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Objectives: SEQUENCE
At the end of the lesson, you should be
able to illustrates an arithmetic sequence.
1. find the common difference in an
arithmetic sequence;
2. find the nth term of an arithmetic
Sequence; and
3. find the arithmetic means.
Important words and their meaning:

1. Arithmetic Sequence
2. Common Difference
3. Arithmetic Means
Important words and their meaning:
1. Arithmetic Sequence – a sequence where
each term after the first is obtained by adding
the same constant.
2. Common Difference – a constant added to each
term of an arithmetic sequence to obtain the next
term of the sequence.
3. Arithmetic Means – terms m1, m2, …mk
between two numbers a and b such that a, m1,
m2, …mk, b is an arithmetic sequence.
Instruction: Read each item carefully then choose the letter
of your answer among the options. Write only the letter in
your answer sheet.
1. What is the common difference of the sequence 3, 7,
11, 15,19 ?
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
2. What is the next term of the sequence 4 , 1, -2, -5?
A. 8 B. -8 C. 7 D. -7
3. Which of the following is an arithmetic sequence?
A. 4, 1, -2, -5, -8 B. 4, -12, 36, -108
C. 1 3 , 1 9 , 127 , 1 81 D. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
4. Find p so that the numbers 7p + 2, 5p + 12,2p – 1, form
an arithmetic sequence? A. -8 B. -5 C. -13 D. -23
5. If three arithmetic means are inserted between 11 and
39, find the second arithmetic mean?
A. 18 B. 25 C. 32 D. 46
PRE-TEST Answer Key
1. A 4. Find p so that the numbers 7p + 2, 5p + 12,2p – 1,
form an arithmetic sequence?

(5p + 12) – (7p + 2) = (2p – 1) – (5p + 12)

2. B (5p + 12) – 7p – 2
5p – 7p + 12 – 2
= (2p – 1) – 5p - 12
= 2p – 5p - 12 – 1

3. A -2p + 3p
= -12 – 1 – 12 + 2
= -23

4. D
5. B
Arithmetic Sequence
Arithmetic Sequence is a sequence
where every term after the first is
obtained by adding a constant called
the common difference.

Arithmetic sequence can be a finite (1,

2, 3,…n) or infinite sequence (1, 2, 3,..).
Example1. : 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 is a finite
arithmetic sequence
3 is the first term denoted by a1
7 is the second term denoted by a2
11 is the third term denoted by a3
15 is the fourth term denoted by a4
19 is the fifth and last term denoted by a5 but
since it is the last term it is also an.
To find the common difference (d) in an
arithmetic sequence, just subtract 1st term
from the 2nd term or 2nd term from the 3rd
term or subtract two succeeding terms.
Example 2: Consider the arithmetic sequence, 4, 7,
10, 13, 16, 19. Find the common difference.
a2 – a1 = d or a5 – a4 = d
7-4=3  16-13 = 3

or a3 – a2 = d or a6 – a5 = d
10 - 7 = 3 19-16 = 3.

or a4 – a3 = d So the common
difference (d) = 3.
13-10 = 3
Example 3: Consider the arithmetic sequence,
15, 11, 7, 3, the common difference (d) is __.
a2 – a1 = d or a4 – a3 = d
11 -15 = -4 3 - 7 = -4.

or a3 – a2 = d So the common
7 - 11 = -4 difference (d) = -4.
Example 4. Given: 7p + 2, 5p + 12, 2p – 1 as an arithmetic sequence what is p?
What is the common difference?
To find p: (5p+12) - (7p+2) = (2p-1) - (5p+12)
(5p-7p) +(12-2) = (2p-5p) + (-1-12)
(-2p) + (10) = (-3p) + (-13) .
-2p+3p = -13 - 10
P = -23
From the given: a1 = 7p + 2 a2 = 5p + 12 a3 = 2p – 1
By substitution: a1 = 7(-23) + 2 = -161 + 2 = -159
a2 = 5(-23) + 12 = -115 +12 = -103
a3 = 2(-23) – 1 = -46-1 = -47
Hence the arithmetic sequence is -159, -103, -47
The common difference is 56.
(-103) – (-159) = 56

