

Let’s start!
Who wants
to go first?

It’s my turn. /
I’m next. It’s your turn. /
You’re next.
¿Qué podemos decir cuando…?

no conocemos la necesitamos que

ingresamos a la
respuesta a una se repita la
pregunta. explicación.

queremos verificar queremos indicar

vamos a iniciar la
nuestro micrófono el turno de un
actividad grupal.
y cámara. compañero.
Well do

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