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T. gondii was first demonstrated in 1908
• In a laboratory rodent, the North African gondi
i.e. Ctenodactylus gundi

• by Nicolle & Marceaux in Southern Tunisia.

The name toxo derived From Greek

• meaning –arc

• Based on the characteristic shape of the organism.

Toxoplasmosis shows a worldwide distribution .

T. gondii infects a wide range of mammals & birds.

Hot, dry climates have a lower incidence of

toxoplasmosis than temperate, moist climates
prevalence may approach 90% in moist region

Not exceed 20% rates in hot & dry regions

Infectious agent
Toxoplasma gondii

• Members of the phylum Apicomplexa

• Class Sporozoa, subclass Coccidia

• An obligate intracellular sporozoan.

• Sole species
The major morphologic forms of the parasite
I. Oocyst
II. Trophozoite
III. Tissue cyst
Mode of Transmission
 Via Oral route Transmission

• Ingestion of sporulated oocysts in cat feces, food, drink

• Ingestion of tissue cysts in under cooked meat

via Blood or Organs Transmission

• Blood transfusion & laboratory accidents

• Organ transplantation

• Via Transplacental Transmission

Life cycle of T.gondii
Its life cycle includes two phases
A.Intestinal (or enteroepithelial) phases
B.extra intestinal phases
A. Intestinal (or enteroepithelial) phases
The intestinal phase occurs in cats only

Members of the cat family (Felidae) is definitive hosts

the only known definitive hosts for the sexual stages of T. gondii

produces "oocysts.“
B. Extra intestinal phases
 Occurs in all infected animals (including cats)
 Man & other animals is the intermidiate host
 produces "tachyzoites" &, eventually,
"bradyzoites" or "zoitocysts." 
Clinical manifestations
 Majority of patients with T. gondii is
 Clinical manifestations vary with the type of host
 Grouped into different syndromes :-
• Acute acquired toxoplasmosis
• Toxoplasmic Encephalitis
• Congenital Toxoplasmosis
• Ocular toxoplasmosis
Girl with hydrocephalus due to congenital toxoplasmosis
Lab Diagnosis
The diagnosis may be established by a variety of methods.


Specimen-biopsy (histopathologic specimens)

Method-Giemsa-stained preparations
crescent-shaped trophozoites during acute infections

Cysts may be seen in the tissue

Isolation of the organism
 By inoculating blood or other body fluids into
mice or tissue cultures

Serological test
Serologic procedures are the primary method of diagnosis
indirect hemagglutinationtest
indirect fluorescent antibody test
enzyme immunoassays (EIA)
Immunocompromised & pregnant women
 treated if acute infection is documented
 commonly used therapeutic regimen is
 combination of pyrimethamine and sulfonamides
Atovaquone possesses activity against both
tachyzoites & cysts.

Prevention and Control of Toxoplasmosis ?

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