(-47) – (-103) = 56
General or nth Term of Arithmetic
Arithmetic Sequence can be expressed as an
equation (rule)
Arithmetic Sequence general rule is
an = a1 + (n-1)d
Where: a1 = 1st term
n = number of terms
d = common difference
an = last term
Example1. Given the arithmetic sequence 4, 9 14, 19, 24,29… Find the arithmetic sequence

rule.Solution: a = 4 ; d=5 an = a1 + (n-1 ) d - general rule


By substitution: an = 4 + (n-1)5
an = 4 + 5n - 5
an = 5n - 1 - arithmetic sequence rule
To check: an = 4 + (n-1)5
a1 = 4 + (1-1)5
a1 = 4 + (0)5
✓ a1 = 4
an = 4 + (n-1)5
a2 = 4 + (2-1)5
a2 = 4 + (1)5
a2 = 4 + 5
✓ a2 = 9
Example 2. Given the arithmetic sequence 15, 0, -15, -30, -45… Find the
arithmetic sequence rule.
Solution: a1 = 15 d = -15 an = a1 + (n-1 ) d - general rule
By substitution: an = 15 + (n-1) (-15)
an = 15 - 15n + 15
an = -15n + 30 - specific arithmetic sequence rule
To check: an = -15n + 30 a1 = -15(1) + 30
a1 = -15 + 30
✓ a1 = 15

a2 = -15(2) + 30 a3 = -15(3) + 30
a2 = -15(2) + 30 a3 = -15(3) + 30
a3 = -45 + 30
a2 = -30 + 30
✓ a3 = -15
✓ a2 = 0
Finding the Arithmetic Means

Arithmetic Means – terms m1,

m2, …mk between two
numbers a and b such that a,
m1, m2, …mk, b is an arithmetic
Example 1. Insert the missing term from the
arithmetic sequence, 5, 11, 17, ____, 29.

Solution: 1. Get the common difference,

d= 11- 5 = 6 or 17-11= 6; d=6

2. Add 6 to 17; 17 + 6 = 23

3. The missing term is 23.

Example 2. Insert 3 arithmetic means between 6 and
Solution Given: a1 = 6, an = 54, n=5
Required: m1 , m2, m3
Substitute to the general form to get common
difference: an = a1 + (n-1) d

54 = 6+ (5-1) d
54 = 6 + 4d
48 = 4d
12 = d
Find the arithmetic means using the common
m1 = a1 + d m1 = 6 + 12 m1 = 18
m2 = a1 + 2d m2 = 6 + 2(12) m2 = 6 + 24 m2 = 30
m = 6 + 3(12) m 3 = 6 + 36 m3 = 42
m3 = a1 +3d 3

The 3 arithmetic means are 18, 30, 42

Hence, the arithmetic sequence is 6, 18, 30, 42, 54.


1. Give the first four terms of the arithmetic sequence

for which the first term is 9 and the common difference
is 7? a1= 9 d = 7

a2= 9+7=16
Therefore, the first four
a3=16+7=23 terms of a sequence for
a4= 23+7= 30 which the first term is 9 and
the common difference is 7
are 9, 16, 23, 30.
2. What is the 8th term in the given sequence 3, 10, 17,
Since the common difference d is 10-3 = 7, n=8 and the
first term is 3, by substitution,
an= a1 +(n-1)d
a8= 3 +(8-1)7
Therefore, the 8th term
a8= 3 +(7)7
is 52.
a8= 3 +49 = 52
Task A. Determine the common difference of each given
1. 35, 32, 29, 26, ... _____
2. −3, −23, −43, −63, ... _____
3. −34, −64, −94, −124, ... _____
4. −30, −40, −50, −60, ... _____
5. −7, −9, −11, −13, ... _____
Task A. Determine the common difference of each given

1. 35, 32, 29, 26, ... 2. −3, −23, −43, −63, ...

32 - 35 = -3 - 23 – (-3) = -23 + 3 = -20

29 -32 = -3 - 43 – (-23) = -43 + 23 = -20
26 - 29= -3 - 63 – (-43) = -63 + 43 = -20

Common difference = -3 Common difference = - 20

Task A. Determine the common difference of each given

3. −34, −64, −94, 4. −30, −40, −50, −60, ...

−124, ...
- 64 – (-34) = -30 - 40 – (-30) = -40 + 30 = -10
- 94 – (-64) = -30 - 50 – (-40) = -50 + 40= -10
- 124 – (-94) = -30 - 60 – (-50) = -60 + 50 = -10

Common difference = -30 Common difference = - 10

Task A. Determine the common difference of each given

5. −7, −9, −11, −13, ...

- 9 – (-7) = -2
- 11 – (-9) = -2
- 13 – (-11) = -2

Common difference = -2
Task B. Give the next four terms on the given sequence in Task A.

