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Hydraulic Machinery


check the direction of angular velocity and then understand the classification of blades as
backward, forward and radial. (page 821 of Fluid Mechanics by Douglas)
Problem : 22.1
• A centrifugal fan delivering 2m3/s of air (density=1.2kg/m3) runs at 960 rev/min.
the impeller outer diameter is 70 cm and the inner diameter is 48 cm. the
impeller width at inlet is 16 cm and is designed for constant radial flow velocity.
The blades are backward inclined making angles of β1=22.5 ° and β2= 50° with the
tangents at inlet and outlet, respectively. Draw the inlet and outlet velocity
triangles and determine theoretical head produced by the impeller
1. Draw velocity triangles using angles given.
2. Find Vf1=Q/A1, where A1 is 2πr1b1
3. Find u2 = ωr2 , after converting ω in rad/sec
4. Find theoretical head, E using the above equation and
considering Vf2=Vf1 , as given in the question statement.
Problem : 22.2
• A centrifugal pump delivers 0.3 m3 s−1 of water at 1400 rev min−1. The total
effective head is 20 m. The impeller is 30 cm in diameter and 32 mm wide at exit,
and is designed for constant velocity of flow. Both the suction and delivery pipes
have the same bore. Calculate the following vane angles:
• (a) for the impeller vanes at exit;
• (b) for entry to the stationary guide vanes surrounding the impeller.
Problem : 22.2
• A centrifugal pump delivers 0.3 m3 s−1 of water at 1400 rev min−1. The total
effective head is 20 m. The impeller is 30 cm in diameter and 32 mm wide at exit,
and is designed for constant velocity of flow. Both the suction and delivery pipes
have the same bore. Calculate the following vane angles:
• (a) for the impeller vanes at exit;
• (b) for entry to the stationary guide vanes surrounding the impeller.
Problem : 22.3
• A centrifugal fan supplies air at a rate of 4.5m3 s−1 and total head of 100 mm of
water. The outer diameter of the impeller is 50 cm and the outer width is 18 cm.
The blades are backward inclined and of negligible thickness. If the fan runs at
1800 rev min−1 and assuming that the conversion of velocity head to pressure
head in the volute is counterbalanced by the friction losses there and in the runner,
determine the blade angle at outlet. Assume zero whirl at inlet and take air density
as 1.23 kgm−3.
1. Find velocity of flow (absolute velocity), Vf=V1. Q is given.
2. Find Vf2 using continuity equation ( Q=2πr2b2Vf2)
3. Find tangential velocity of impeller
4. Convert Euler’s head E in terms of water, to in terms of, equivalent height of air.
5. Use to find at at tip and hub.
Problem : 22.4
• When working at its best efficiency point, the blading at the mean radius, equal to
300 mm, of an axial flow pump deflects a stream approaching it at a relative angle
of 60° to the axis through 15°, so that the water leaves it at a relative angle of 45°.
Assuming that the water approaches it axially, and that the velocity of flow remains
constant, draw the inlet and outlet velocity triangles under these conditions for a
rotational speed of 600 rev min−1 and calculate the theoretical total head rise
through the impeller.
Problem : 22.5
• An axial flow pump operates at 500 rev min−1. The outer diameter of the impeller is
750 mm and the hub diameter is 400 mm. At the mean blade radius, the inlet blade
angle is 12° and the outlet blade angle is 15°, both measured with respect to the
plane of impeller rotation. Sketch the corresponding velocity diagrams at inlet and
outlet and estimate from them (a) the head generated by the pump, (b) the rate of
flow through the pump, (c) the shaft power consumed by the pump. Assume
hydraulic efficiency of 87 per cent and overall efficiency of 70 per cent.

Problem : 22.5
• An axial flow pump operates at 500 rev min−1. The outer diameter of the impeller is
750 mm and the hub diameter is 400 mm. At the mean blade radius, the inlet blade
angle is 12° and the outlet blade angle is 15°, both measured with respect to the
plane of impeller rotation. Sketch the corresponding velocity diagrams at inlet and
outlet and estimate from them (a) the head generated by the pump, (b) the rate of
flow through the pump, (c) the shaft power consumed by the pump. Assume
hydraulic efficiency of 87 per cent and overall efficiency of 70 per cent.


Problem : 22.5
• An axial flow pump operates at 500 rev min−1. The outer diameter of the impeller is
750 mm and the hub diameter is 400 mm. At the mean blade radius, the inlet blade
angle is 12° and the outlet blade angle is 15°, both measured with respect to the
plane of impeller rotation. Sketch the corresponding velocity diagrams at inlet and
outlet and estimate from them (a) the head generated by the pump, (b) the rate of
flow through the pump, (c) the shaft power consumed by the pump. Assume
hydraulic efficiency of 87 per cent and overall efficiency of 70 per cent.



Hydraulic Efficiency= H/Hth

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