Wilmar Group Indonesia: 7S Audit Guide Meeting

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7S Audit Guide Meeting

28 October 2020
7S Audit Mechanism

• Media: Zoom Meeting (meeting will be recorded) + Whatsapp group

• Auditors: Alfi, Jocelyn
• Goal: For 7S to be implemented consistently in all of Wilmar Group Indonesia QC Labs
• Participant to enter zoom meeting room at least 10 minutes before audit starts
• 7S Audit Score will be accounted to 6S implementation score in KPI Form 2020 (point 5)
No Area Matrix Evaluation UoM Target Bobot (%) Actual
5.2 6S Implementation
The final assessment of the implementation of 6S
5 Improvements program based on the result of the annual % min 80 10  
7S Criteria
7S Audit Scoring System
No Criteria Score Allocation

S1.1 The place doesn't have unnecessary items / obsolete documents. 5

Tidak ada barang / dokumen yang tidak diperlukan di tempat kerja.

S1.2 Items are positioned based on their usage frequency. 5

Barang-barang ditempatkan sesuai dengan seberapa sering menggunakannya.


Things are arranged ergonomically, with good labelling, ease of extraction and return.
S2.1 Barang-barang diatur dengan memperhatikan ergonomic, penamaan yang jelas, mudah untuk 5
pengambilan dan pengembalian.

There are clear indications of max and min stock quantities.

S2.2 Identitas yang jelas untuk jumlah maksimum dan minimum. 5

All buletins and announcements are updated and orderly.

S2.3 5
Semua buletin dan pengumuman ter-update dan teratur.
7S Audit Scoring System
No Criteria Score Allocation


S3.1 The whole workspace is kept clean. 5

Area kerja terjaga kebersihannya.

S3.2 The floors is always clean and shining to help identify leaks or problems. 5
Lantai selalu terjaga kebersihannya untuk membantu apabila ada indikasi kebocoran atau masalah.

S3.3 Lab apparatus are kept clean at all times. 5

Alat-alat lab selalu terjaga kebersihannya setiap saat.

There is laboratory layout in area.
S4.1 Ada layout laboratorium di area. 5

There is routine 6S activity schedule for S1, S2 and S3.

S4.2 Ada jadwal untuk melakukan klausul S1, S2, S3 dalam aktivitas 6S. 5

S4.3 Visual guideline available to maintain S1, S2 and S3. 5

Ada visual guideline untuk menjaga S1, S2 dan S3.

S4.1 There is laboratory layout in area. 5

Ada layout laboratorium di area.
7S Audit Scoring System
No Criteria Score Allocation
Each 6S areas are well-maintained corresponding to 6S roll-out schedule and mapping.
S5.1 Setiap area 6S terjaga dengan baik dalam mapping dan pelaksanaannya. 5

S5.2 All 6S audit findings are posted in the visual management board (VMB). 5
Semua hasil temuan audit 6S dicantumkan di VMB.
Workers respect and observe safety rules. There are no safety hazards.
S6.1 Karyawan melaksanakan dan mematuhi peraturan-peraturan safety. Tidak ada resiko kecelakaan kerja. 5

S6.2 There is safety sign in area. 5

Ada safety sign di area.
There is routine inspection for fire hoses (if any), fire extinguishers and other emergency equipments by
S6.3 HSE team. 5
Ada pemeriksaan rutin untuk selang kebakaran, APAR dan peralatan darurat lainnya oleh tim HSE.


There is a sprit to do continuous improvement (6S scope).

S7.1 Ada semangat untuk melakukan perbaikan berkelanjutan (6S scope). 5

Total 85
7S Audit Schedule
7S Audit Flow

Audit Session,
Opening Closing Preparation Closing
use zoom by phone
(10 minutes) (40 minutes) (40 minutes)
(2 hours 30 minutes)

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