1. 35, 32, 29, 26, ... _____, _____, _____, _____

2. −3, −23, −43, −63, ... _____, _____, _____, _____

3. −34, −64, −94, −124, ... _____, _____, _____, _____

4. −30, −40, −50, −60, ... _____, _____, _____, _____

5. −7, −9, −11, −13, ... _____, _____, _____, _____

Task B. Give the next four terms on the given sequence in
Task A.
1. 35, 32, 29, 26, ... 2. −3, −23, −43, −63, ...

26 + (-3) = 26 – 3 = 23 -63 + (-20) = -63 - 20 = -83

23 + (-3) = 23 – 3 = 20 -83 + (-20) = -83 - 20 = -103
20 + (-3) = 20 – 3 = 17 -103 + (-20) = -103 - 20 = -123
17 + (-3) = 17 – 3 = 14 -123 + (-20) = -123 - 20 = -143
Common difference = -3 Common difference = -20
23, 20, 17, 14 -83,-103,-123,-143
Task B. Give the next four terms on the given sequence in
Task A.
3. −34, −64, −94, −124, ... 4. −30, −40, −50, −60, ...

-124 + (-30) = -124-30 =-154 -60 + (-10) = -60 - 10 = -70

-154+ (-30) = -154 – 30 =-184 -70 + (-10) = -70 - 10 = -80

-184 + (-30) =-184 – 30 =-214 -80 + (-10) = -80 - 10 = -90
-214 + (-30) = -214 – 30 =-244 -90 + (-10) = -90 - 10 = -100
Common difference = -30 Common difference = -10
-154, -184, -214, -244 -70,-80,-90,-100
Task B. Give the next four terms on the given sequence in
Task A.
5. −7, −9, −11, −13, ...

-13 + (-2) = -13 - 2 = -15

-15 + (-2) = -15 - 2 = -17 -15,-17,-19,-21
-17 + (-2) = -17 - 2 = -19
-19 + (-2) = -19 - 2 = -21
Common difference = -2
Task C. Given the first term and the common
difference of an arithmetic sequence find the next five
1. a1= 9, d= 8 _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

2. a1= -34, d= -10 _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

3. a1= -38, d= -67 _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

4. a1= 35, d= 2 _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

5. a1= 11, d= 16 _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Task C. Given the first term and the common difference of an
arithmetic sequence find the next five terms.
1. a1= 9, d= 8 17, 25, 33, 41, 49
an = a1 + (n -1) d
a2 = 9 + (2 -1) 8 = 9+(1)8= 9+8=17 a2 = 9+8=17
a3 = 9 + (3 -1) 8 = 9+(2)8 = 9+16=25 a3 = 17+8=25
a4 = 9 + (4 -1) 8 = 9+(3)8 = 9+24=33 or a4 = 25+8=33
a5 = 9 + (5 -1) 8 = 9+(4)8 = 9+32=41 a5 = 33+8=41
a6 = 41+8=49
a6 = 9 + (6 -1) 8 = 9+(5)8 = 9+40=49
Task C. Given the first term and the common difference of an
arithmetic sequence find the next five terms.
2. a1= -34, d= -10 -44,-54,-64,-74,-84
an = a1 + (n -1) d
a2 = -34 + (2 -1) (-10) = -34+(1)(-10)= -34 - 10 = -44 a2 = - 34 – 10 = -44
a3 = -34 + (3 -1) (-10) = -34+(2)(-10)= -34 - 20= -54 a3 = - 44 – 10 = -54
a4 = -34 + (4 -1) (-10) = -34+(3)(-10)= -34 - 30 = -64 or a4 = - 54 – 10 = -64
a5 = -34 + (5 -1) (-10) = -34+(4)(-10)= -34 - 40 = -74 a5 = - 64 – 10 = -74
a6 = -34 + (6 -1) (-10) = -34+(5)(-10)= -34 - 50 = -84 a6 = - 74 – 10 = -84
Task C. Given the first term and the common difference of an
arithmetic sequence find the next five terms.
3. a1= -38, d= -67 -105,-172,-239,-306,-373
an = a1 + (n -1) d
a2 = -38 + (2 -1) (-67) = -38 +(1) (-67) = -38 - 67 = -105 a2 = -38 –67 = -105

a3 = -38 + (3 -1) (-67) = -38 +(2) (-67) = -38 - 134 = -172 a3 = -105 –67= -172
a4 = -38 + (4 -1) (-67) = -38 +(3) (-67) = -38 - 201 = -239 or a4 = - 172 –67= -239
a5 = -38 + (5 -1) (-67) = -38 +(4) (-67) = -38 - 268 = -306 a5 = - 239 –67= -306
a6 = -38 + (6 -1) (-67) = -38 +(5) (-67) = -38 - 335 = -373 a6 = - 306 –67= -373
Task C. Given the first term and the common difference of an
arithmetic sequence find the next five terms.
4. a1= 35, d= 2 37,39,41,43,45
an = a1 + (n -1) d
a2 = 35+ (2 -1) 2 = 35+(1) 2= 35+2= 37 a2 = 35+2=37

a3 = 35+ (3 -1) 2 = 35+(2) 2= 35+4= 39 a3 = 37+2=39

a4 = 35+ (4 -1) 2 = 35+(3) 2= 35+6= 41 a4 = 39+2=41
a5 = 35+ (5 -1) 2 = 35+(4) 2= 35+8= 43 a5 = 41+2=43
a6 = 35+ (6 -1) 2 = 35+(5) 2= 35+10= 45 a6 = 43+2=45
Task C. Given the first term and the common difference of an
arithmetic sequence find the next five terms.
5. a1= 11, d= 16 27,43,59,75,91
an = a1 + (n -1) d
a2 = 11+ (2 -1) 16 = 11+(1) 16= 11+16=27 a2 = 11+16=27

a3 = 11+ (3 -1) 16 = 11+(2) 16= 11+32=43 a3 = 27+16=43

a4 = 11+ (4 -1) 16 = 11+(3) 16= 11+48=59 a4 = 43+16=59
a5 = 11+ (5 -1) 16 = 11+(4) 16= 11+64=75 a5 = 59+16=75
a6 = 11+ (6 -1) 16 = 11+(5) 16= 11+80=91 a6 = 75+16=91
Task D. Given a term in an arithmetic sequence and the
common difference find the first 7 terms.
1. a4= 20, d= 4 _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

2. a3= 14, d= 3 _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

3. a2= 11, d= 4 _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

4. a5= 29, d= 5 _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

Task D. Given a term in an arithmetic sequence and the
common difference find the first 7 terms.
1. a4= 20, d= 4 12 _____,
8 _____,
_____, 16 _____, 24 _____,
20 _____, 32
28 _____
an = a1 + (n -1) d a1 = 8
a4 = a1 + (4 -1) 4 a2 = 8 + 4 = 12
20 = a1 + (3) 4 a3 = 12 + 4 = 16
20 = a1 + 12 a4 = 16 + 4 = 20
a1 = 20 - 12 a5 = 20 + 4 = 24
a6 = 24 + 4 = 28
a1 = 8
a7 = 28 + 4 = 32
Task D. Given a term in an arithmetic sequence and the
common difference find the first 7 terms.
2. a3= 14, d= 3 8
_____, 11 _____,
_____, 14 _____, 20 _____,
17 _____, 26
23 _____
an = a1 + (n -1) d a1 = 8
a3 = a1 + (3 -1) 3 a2 = 8 + 3 = 11
14 = a1 + (2) 3 a3 = 11 + 3 = 14
14 = a1 + 6 a4 = 14 + 3 = 17
a1 = 14 - 6 a5 = 17 + 3 = 20
a6 = 20 + 3 = 23
a1 = 8
a7 = 23 + 3 = 26
Task D. Given a term in an arithmetic sequence and the
common difference find the first 7 terms.
3. a2= 11, d= 4 11 _____,
7 _____,
_____, 15 _____, 23_____,27_____31
19 ____,
an = a1 + (n -1) d a1 = 7
a2 = a1 + (2 -1) 4 a2 = 7 + 4 = 11
11 = a1 + (1) 4 a3 = 11 + 4 = 15
11 = a1 + 4 a4 = 15 + 4 = 19
a1 = 11 - 4 a5 = 19 + 4 = 23
a6 = 23 + 4 = 27
a1 = 7
a7 = 27 + 4 = 31
or 11 – 4 = 7
Task D. Given a term in an arithmetic sequence and the
common difference find the first 7 terms.
4. a5= 29, d= 5 9
_____, 14 _____,
_____, 19 _____, 29 _____,
24 ____, 39
34 _____
an = a1 + (n -1) d a1 = 9
a5 = a1 + (5 -1) 5 a2 = 9 + 5 = 14
29 = a1 + (4) 5 a3 = 14 + 5 = 19
29 = a1 + 20 a4 = 19 + 5 = 24
a1 = 29-20 a5 = 24 + 5 = 29
a6 = 29 + 5 = 34
a1 = 9
a7 = 34 + 5 = 39
Example: Find the nth term or the general term of each sequence.
1. 1, 4, 7, 10,..
Since the difference between 4 and 1 is 3, consider 3n, then substitute 1 for n as the first term, since
3(1)=3 and the first term given is 1 which is lesser than 3 by 2, subtract 2 from 3n.
Answer: an= 3n – 2
If the first difference between consecutive terms is d, then an= dn + c, where c may be either positive or
negative. Note that constant term, c, is given by c= first term – first difference.
2. 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27,…
The difference between each term is always 5, so the formula will be, a n= 5n + c.
The first term can be used to form an equation to determine c:
2= 5(1) +c
2= 5 + c
C= -3
So the formula will be, an= 5n -3.
 Task B. Determine the
Task A. Calculate the difference formula/ general term for
between the successive terms. each sequence in Task A.
4. an = 6 + (n-1)6
1. 1,6,11,16,… ____ an = 6 + 6n – 6
an = 6n

2. 2,4,6,8,10,… ____ 5. an = 5 + (n-1)3

an = 5 + 3n – 3
an = 3n + 2
3. 5,7,9,11,… ____
4. 6,12,18,24,… ____
5. 5,8,11,14,17,… ____
Task B. Determine the formula/ general term for each sequence in
Task A.
an= 5n-4 d=5
1. 1,6,11,16,…
an= 2n d=2
2. 2,4,6,8,…
3. 5,7,9,11,… an= 2n+3
4. 6,12,18,24,…an= 6n
5. 5,8,11,14,… a = 3n+2 d=3
Task C. Solve what is asked!
One number is missing from the following
sequence: 22, 31, 40, ___, 58, 67, 76.
a. What is the missing number? ____

b. Calculate the difference between successive terms. ____

c. Determine the general term/ formula that generates the

Task C. Solve what is asked!
One number is missing from the
sequence: 22, 31, 40, ___, 58, 67, 76.
a. What is the missing number? 49

b. Calculate the difference between successive terms. 9

c. Determine the general term/ formula that generates the

an= 9n+13
The term/s between any two
non-consecutive terms of an
arithmetic sequence.
Example: Insert 4 arithmetic
means between 5 and 25.
Example: Insert 4 arithmetic means between
5 and 25.
Solution: Since we are required to insert 4 terms, then there will
be 6 terms in all. Let a1 = 5 and a6 = 25
Get the common difference Find the arithmetic means:
an = a1 + (n-1) d an = a1 + (n-1) d
a2 = 5+ (2-1) 4 a3 = 5+ (3-1) 4 a4 = 5+ (4-1) 4
a6 = 5 + (6-1) d a4 = 5+ (3) 4
a2 = 5+ (1) 4 a3 = 5+ (2) 4
25 = 5 + 5d a2 = 5+ 4 a4 = 5+ 12
a3 = 5+ 8
25 - 5 = 5d or a2 =9 a4 = 17
a3 = 13
20 = 5d a5 = 5+ (5-1) 4
or a5 = 5+ (4) 4
d=4 d=4
a2 = 5+ 4 = 9 a5 = 5+ 16
a3 = 9 + 4 =13 a5 = 21

a4 = 13 + 4 = 17
a5 = 17 + 4 = 21
Therefore the 4 arithmetic means between 5 and 25 are 9, 13, 17, and 21.
More are missing!
Task A. Find the arithmetic mean of each sequence.

1. 7,___,____,28

2. 5, ___, ___, ___, 17

3. 1, ___, ___, ___,___, 16

4. 7, ___, ____, ____, ____, 27

5. 4, ___, ____, ____, ____, 54

1. 7,___,____,28
14 21
Solution: Since we are required to insert 2 terms, then there will
be 4 terms in all. Let a1 = 7 and a4 = 28

Get the common difference Find the arithmetic means:

an = a1 + (n-1) d an = a1 + (n-1) d
a4 = 7 + (4-1) d a2 =7+ (2-1) 7 a3 = 7+ (3-1) 7
a2 =7+ (1) 7 a3 = 7+ (2) 7
28 = 7+ 3d a2 = 7+ 7 a3 = 7+ 14
28 - 7 = 3d a2 = 14 a3 = 21
21= 3d or
a2 = 7 + 7 = 14
a3 = 14 + 7 = 21

Therefore the 2 arithmetic means between 7 and 28 are 14 and 21.

2. 5, ___,
8 ___,
11 ___,
14 17
Solution: Since we are required to insert 3 terms, then there will
be 5 terms in all. Let a1 = 5 and a5 = 17
Get the common difference Find the arithmetic means:
an = a1 + (n-1) d an = a1 + (n-1) d
a2 = 5+ (2-1) 3 a3 = 5+ (3-1) 3 a4 = 5+ (4-1) 3
a5 = 5 + (5-1) d a4 = 5+ (3) 3
a2 = 5+ (1) 3 a3 = 5+ (2) 3
17 = 5 + 4d a2 = 5+ 3 a4 = 5+ 9
a3 = 5+ 6
17 - 5 = 4d a2 =8 a4 = 14
a3 = 11
12 = 4d
d=3 or
a2 = 5+ 3 = 8
a3 = 8+ 3 =11
a4 = 11+ 3 = 14

Therefore the 3 arithmetic means between 5 and 17 are 8, 11, and 14.
3. 1, __,
4 __,
7 __,___,
10 13 16
Solution: Since we are required to insert 4 terms, then there will
be 6 terms in all. Let a1 = 1 and a6 = 16
Get the common difference Find the arithmetic means:
an = a1 + (n-1) d an = a1 + (n-1) d
a2 = 1+ (2-1) 3 a3 = 1+ (3-1) 3 a4 = 1+ (4-1) 3
a6 = 1 + (6-1) d a4 = 1+ (3) 3
a2 = 1+ (1) 3 a3 = 1+ (2) 3
16 = 1 + 5d a2 = 1+ 3 a4 = 1+ 9
a3 =1+ 6
16 - 1 = 5d a2 =4 a4 = 10
a3 =7
15= 5d a5 = 1+ (5-1) 3
or a5 = 1+ (4) 3
a2 = 1+ 3 = 4 a5 = 1+ 12
a3 = 4+ 3 =7 a5 = 13

a4 = 7+ 3= 10
a5 = 10+ 3 = 13
Therefore the 4 arithmetic means between 1 and 16 are 4, 7, 10, and 13.
4.7, ___,
11 ____,
15 ____,
19 ____,
23 27
Solution: Since we are required to insert 4 terms, then there will
be 6 terms in all. Let a1 =7 and a6 = 27

Get the common difference Find the arithmetic means:

an = a1 + (n-1) d an = a1 + (n-1) d
a2 = 7+ (2-1) 4 a3 = 7+ (3-1) 4 a4 = 7+ (4-1) 4
a6 = 7 + (6-1) d a4 = 7+ (3) 4
a2 = 7+ (1) 4 a3 = 7+ (2) 4
27 = 7+ 5d a2 = 7+ 4 a4 = 7+ 12
a3 = 7+ 8
27 - 7 = 5d a2 = 11 a4 = 19
a3 = 15
20 = 5d a5 = 7+ (5-1) 4
or a5 = 7+ (4) 4
a2 = 7 + 4 = 11 a5 = 7+ 16
a3 = 11+ 4 =15 a5 = 23

a4 = 15+ 4 = 19
a5 = 19+ 4 = 23
Therefore the 4 arithmetic means between 7 and 27 are 11, 15, 19, and 23.
5.4, ___,
14 ____,
24 ____,
34 ____,
44 54
Solution: Since we are required to insert 4 terms, then there will
be 6 terms in all. Let a = 4 and a = 54
1 6

Get the common difference Find the arithmetic means:

an = a1 + (n-1) d an = a1 + (n-1) d
a2 = 4+ (2-1) 10 a3 = 4+ (3-1) 10 a4 = 4+ (4-1) 10
a6 = 4 + (6-1) d a4 = 4+ (3) 10
a2 = 4+ (1) 10 a3 = 4+ (2) 10
54 = 4 + 5d a2 = 4+ 10 a4 = 4+ 30
a3 = 4+ 20
54 - 4 = 5d a2 = 14 a4 = 34
a3 = 24
50 = 5d a5 = 4+ (5-1) 10
or a5 = 4+ (4) 10
d = 10
a2 = 4+10=14 a5 = 4+ 40
a3 = 14+ 10 =24 a5 = 44

a4 = 24+ 10 = 34
a5 = 34+ 10 = 44
Therefore the 4 arithmetic means between 4 and 54 are14, 24, 34, and 44.

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